
Melt down (137)

Puissance Entreprise was now back on track and making the shareholder money. Zane could now go home on time and take time for his beauty.


He was working in his office at the company when the biggest project hit a major problem. Everything was falling apart and they would lose billions of dollars.

He ended up working for three days non stop to save it. He had almost destroyed his office and fired a few people to ease his anger.

When Josh brought him a clean suit and breakfast he looked like a beast.

"Zane go home and rest. I'll call if anything more happens." Josh said.

"I need to see Bella, do you know how she is?" He asked.

"I did not see her at the penthouse the last three days. Is she at the mansion?" he said.

"I'll check but she shouldn't be. She has classes now."

He tried calling Bella with no answer. He then called David and he said he had not seen her since sunday lunch which was strange because she missed two of his classes.

Zane went to the penthouse but there was no sign of Bella. He then went to the mansion and when he walked into the rose room everything was smashed. His beauty lay on the floor blood pooling around her book lay open next to her coveredin blood.

He yells and scoped her up. "You found me my beast. I now can die in peace."

"Beauty don't leave me, I love you, don't leave me."

"Wake up" Bella shook Zane as hard as she could. He was soaked in sweat. "Wake up"

Zane sat straight up. "Don't leave me"

"I'm here, I'm not going anywhere." she said.

Zane looked around he was in bed, He pulled Bella into his lap and hugged her.

"Let's take a shower, then you can tell me what this is all about."

Bella pulled him in and washed him up. Changed his cloths. He sat down on the loveseat in their room as Bella changed the sheets.

"Now what is this all about?" She asked.

He told her of his dream. About the rose room and her dying. He got up and pulled her close. "Lets get married. We won't tell anyone so we can still do the big wedding my mother wants but Bella I'm afraid of losing you."

"My dear beast, I am not going anywhere. However if it will make you happy then yes we can get married. I only have one class on Mondays so we can do it then." She kissed him then pulled him back to bed. "I need sleep now I have three classes today."

Zane laid back down. He could not get the feeling out of his stomach. Something bad was coming and he had to protect Bella at all cost. But what was it. What was the dream trying to tell him.

The next day one of the smaller project were in trouble but it did not take much effort to fix things.

Josh put in his two week notice because they got the green light on the adoption and they were set to go to family court next week. He assured Zane he would find a great replacement.

When Jillian Hillman walked in for an interview it was everything Josh was hoping for. She was one of the top Assistants in the country. She was wanting to move here to be closer to her grandmother who raised her.

He hired her and started her training.

She caught on quickly and seemed to get along with Zane.

Monday came and at lunch Zane was getting ready to leave the office. "I will be gone a couple of hours. Hold all my calls till then." He told Jillian.

Jillian said, "Ok, where are you going?"

"That is none of your concern." he said.

He then picked Bella up and they headed to the court house. It did not take long for them to marry and he made sure that it would not be published in the paper.

He then took his wife to Lunch and dropped her off before heading back to work.

Jillian greeted him as he walked in and handed him some messages.

Zane made a call to one of the overseas projects to find out the permits did not go through. They would need to pay a big fine before proceeding.

The beast was out again. Jillian contact Josh ,because he had the day off, to see what needed to be done.

"What ever you do only rely as 'Yes sir' 'No sir', and 'right away sir' if you don't want to be fired."

Jillian did not want to be fired because she had a plan to become Mrs. Heart.

She did what Josh had said and watched as Zane became the Beast throwing things and giving orders.

When it was five o'clock there was still many things needing to be done but he had promised himself Bella would always come first.

When he called she said not to worry that she understood. She also would bring him dinner at seven.

Julian brought Zane all of the documents that he had asked for and then she ordered dinner for the 2 of them. It arrived about 6:30 so she prepared it with something special then walked in.

"Here's your dinner Mr. Hart", she said.

Zane was puzzled on why Bella didn't stay, he figured that she would stay and eat dinner with him; but the maybe she was thinking of last time he lost control and thought it would be best to give him some space. He then didn't think much of it he sat down to eat his food.

Jillian grinned with a big smile. It didn't take long before Zane was feeling the effects of the drugs she had placed in the food. He was getting hot 'what had Bella done to his food' he thought.

When Jillian came back in dressed in a teddy and heels it hit what was happening.

Bella was coming up the elevator when all the sudden she heard a big roar. When the elevator doors open she rushed to Zane's office to find him hovering over Jillian.

"Zane calm down" she yelled.

Jillian yelled at her to get out into mind her own business.

"Zane listen to my voice you don't want to do this," Bella said as she got closer.

When she touched him he let go of Jillian then pulled her into an embrace. "help me my beauty it hurts." he said.

Jillian started yelling and screaming at Bella to get out that she had no right to be here.

Bella said, "I have every right to be here with my husband."

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