

No one knew how it happened but the already pale Yoongi became much more paler.

He almost lost his strength and sat down heavily on the nearby chair in utter loss. Time passed and the only sound coming through were the screams and the ticking clock.

Jin and V arrived together with a reluctant Joon at their heels, their faces were painted with a mix of relief, happiness and worry.

Jin took one look at Yoongi and didn't waste anytime in going over to sit beside him holding one of his hands and rubbing his back gently.

Yoongi wanted to shout out and complain to the whole world that it was totally unfair. People got nine months to get used to it but all he got was just four, unbearably painful hours. He wanted to pull out his hairs in frustration and cry to his hyung about all this punishment nature was giving him when a nurse walked in with a beaming smile.

Nurse: who is the father?

Yoongi: (standing up unsteadily) m-me.

Nurse: congratulations your wife has given birth to a beautiful baby girl. You might come in and hold her now for a little while if you wish to.

Yoongi: S-Sure.

He followed the nurse quietly into the now quiet adjacent room.

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