

Carston put away his handkerchief after cleaning the gravestone, making sure that there wasn't a single speck of dust covering it. He wiped off his tear which had managed to escape his eyes, with the back of his free hand.

He glanced at his wrist watch to check the time before standing up back on his feet. His eyes fell on the adjacent stone, a bitter smile embracing his thin lips. 

'You brat! Weren't you satisfied with spending all those years with her? You even had to take her with you in the after life.' 

He began to walk away from the two graves, his steps tracking the same path he had come. As he was about to exit the graveyard, his eyes fell on the graveyard keeper who was busy tending to one of the graves a few feet away from him. He called out to him as he began to look for something inside his pockets. 

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