
Chapter 98 - Mutants Part 2

"Let's move on with the lesson," Acheron said,

"Type-B mutants are the ones most commonly known as Demi-humans."

A hologram of a white werewolf howling in the night was playing right in front of them.

"I classify Type-B's as those that possess or received a physiological change to their otherwise human bodies. This includes the werebeasts such as the weretigers and werewolves. Vampires also find themselves into this category mainly due to the changes to their cardiovascular, digestive, and nervous system, even though they appear just like regular folk, except for the red eyes, of course.

Type-B's like Lamias, Minotaurs, Nagas, Centaurs are the most common form of 'demi-human' as they possess animalistic characteristics. Which brings us to the biggest difference between a Type-A and a Type-B… Type-B's will almost always pass down their mutations to the next generation.

Now, this means that a Type-B will give birth to another Type-B either stronger, weaker, or the same strength as the previous generation. Type-A's have a chance of 49% to give birth to another Type-A but just as likely give birth to a regular human, a small chance of 2% to give birth to a Type-B. The chances of a regular human giving birth to a Type-B is less than 1%. That also means that their offspring won't necessarily have the same powers as them. For example, a strong telepath and a pyrokinetic could give birth to someone with super strength or an extremely small chance of a new werewolf race."

The hologram changed to show an Arachne. The upper half was that of a beautiful woman, long black hair, hardly covered voluptuous chest and slim yet firmly toned waist. Her face had 8 eyes, 2 normal sized eyes where it would normally go on a human and 3 others just above the other forming a triangle between the eye and the temples.

"Those that are new generation Type-B's are extremely rare, as I said before, but will be the strongest of the race. They are called 'The Primes' or the 'Originators'. Arachne, Daughter of Idmon, was the first of her kind. I met her, by the way, a real gentle girl, she told me that her 'curse' suddenly appeared one day. The same thing with Thalia and Vlad Dracul, The Primes of the vampire race, Thalia told me that one day after a bloody fight their bodies started to change."

Acheron continued to pace back in forth as he spoke his theories and conclusions.

"I concluded 'Primes' received some sort of external influence or trigger that activated their hidden 'X-gene'. My theory was eventually proven right as I had the technology to study genetics 200 years later. In conclusion, Type-A's are born with powers while Type-B's are either born from Type-B's or triggered from regular humans"

Pausing for a second, Acheron looked at Rose's face who seemed a little pale.

'Does that mean I can get kicked by a horse and then turn into a Centaur?!' Rose thought to herself panic-stricken.

"That's right Rose, its not impossible, just improbable," Acheron said as if reading Rose's mind.

"Anyway, the last type of mutant and most recognizable of all are the Type-C's or 'Monsters' as most people know them as. Type-C's are purely mutated animals. Most famous examples would be; Moby Dick, a Whale with human-like intelligence. The Lochness Monster who mutated itself back from extinction. Cerberus was the size of the house while all the heads had different personalities. And the most hidden and most dangerous of all… the All-Ants. Werehumans also fall into the Type-C category as they were once animals that can turn into Humans, the Lycans being the most common example as they are wolves that can turn into humans.

Werehumans are different from werebeasts as they age slower and take longer to mature. I estimate that for every 3 years that pass they mature one human year, and most can't turn into humans until they between 10 to 13 years old. So, if a ten-year-old Lycan joins a human school, the pup has technically lived for 30 years already and since they don't fully mature until they are 18, or their case 54, they are often impulsive and wild, Alpha dogs, some might say. I think kids their age call them 'Jocks'. That's another reason why they only join high schools since everyone is hormonal at this stage of life."

That last sentence cause a round of laughter, Acheron wasn't sure what was funny, but he continued.

"Ok, that's all the main points I wanted to get across… Any questions?" Acheron asked as the holograms slowly faded away.

"Ooh, Daddy! Pick me!" Hela exclaimed as she raised her hand in the air.

"Yes, Hela?" Acheron said as he pointed at Hela.

"What really happened to Arachne, did she die as the mythology says?" Hela asked,

"Mythology says that Arachne killed herself and in turn transformed into a spider… that is not true. As Arachne lived her life as the first of her race, the spider half slowly warped her personality turning a sweet girl that loved to weave into a sadistic serial rapist that hunted men down for their seed and then killed them. For some reason, she weaved my image into a banner and was passed it down to her future generations…. Now all Arachne know my face, so I tend to stay away from them." Acheron explained,

"Any more questions?"

Rose put her hand in the air.

"What type of mutant do you belong to, Acheron-sama?" Rose asked,

Acheron rubbed his chin in contemplation.

"All of them I guess… In my base form, like I am now before I evolved the first time, I would be categorized as a 'Super', as I was only "immortal" with a little bit of extra strength. But now?... I fall under all of them. People tend to think I just mimic other's powers but what I really do is take everything about their powers, even their connection to the cosmic energy. So, when I turn solely into a werewolf, I truly am a werewolf, all the way down to the atomic and genetic level. If I turn into a Lycan, genetically, I am a wolf that can turn into a human.

I receive their strengths, their weaknesses, their preferences, and their dislikes. I feel hunger, get tired and need sleep but once I return to the real me, this form, all of that is gone, I am back to being just "immortal""

"So why is that the Japanese Naga and the Lamia are so similar yet appeared at different times?" asked Athena.

"The biggest difference between a Naga and a Lamia is their difference between their bodies. Nagas can be born either male or female while the Lamias are strictly all female. Also, Nagas can procreate among each other like the majority of demi-humans but Lamias need human males to procreate. Even Lamias themselves are a kind of subspecies as the Gorgons came first and are far more powerful than the Lamias. You can almost say that Lamias are the weaker version of Gorgons since Lamias could turn into Gorgons if they become strong enough and evolve. Another big difference is that the percent of their snake physiology and human physiology differs between each one, while Lamias are always half snake and half woman.

The reason similar monsters appear between different kinds of mythologies are either someone mutated into similar species or a similar species moved in that region and after several generations, the mutations diverge from the original and adapted to the new environment, similar to how humans and animals adapted to environments over the millenniums"

Acheron clapped his hands, signaling the end of his lecture. Before he left, he turned to Hela and asked,

"Hela? Were you able to create what I asked for tomorrow?" Asked Acheron.

Hela flashed an evil smile before responding,

"Yes, Daddy! It should all be ready by tomorrow morning~"

Acheron returned the smile with an even eviler one,

"That's good to hear, my daughter… kukukuku"

The other girls dispersed before they were dragged into Acheron's and Hela's evil schemes, leaving both of them together as their creepy laughter echoed through the halls.


Papa Ainz The Bone Daddy's Announcements:

1) I apologize for the filler chapters and lack of action but these chapters set things up for what is to come in the future.

2)A big thank you to Jacob Hixson for becoming a Patron, I really appreciate it!

3) There will be a poll coming up to decide my upcoming flashback chapter. You can vote either here in the comments and/or my discord. it will also be on my Patre*n for my patrons.

Don't forget to give me your power stones!

Thank you all for the support!




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