
Revenge Seeker!

The days continued to pass by, eventually, the ship Kayn had set to autopilot had arrived. Kayn made sure to check the ship every day to make sure nothing happened to it on its way here. Gine and Bardock weren't on guard because Kayn had told them about this beforehand.

Looking at the ship's exterior and interior, they could easily see that this was a Frieza starship! Kayn left out the part with him causing mayhem to Frieza's forces, so he explained this to them.

Bardock and Gine were looking at Kayn strangely, but Bardock grinned afterward, stating that he wanted to do the same thing. Bardock was extremely eager to kill Frieza more than anyone, and so was Gine. These 2 were the witnesses of Frieza's deed on that day, so who could hate Frieza more than them?

Kayn collected tons of wood and the pad on the ship. After which, he headed toward the Gravity Snow Zone. Kayn had to raise his base power level through training, but he also wanted to become SS2.

However, even if he went SS2 now, he wouldn't be a match for someone like Cell. But Kayn's strength would have long improved by the time he fought Cell. He also wasn't worried because he wouldn't allow Cell to reach Perfection.

To raise his S-Cell faster, he needed to train and stay in his Super Saiyan form. After going to the artic, he quickly built his cabin but added insolation and a heat generator this time around. Since he had to train as a Super Saiyan, it was a matter of time before his parents found out.

In the next moment, he pulled out some equipment and started his training. The good thing about this suit was that it kept him warm. "This suit is indeed heavy, it should be good for my training in this area."

The training process was painful, but it would sew good results. Kayn just started his training and yet he could feel his strength rising! His base form was getting stronger so quickly, it was going up by the hundreds of thousands. It could be imagined if he was a full Ancient Saiyan, perhaps he would have immediately hit quintillion!

Kayn informed Bardock and Gine that he would be training personally in a harsh area. However, if they wanted to visit him, they could just take the pad around the house. Kayn started to practice Ki Control more, this time he wanted to create weapons.

At first, he mainly punched people to death but with a Ki Weapon in his hand; killing would be much simpler against even strong opponents. Kayn trained daily and saw a great improvement in himself.

The first set of training was in his base form, which started rising fast in strength. Once he was done with this type of training, he wanted to start transformation training.

Kayn's parents came by every so often during these times. Bardock was always amazed by the Teleportation Pads. Kayn only told them that he stole them from one of Frieza's planets during his campaign.

Bardock and Gine trained together over the months. The couple had also seen great results from their training regiment. Bardock only started training when he Learned Ki Control, so it took a little more time for him to truly begin.

Sadly for him, Gine was ahead of him at this point. Bardock didn't care about this; he didn't think he would fall behind too much. Kayn left them equipment to train with, he only warned them to train with these tools one at a time.

As much as Kayn wanted to train every day, he couldn't. He had to take a day off or even a week off, as a normal person should. Kayn's training was private to him for now, but this was mainly because he didn't like being watched.

Kayn's S-Cell grew quicker compared to before. His nature wasn't particularly bad, but it wasn't that good either. However, if Kayn had to rate himself in this way, he would say that he's more good than bad or just a good person.

Bardock, Kayn, and Gine lived normally on the planet. Kayn was against them making any kids if they had any idea to do so. He wished this system sold 'protection' for them because he didn't want any unexpected siblings appearing.

Bardock laughed and looked at Gine who was blushing, how could Kayn talk like that? Gine scolded him, but this was only Giving Bardock ideas as he looked over Gine. Of course, they were married, so if they wanted to have kids, who could stop them?

Kayn sighed and went on with his business, his base form had jumped into the Billions. Even though it was 25% of the Ancient Bloodline; the billions were nothing to it. At this point, he could defeat Cell even if he became 'Perfect Cell'.

Of course, training had its limits, he needed to fight as well to stimulate his strength further. As much as an idiot Goku was, even he knew this fact. Kayn trained his base form for a year, so he was far stronger than before.

Now, he started another set of training, and this was his Super Saiyan form. However, he had accumulated a lot of S-Cell from training his base form alone.

Kayn added weight to the suit he used before; for this training set-up. He was already close to Super Saiyan 2, but now he was eager to get the rest of this Bloodline. Kayn had to consume a large amount of food these days due to his training.

Gine and Bardock hunted every day! The animals in the forest even started to recognize these two as evil beings they had run from no matter what. Some of these animals were strange, as some of them could even teleport away in order to escape a hostile.

They both just settle for fishing since it was much easier. Fish were easy to catch, this was mainly so for the large fish that believed Gine and Bardock to be easy pickings.

Gine and Bardock had grown much better at Ki Senses, so they could now feel Kayn from far away. On Kayn's last month of training, he became a Super Saiyan 2, but Gine and Bardock felt his horrible strength from afar.

"W-what the hell!" Bardock looked straight ahead as he was sensing all of this. Gine was silent, she was told earlier on about this.

"How can he get that strong?" Bardock said, "We should be able to kill Frieza once and for all with this!" Bardock grinned coldly, he strongly awaited the Death of Frieza.

