
Chapter 16: Basic Operations - Digging Pits

The initiation of compulsory education marked a temporary conclusion to Austria's internal reforms. The government's energy is limited; it's not possible to attend to every aspect at once.

Taking advantage of the great revolution of 1848, Austria's domestic reforms had already taken a significant step forward. Now was the time to solidify those successes.

After all, no reform can be completed by a single government decree; more often, policy implementation is key.

As the government officials busied themselves, Franz found his life much easier. In his view, the emperor could only have an easy time if the bureaucrats beneath him had work to do.

Whenever they had idle time, that's when problems arose. Either political strife within the government would intensify, or they would band together to try to wrest power from the emperor, or even do both simultaneously.

Belvedere Palace

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