
Character List

* Alana Hales

The second incarnation of Alexis Crevan born October 3, 1976. Her soul was placed in the incorrect body by Life and fell into the hands of Death who took a liking to it. She has a love for all knowledge, a grudge against Death and a hatred for black-and-white thinking. Has an owl named Auxillium.

Childhood Characters:

* Johnathon Hales

Alana's drunkard father who is exceptionally bright but suffers severe social anxiety.

* Katherine Hales

Alana's mother who developed a drug addiction at an early age. Her unplanned pregnancy only worsened her state.

* Jake Matthews

Alana Hales' first and closest childhood friend. A high-performing student, loyal friend and well-behaved son.

* Christian Matthews

Jake Matthews father and ex-karate sensei. He frequently goes on monthly business trips but still finds the time to teach his beloved son. His wife divorced him some years ago.

Underground Contacts:

* Roul Cruz

A veteran wand for hire and jack of trades. Be it theft, sabotage, murder or counselling this mercenary is your man.

* Greyson Harper

An untrusting American who had his life-savings stolen and resorted to thieving to pay the bills. The young man has a gift in the art of forgery and curse breaking

* Raymond

Possibly Britain's most skilled wand for hire. This werewolf has the uncanny ability to recognise any disguised person. He had grey eyes, dark hair and a muscular build.

* Lilith Bathery

A blond haired, blue eyed veela. Or is she? This espionage specialist makes a killing selling information as well as stolen goods. It's best not to trust her even if you have a knife to her neck.

* Willow

A seemingly permanent fixture at Harkey's, this barmaid enjoys watching Alana make a fool of herself.

* Jomana

A muggle arms dealer and smuggler operating around the Mediterranean Sea. She's as sharp as the knives she sells and just as deadly.


* Vincent de Azrael

A many centuries-old vampire that has taken a liking to Alana's blood.

* Marius Mardare

A vampire sired by Vincent de Azrael many years ago. He separated from the man to join a coven in Romania as a lower member and has the appearance of a nineteen year old.

* Rienne

One of the vampires making up the council of the Apuseni coven in Romania. She is a skilled fighter famed for ripping her victims in half when angered.

* Otavio Russo

A slim, sharp featured and rather serious Italian vampire with an interest in politics and creature relations. He was recently selected to establish a new coven in Britain.

* Francisco & Maria Alvarez

The social butterfly twins of Spain. Known for their extravagant parties and sexual deviancy. When you get old, you go to extreme lengths for entertainment.

* Charon Beaulieu

A Greek vampire-wizard and potions master based in France. He gets around.

Upper Class:

* John Dawlish

A capable, tough-looking wizard willing to go to morally-questionable lengths to fulfil his job as an auror. He is level-headed and fearless during conflicts but susceptible to the confundus charm and mind arts.

* Petyr Gillen

A half-blood businessman who worked his way up the ministry with charming smiles and ruthless political manoeuvring. The only thing that stands between him and a Lordship in Lord Malfoy but he is in no hurry. He has always been one to enjoy the game more than the win.

* Malfoy

The richest pureblood family in Britain after the incarcerated Blacks. They currently lead the opposition to Dumbledore's political party. The main family members consisting of Lady Narcissa Malfoy (previously Black), Lord Lucius Malfoy and Heir Draco Malfoy.


A tight-knit pureblood family and leading support for the pro-neutral alliance. The family consists of Lord Gareth Greengrass, Lady Elanor Greengrass, Heir Daphne Greengrass and Astoria Greengrass.


* Charlotte Winters (R)

A purple-eyed brunette with a slim build and love of charms and runes. Her parents are both purebloods involved in the fur trade though not of the sacred twenty-eight.

* Lola Pierce (H)

A blue-eyed, blond witch in Hufflepuff with a love of history despite having professor Binns as a teacher. She does not qualify as a pureblood despite both parents being wizards.

* Leoen Volkov (R)

Leoen is the youngest of two children with no obvious feelings toward his family's profession. Most steer clear of the boy due to his brother and family's reputation. The Volkov are a renowned family of hunters in Russia though they are hired internationally at times by various ministries. Has a messenger owl named Zayla.

* Lucian Bole (S)

A blonde Slytherin from a branch of the Malfoy family. He is terrified of Leoen and finds muggle-borns dirty as they don't use grooming spells. He is best friends with Peregrine Derrick.

* Terrence Bagnold (R)

The King of the Nest during Alana's first two years and an inspiring public speaker much like his aunt Millicent Bagnold, the predecessor of Minister Cornelius Fudge. His sense of humour is lacking.


*The Nest

Lead by Esme Reed, this network of hags was established by Alana Hales whilst looking for a job.

* Gaia

The cosmic force which perpetuates change in the cosmos. Responsible for the creation and destruction of universes as well as immortal souls.

* Death

The high tier deity who reaps the souls of the dead. Known for his less friendly creations and tendency to play with the souls he reaps, Death is almost always accompanied by an entourage of Chaos, Pain and Decay.

* Life

Another high tier deity known for their expertise in the creation of soul containers and most species of nature. Generally taciturn in nature, Life is also responsible for placing the souls of Gaia's children in their correct worlds.

* Fate

A powerful deity with a habit of rolling dice. She identifies as a female and has a penchant for gambling. Fate considers herself superior to Life and Death but keeps her views quiet. She finds Alana disappointing.

* Merlot

One of Gaia's children crafted with an immortal soul and bonded to Life. He died at an old age in his first life and appears as an old man in Gaia's sanctuary.

What a list 0.0 So long... So very long...

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