
Day Incineration Tower

"Why do you know this? You are obviously only a servant of the younger brother." Zi Yan stared at Wu Fang coldly. "Or, are you full of lies?"

Wu Fang's hands clasped his chest and looked calmly at the purple scorpion.

"The old man doesn't know my identity, you must be a liar!"

The whistling sound fell, and Zi Yan pinched his fist and waved at Wu Fang. "The liar is going to be punished!"

The fierce wind rubbed against the air, and the fist containing the horror energy was smashed on Wu Fang, and was solved by an invisible force.

"how come…"

Zi Yan took back his fist and stared at Wu Fang, and did not believe in evil again.

However, it was resolved again.

"Little girl, don't make trouble, the seniors are not offensive." Xiao Yan stepped forward and kept Wu Fang behind him.

"Xiao Yan, since she thought about the move, you will accompany her to practice." Wu has no expression.

"Predecessors, then we are not exposed? Once exposed, how to implement the next step?" Xiao Yan hesitated.

"Do not worry, this girl will not only expose us, she is still a good opportunity." Wu Fang's mouth with confidence, "With her, you can change the original plan."

Although Xiao Yan did not understand Wu Fang's thoughts, he did it, and he took up Vajray Bodhi, and his right hand took a trick, and a group of blue fire lotuses appeared in the palm of his hand.

"Hey, although you have a super s potential value, but it is just a six-star fighter, it depends on you..."

The purple singer said that half of her expression suddenly changed, because she felt a violent breath that made her jealous from the fire lotus that was rotating at high speed.

"Teacher, you are not simple!" Purple eyebrows, a layer of purple light appeared on the surface of the fist, each time a step, purple busy will be strong. In the palm of Xiao Yan's palm, the small fist has been dazzling like a round of the narrow sun.


The fists of the palms collided, and the red and purple colors were intertwined. The afterglow of the overflowing smashed the ground bluestone bricks and flew around.

In the roar of the deafening, the two figures retreated two steps at the same time.

"Little girl, are you okay?" Xiao Yan stabilized his body shape and squinted at the purple eyes as he was concerned about the fist that had been burnt by the iron.

"It's okay, I am the descendant of Warcraft Supreme God Dragon King!"

Zi Yan's right hand was sneaked on the back, but the little face was full of reluctance. Unconsciously, she has already recognized her identity as a tyrannical dragon. As for the strength of this 'teacher', her heart is rolling, not only does not have the advantage in power, but also burned.

"Who are you? What is the purpose of coming to the Kalan College?" Zi Yan asked.

Although she is young, she is not stupid. Although this younger brother only has the six-star cultivator, but the strength is not weaker than her; the soul body in the ring is not a simple item at first glance; and the seemingly ordinary person who is called a predecessor at the bottom.

"Little girl, do you want to know where the Taikoo dragon is? Do you want to know where your parents are?" Wu Fangmei smiled.

"What do you want to express?" Zi Yan raised his ears and continued to wait for Wu's words.

"We will only stay for one or two days at Jialan College. We need your cooperation during this time." Wu Fang said lightly.

"There is something you want in the academy?" Ziyan asked tentatively.

"Not bad." Wu Fang nodded slightly. "There is a group of different fires in the magma at the bottom of the gas-burning gas tower. The four-sided degraded heart disease on the fire list is the purpose of our trip."

"Is it different? It's no wonder that the fire in the tower is so rich." The purple scorpion is a little strange, and the eyeballs turn. "If you want me to take you into the sky to burn the gas tower, you may be disappointed. The day burning gas tower may not allow The disciples of the outer court entered."

"This doesn't require you to worry about it." Wu Fang smiled. "Asked so much, should you give me the answer?"

"I am willing to cooperate." Zi Yan pondered a moment of lip movements, finding a parent is her only obsession, even if it would do something that would harm the interests of the school.

"Very good." Wu Fang patted the palm of his hand. His initial plan was to let Xiao Yan challenge the foreigner to be the first in the field and become a disciple of the inner court. Then he would do the task of the college to get the fire energy point and enter the sky burning tower. . Unexpectedly, thousands of feet directly sent them to the purple scorpion, which had a special status, which saved them from the high-profile challenge list.

"When are you going to go to the sky to burn the gas tower?" Zi Yan looked at Wu Fang.

"Now." Wu Fang laughed.

"What? So urgent!" Zi Yan slightly opened his mouth. "As you are, even the inner court will not let in."

"Can this be done?" Under the eyes of Zi Yan, Wu Fang turned into a flame, and the flame continued to compress until a fist-sized black gold fireball was drilled into the cuffs of the purple.

Xiao Yan was a glimpse, and then learned a lot. Although it also became a fist-sized fireball, its color was blue-red.


Looking at the two small fireballs in the cuffs, the purple eyes were wide-eyed, and the expression was astonished as if they saw the ghost.

"Don't worry, let's go."

Under the call of Wu Fang, Zi Yan returned to the gods and blew a whistle. In a short while, a three-meter-long vulture fell from the sky.

The inner courtyard of the Kalan College is not on the Kalan Mountain, but in a forest in the back mountain, and there is an enchantment seal, the outsiders do not say that the entrance to the border can not be found.


"That is the day to burn the gas tower."

When I came to the inner court, Zi Yan explored the small finger to the front, pointing to a valley of depression. In the middle of the valley, a very large black tower is buried deep underground, only a spire and a dark entrance are exposed on the ground.

"It really is the tower buried underground." Seeing this extremely weird scene with his own eyes, Wu Fang's heart still had a wave of ripples.

"Predecessors, is the heart disease at the bottom of the tower?" Xiao Yan's gaze moved from the sky-burning gas tower to Wu Fang's body.

"Don't worry, you can see it later." Wu Fang continued to maintain the shape of the fireball.

At this moment, there is a group of students standing in an orderly square in front of the gas-burning tower. One seems to be waiting for something.


Suddenly, the ancient bells swayed from the air. With the sound of Zhong Rong, the originally quiet atmosphere was noisy. A group of students swayed their hands and couldn't wait to rush to the door of the Burning Tower.

"Order into the tower!"

An old voice came out of the tower. The next moment, the closed black door "嘎吱嘎吱" slowly opened, and a faint blazing sensation permeated, so that the temperature of the heaven and earth rose slightly.

"I will take you in!"

The purple scorpion moves in the footsteps, only to hear the sound of the wind breaking, and its figure is like an arrow from the string to the tower door.

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