2 solid years had already gone by at this point, with Kayn nearing the age of 20! In the meantime, Kayn had grown used to and resistant against the cold. "Sigh, it's so boring training all the time, I need to do something other than this."

Kayn didn't like the train all the time, but it was mandatory for improvement. No matter what, he would always advance faster than anything or one if he fought instead. Afterward, he put up the training equipment which sweaty.

Kayn walked over to his bed and dove onto it, falling asleep.


Elsewhere on the planet.

"Bardock, I want to head to that planet to handle some unfinished business." Gine thought for a moment and said.

"That Planet? What are you talking about?" Bardock looked over in confusion.

"The one I told you about, the place they enslaved me. I have to go there and finish the job by getting rid of all these people, even their King." Gine was actually going this far, she got angry when she recalled her days as a slave.

"Hahaha! I like it, let's go! We'll get rid of all of them, we won't leave one alive." Bardock grinned. He was waiting for this type of action anyway and this was the best way to get it.

Gine frowned. "We're different now, we don't have to go around causing genocide, I just want to go there and kill the enslavers." Gine also wanted to give the planet to the people who were once enslaved.

Kayn had explained to her back at King Kai's planet that she had too much evil karma on her. She could only be redeemed by doing good deeds or her only fate after death was hell. However, she was immortal so she wouldn't have to worry about dying unless a God of Destruction came by and ended her.

But when a God of Destruction killed you with [Destroy], they would also vanquish your soul along with your body.

"Of course, we don't do that anymore, I just thought the Planet was all apart of it." Bardock corrected himself, he was also aware of the whole hell situation and why he went there. He knew this already anyway, he was sentenced by King Yemma at that time, after all.

"We should tell Kayn first, then we'll leave soon after. His strength has lowered, he must be asleep or something." They knew Kayn was training like a maniac, so when his power decreased, it only meant he was out.

"Then we'll wait for him tomorrow, he'll definitely be out for the whole day." Bardock closed his eyes with his arms folded.

Gine did a few stretches before heading outside to clean herself in the waterfall lake. The night time passed and the morning started to set in.

Kayn woke up and got out of his bed, he also stretched before walking through the warping pad. Gine was cooking eggs she had stolen from some turkey nest, she even killed the parent turkeys of the eggs.

"Oh, you're finally back, we have something to tell you really quick." As soon as Kayn walked through the door she spoke.

Kayn gave an 'Oh' before taking a seat at the table where Bardock currently was. Bardock just sat there with his head tilting downward and his eyes closed; his arms folded like he was meditating.

"Today, me and Bardock will head over to that planet where I was held as a slave. We will liberate the people there and get rid of the enslavers." Gine looked into Kayn's eyes and spoke resolutely.

"Okay, I guess you guys need the experience, you need a real fight." As they were now, Killing the King of that Planet wouldn't be a problem. Kayn didn't want to starve them out of fighting or make it seem like he was locking them down.

"You guys can take the Space Ship on your way there, but make sure you leave no enslavers alive." Kayn said.

"Hehe, that won't be a problem, I heard those idiots are still relying on Scouters. They won't see what is coming, they look down on us and they'll die without knowing how."

Bardock was very experienced and could definitely outwit most people on the same combat level. He had been underestimated many times in his life, so he knew how most people thought in certain fighting scenarios.

"That's good. If you guys don't come back within a certain timeframe, I'll have to go looking for you."

"Hmm, how long would it take to get there and back?" Gine wasn't sure about the time frame, but if they used the fast starship, it should reduce the time.

"I don't know, we'll check after we eat some breakfast, I'm starving." The only thing that could count as breakfast on the table was the eggs, and maybe the vegetables.

They ate eggs, vegetables, turkey, with some berry juice on the side as a beverage. These turkeys were bigger than usual, at that, it was 2 of them. As big as they were, they didn't last under everyone's assault.

After a refreshing breakfast, they went over to the starship. The ship was slightly smaller than Frieza's, Kayn only assumed it was a back up for him. After running some scans when he was trying to learn about the ship, he found that the ship wasn't being tracked.

Even though they hadn't checked how long it would take to reach their destination and back, Gine and Bardock were still loading food onto the ship. Kayn, on the other hand, was checking all of this and found that it would take 4 months to get there. The time was the same if they were on their way back, so it was a total of 8 months.

Before leaving, Kayn, Gine, and Bardock went hunting. They mainly focused on hunting in the water for food since fish were the easiest to catch. After hours of hunting on land and in water, he loaded gallons of freshwater up for them on the ship.

Kayn showed Gine and Bardock the basics on how to use the ship. This took more time since they didn't know how to pilot this type of spacecraft. After some explanations, he only set the ship to autopilot.

All Gine and Bardock had to do was hit the recall button when they were both ready to leave the planet and come back. Kayn was thinking of putting one of the pads on the ship, but he was afraid that a hostile might destroy the ship and the pad with it.

"Be careful and never underestimate the opponent." After that, they were both ready to head out.

Bardock never looked down on his opponent and was always serious, but what about Gine?

"I'll fight seriously, I won't underestimate these guys." Gine knew how these scum ran things, so she was well prepared.

The ship ascended into the air before shooting into space, disappearing.

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