
A deal her heart or Marriage (23)

As Bella read some more Zane made dinner. His cooking was not as good as Bellas but it was not bad. He made grilled chicken with rice. He was being so gentle and kind it was hard to believe he was a beast most of the time.

After dinner he pulled her into his lap as

he went over some documents. So she pulled out her book.

◇◇◇♡♡♡◇◇◇ HANSEL AND GRETHEL cont:

A good meal of milk and pancakes, with sugar, apples, and nuts, was spread on the table, and in the back room were two nice little beds, covered with white, where Hansel and Grethel laid themselves down, and thought themselves in heaven.

The old woman behaved very kindly to them, but in reality she was a wicked witch who waylaid children, and built the bread-house in order to entice them in, but as soon as they were in her power she killed them, cooked and ate them, and made a great festival of the day.

Witches have red eyes, and cannot see very far; but they have a fine sense of smelling, like wild beasts, so that they know when children approach them.

When Hansel and Grethel came near the witch's house she laughed wickedly, saying, "Here come two who shall not escape me."

And early in the morning, before they awoke, she went up to them, and saw how lovingly they lay sleeping, with their chubby red cheeks, and she mumbled to herself, "That will be a good bite."

Then she took up Hansel with her rough hands, and shut him up in a little cage with a lattice-door; and although he screamed loudly it was of no use.

Grethel came next, and, shaking her till she awoke, the witch said, "Get up, you lazy thing, and fetch some water to cook something good for your brother, who must remain in that stall and get fat; when he is fat enough I shall eat him."

Grethel began to cry, but it was all useless, for the old witch made her do as she wished. So a nice meal was cooked for Hansel, but Grethel got nothing but a crab's claw.

Every morning the old witch came to the cage and said, "Hansel, stretch out your finger that I may feel whether you are getting fat." But Hansel used to stretch out a bone, and the old woman, having very bad sight, thought it was his finger, and wondered very much that he did not get fatter.

When four weeks had passed, and Hansel still kept quite lean, she lost all her patience, and would not wait any longer. "Grethel," she called out in a passion, "get some water quickly; be Hansel fat or lean, this morning I will kill and cook him."

Oh, how the poor little sister grieved, as she was forced to fetch the water, and fast the tears ran down her cheeks!

"Dear good God, help us now!" she exclaimed. "Had we only been eaten by the wild beasts in the wood, then we should have died together."

But the old witch called out, "Leave off that noise; it will not help you a bit."

So early in the morning Grethel was forced to go out and fill the kettle, and make a fire.

"First, we will bake, however," said the old woman; "I have already heated the oven and kneaded the dough"; and so saying, she pushed poor Grethel up to the oven, out of which the flames were burning fiercely.

"Creep in," said the witch, "and see if it is hot enough, and then we will put in the bread"; but she intended when Grethel got in to shut up the oven and let her bake, so that she might eat her as well as Hansel.

Grethel perceived what her thoughts were, and said, "I do not know how to do it; how shall I get in?"

"You stupid goose," said she, "the opening is big enough. See, I could even get in myself!" and she got up, and put her head into the oven.


Zane watched his little beauty yawn so he took her book and carried her to bed. He watched as she faded off to sleep. How he wanted to sleep beside her but needed to be patient if he wanted her to love him back.

He then went to his study. He worked till late but was surprised when he got a call from his mother.

"Yes?" He said.

"Zane, you need to come home tomorrow. Your father and I need to talk about something. I won't take no for an answer." She said.

"Well it's the answer you are getting. I can't and won't come back at your command." He was trying his best not to lose his temper.

"Then talk to your father." Zane listen as the phone was being passed.

"Son, how are you?" his father said.

"Fine, why is mother summoning me?"

"She wants to talk about you marriage to Heather."

"When did I ask that witch to marry me?"

"Don't lose your temper son, I have to agree with your mother on this, it would be a great match for our company as well as her fathers company."

"What about what's good for me?" Zane asked.

"Your mother told me of this cleaning girl after you. With this marriage it will keep girls like her away."

"Did mother tell you she is the most beautiful woman in the world, hard working, and I'm the one chasing after her. She keeps turning me down but I can't let her go?"

"You mean you fell in love. My cold hearted son fell in love." Zane could hear the kindness in his father's voice.

"Yes, But everytime I get close, I say or do something to push her away. I don't mean to. I had a piece of her heart when mom announced my engagement. Then I got it again when mom sent Heather over to live in my house. Then I was so close when I got jealous over her brother." Zane sat there with his face in the palm of his hand at the memories.

"Ok, you have a month to get this girl but if you don't get her heart by then you must go through with the wedding to Heather."

"Only if Heather and my Mother leave Bella and me alone. If they step in and play any tricks I won't marry anyone and will leave everything behind understand." Zane says.

"I understand call me later and give me an update."


IleneMaecreators' thoughts
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