
Chapter 19 Type

As I woke up I asked in surprise "WHERE AM I?!?" In response to that I heard a mild monotonous response "In your room." 'Whew!' I sighed in relief in my mind. "So do I get a manual?" I asked as 02 said "Yes you got an almost perfect score since you tied with the ogre. It's name is: Purifier 100 Chains Release."

"Cool name." I said as I got out of my bed. "So where is it?" I asked. "On your bed." 02 said as a saw a small book at the foot of my bed. "Well last thing, what's the time?" I asked as I prepared to go down.

"It's the 27th September 8:30am." 02 said as I began to rush as I asked "Isn't the type thingy or what ever today?" "Yes if you go downstairs I can transport you to the type area." 02 said in response as I quickly rushed downstairs.

Less than a minute later I arrived in front of the living quarters and was immediately teleported. I arrived back at the dark abyss that I had entered when the true test of talent began. Surrounding me were my peers.

"Hmph! You're late." George said as he scowled at me. "Not my fault I did better than you in the weapon test." I said in response as he looked away, annoyed.

"Now that you're all here we may begin. According to your effort, talent, skill and technique you were assessed and gave the choice of certain types in your year category. Your year category represents a different world which your powers come from. There could be some people with the same category in different schools but in the same school there will always be 5 different categories. Your year category is One Piece a mystical world of pirates and adventure." 02 said as I became more and more excited.

'So this is my cheat.' I thought as I heard One Piece. Due to my prior knowledge of the show as long as it wasn't anything that Oda hadn't done in One Piece the learning curve would be much shorter for me.

02 soon finished (for once) saying "You may pick your type by saying "type list"."

Hearing this we all said in unison "Type List." Immediately a screen with a list of various types appeared. They all looked the same but 3 in particular stood out.


King Of The Sea

Pirate King

Fleet Admiral


The first one appeared in golden writing while the second was silver and the third bronze.

"Why do they appear like this?" I asked myself in confusion when suddenly I got a reply "They appear like this in regards to power and suitability. I would suggest going for the one which is most suitable for you."

I didn't question this voice after thinking about it for a moment and just picked Sea King. Another interface popped up to my surprise.


Type: King Of The Sea

Requirements: A+ Weapon Test, Rare Talent, B+ Weapon Technique, S Effort and S+ Will.

There can only be 1 King Of The Sea per planet. If 2 people were to meet the requirements then the one more suitable will obtain the type.

Advantages: Nullifies all weaknesses related to the sea, 2 times increase in all training permanent, provides the user the innate talent to lead along with Haoshoku haki and a Power called Will Of The Sea King which can only be used in dire situations but will leave the user bedridden for a substantial amount of time.

Additions Available: 3

Would you like to choose The King Of The Sea? Yes/No?


Seeing this I was shocked and was about to say yes when I wondered what additions were. "So what are additions?" I asked as 02 replied "Additions are the additional powers that can be added on top of the type. Such as implanting body parts which give you powers. If you go beyond the limit of 3 though your body would immediately explode."

'Hmm 3 are probably a lot I dont even know what other powers could be so I also need that training speed. Before I choose I should probably check out the other types.' I thought as I looked at the various other types.

To my surprise though they were all worse than King Of The Sea the only things they beat it on were very specific points. Such as a type called Haki Master it increase haki training speed by 3 times. But everything else was only above average and worse compared to King Of The Sea.

'But I cant help but be drawn to it for some reason.' I thought as I shook my head and went back to King Of The Sea. I picked it and there was an immediate reaction as I heard 02 " Two people have met the requirements and picked King Of The Sea. It is being contested between Maxwell Bishop and Cyril Reeds. Cyril Reeds fits the requirements more. King Of The Sea has been obtained by Cyril Reeds."

Hearing this I bubbled with excitement as I clenched my fist in joy. No one else had contested King Of The Sea and soon I had properly obtained it permanently.

Authors Note: Now before someone starts spouting some bs I made King Of The Sea up to give Cyril more of an edge and since I dont want people calling him a beta. This will also give me a fail safe to use for Cyril to win in the form of the "form". Anyway I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and at least some of your expectations were met. (by the way sorry for the late upload and not uploading yesterday.)

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