
End of School Trip

While lamenting his own weakness, Elsha's voice suddenly resounded inside Issei's head. Elsha told him that for him to unlock his potential and to further unlock Ddraig's powers, he had to come to terms with his own self. With that, he would gain powers that he'd never imagined.

Taking out the pink orb, it let out a bright light and started summoning thousands of pink silhouettes. Those were the people whom it possessed in Kyoto for the last few days, and all of them were muttering 'Oppai' with an enlightened look on their faces.

Issei didn't know what was going on, and he was honestly taken aback by what was happening, but Elsha further explained that this was his potential.

Hearing that, Issei grimaced but he also couldn't deny it. Elsha then instructed Issei to call out to his personal 'Oppai'. Issei was hesitant at first, but after seeing his unconscious comrades, he came to terms with himself. He finally accepted the role of the 'Oppai Dragon'.

Using summoning magic which was derived from the Dragon Gate, Issei summoned Rias. What followed was the real birth of both the Oppai Dragon and the Switch Princess.

After poking Rias' nipples and sending her away, Ddraig's real power and aura were unlocked, and thanks to Ajuka's modification of his Evil Pieces, they immediately adapted to it. With this newfound power, it came instinctively to Issei on how to use it.

Using the power of a Bishop, Issei materialized two cannons behind his armor and called it Welsh Blaster. By gathering his Demonic Power, Issei shot out a blast comparable to the Longinus Smasher of his Juggernaut Drive.

The Hero Faction only had one response, and that was to dodge it. The blast of Demonic Power plowed the earth and erased one of the mountains in the distance. Its power was so incredible that Issei even warped the dimension.

Of course, Issei wasn't done yet. Using the power of a Knight, the cannons behind him became jetpacks and pieces of his armor fell off, which increased his speed to the point that he instantly reached Cao Cao and caught him off guard.

Cao Cao was still able to defend himself, but Issei used the power of a Rook and suddenly transformed once again as his armor, especially around his arms and legs, became bulky when his physical ability and defenses strengthened. And not just that, a part of his gauntlets became jet black as Ophis' power started emanating from them, which startled Cao Cao yet again.

Cao Cao tried to stab Issei with his Holy Spear. But this time, he could only scratch the surface of his armor. Shocked, Cao Cao took a hit from Issei's loaded punch and flew towards the ground. If not for the defense that his Holy Spear granted him, he would have died in an instant.

Too bad for Issei, those transformations took too much of his stamina. Especially the Rook form, which used Ophis' power.

While coughing blood, Cao Cao stood up. Because he still couldn't believe what just happened, he asked Issei, "Why are you using Ophis' power?"

"So that really was that loli's power? Looks like he gave me something unbelievable.", muttered Issei.

Cao Cao's comrades assisted him to stand up and he asked about the progress of the ritual. Georg answered that it was about time that Great Red took the bait.

As much as Issei wanted to continue fighting, he knew that he couldn't win if all of them started to attack him together. Aside from that, he also didn't know how they would be able to reverse the situation when Saji, in his Dragon King form, also started to lose his fight with the nine-tailed fox.

It was then that a rift, leading to the Dimensional Gap, opened, and Cao Cao immediately instructed Georg to prepare the summoning of the 'Dragon Eater'.

However, instead of Great Red, the one who appeared from the rift was one of the Dragon Kings, the Mischievous Yu-Long and along with him came the first generation Sun Wukong, the Monkey King.

Yu-Long had the appearance of a large green Asian Dragon while Sun Wukong had the figure of a primary school child (at least a meter tall). He was covered in golden fur while wearing a monk's cassock and had a wrinkled, creased face with black skin. He was also seen carrying a staff-like weapon, smoking a pipe, wearing shades with a cyber design and donning prayer beads on his forehead.

They were the help that Azazel called to deal with the Hero Faction. Using his skills, Sun Wukong was able to hijack Georg's magic and summoned himself along with Yu-Long.

With Yu-Long's help, the two Dragon Kings were able to restrain Yasaka easily, while Sun Wukong exchanged greetings with Cao Cao.

Siegfried tried to attack Sun Wukong but the elder defeated him with just a single move. A testament to his strength. But unlike what Issei was expecting, Sun Wukong only came here to give Cao Cao a warning and a punishment because he had gone too far.

Georg tried to eject Sun Wukong from the space of his Dimension Lost, but the Monkey King just shook it off with one of his techniques. While he distracted, Cao Cao tried to stab him with this Holy Spear, however, the spear that could penetrate almost anything, was stopped by a single finger of Sun Wukong, and it couldn't even draw blood from him.

Seeing that they'd already failed, Cao Cao ordered a retreat. However, Issei didn't like that they would get away like this, after what they had all done. So while Georg was preparing for their escape, Issei used the little energy he had left to materialize a blast cannon on his arm and aimed at Cao Cao.

Since it would be hard for even Sun Wukong to chase after them because of Dimension Lost, he instead assisted Issei by giving him enough power for one strong shot. This would also serve as Cao Cao's punishment.

Issei, similar to his Dragon Shot, controlled the trajectory of the small blast at the last minute which caught everyone from the Hero Faction off-guard and made it steer towards Cao Cao's right eye, destroying it.

If it was the situation where his arm was cut off but he was able to strike back, or the situation where Issei suddenly powered up and unexpectedly used Ophis' power, Cao Cao could have accepted it. However, a 'small' attack from Issei that he could have easily dodged or blocked, destroying his right eye, had scarred his pride.

In a rage, Cao Cao tried to use the Balance Breaker of his Longinus, 'Truth Idea', but he was stopped by his comrades as it was too early for him. Thanks to their reminders, Cao Cao was able to calm down a bit. But before they left, he asked Issei to become stronger so that the achievement for defeating the Red Dragon Emperor wouldn't be meaningless.

Once they left, everyone from the Hero Faction who was battling the Tri-Faction Alliance all around Kyoto also retreated.

Thanks to the Great Sage's help, they were able to return Yasaka to normal. With that, their suspenseful Kyoto school trip came to an end.





28th00: Ah, he's integrating Ophis' power really early, huh? Is he gonna get Diablos Dragon mode early? That'd be wild yo. He technically has the direct requirement of Phis-Chama's blessing, even if indirectly. Ophis would approve, if only because it'd be cool. She's been hanging out with Serafall a lot, so she's definitely gonna pick up her anime habits early! Kisuke would totally have started her on that path, Serfall would try and make her go Magical Girl. Mecha Magical Girl Phis-chama~! She'd totally do it. She knows how to fix broken stuff already! She's growing up so fast!

Alexander: I swear, that monkey is the laziest ever.

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