
Sleep In My Room

"Oh really?" When Melanie realized Sato was interested in the UHRP, she suggested a proposal. "Would you like to get a closer look into how the tunnels are built?"

"Wait a minute. What? You're not kidding, right?" Sato's gulped down his mouthful of food as quickly as possible. He had to confirm that Auntie Melanie was not joking.

"Of course not!" Melanie laughed at how cute the young man was. "Is there a need for me to joke about this?"

"Although the preview event will only be opened to the public next year, I will be able to make special access for you to view the tunnel."

"Um, um..." Sato looked at Gray for confirmation whether it was fine if he could say yes. Gray knew Sato was hesitating for no reason and so, reaching under the table, he patted the boy's thigh gently. "If it is not too much trouble for you, I would like to get a closer look at how the tunnels are built!"

"Oh sure thing, dear!" Melanie smiled as if it was nothing. Taking out her phone, she went through her recent contacts and called up a number. Placing her phone on speaker, the ringtone eventually was replaced with a male voice.

"Good evening, Madam. What may I help you with on this fine evening?" The man spoke with elegance, treating Melanie with respect.

"Good evening, Jaden. I would like to bring someone to view the UHRP tunnel, say, next Saturday? Could you schedule someone to wait at the front gate? He or she should have a knowledgable background on how this tunnel was built."

"Oh, that would not be a problem, Madam. I can come down myself and bring you all around."

"If that is not troublesome for you, that is fine too."

"Not a problem at all, Madam! If there are any changes in the timing, just drop a message and I will adjust accordingly."

"Alright. Thank you for your time, Jaden. Have a good evening."

"Have a good evening to you too, Madam."

Melanie gave a smile to Sato after showing him how simple it was for her. Sato knew that the person Auntie had called up was none other than Jaden Masoko. He was the Lead Engineer and Designer of the UHRP. There was no other person that knew this project as well as him. Getting a personal tour from the Lead Engineer, himself was a dream come true for Sato, but to the lady that ran many international corporations, it was a piece of cake.


Before Sato went to bed tonight, the young man headed to knock on Gray's door. A few seconds later, a handsome and tall man came and open the door. He had his shirt off. It seemed like Gray had just taken a shower as there were still some water droplets on his well-toned body.

"Uhm... Can I come in?" Sato blushed.

"Of course." Pulling on Sato's smooth hand, Gray embraced the boy warmly. Taking a light whiff of the young man's hair, the smell of apples lingered and tickled his nose. Sato did not reject Gray's hug, even though he was half-naked. Rather, ever since last night's experience, he couldn't help but feel closer to his boyfriend, like a switch had clicked in his head.

"If you would like," Sato continued with a timid voice, "You can sleep in my room with me tonight."

"Oh?" Gray whispered into the boy's ear while still hugging him. "Why not we sleep in my room?"

"Ah?" Sato was stumped by Gray's request, but from Gray's light chuckle, he knew that his boyfriend was just playing with him again.

"Hmph! Then we shall not sleep together tonight!" Acting all poutful, Sato backed off and crossed his arms. Gray couldn't help but plant a kiss on Sato's forehead.

"Let's head to bed now."


In Sato's room, Sato took the left side of the bed that he was used to. By chance, Gray was used to sleeping on the right side. It felt as if they were meant to be together. The lights were off and only the starry city lights from outside were present. As this was the first time Sato slept beside Gray in a while, he had his back facing his boyfriend. His face was flushed red and he could hear the light breathing of another person beside him.

Even though they had done this before many years back, this was a fresh experience for Sato's brain. Sato tried closing his eyes again as he focused on his breathing. In two seconds, out two seconds, in two seconds, out two seconds. It was only when a warm touch came over Sato's entire back, did he no longer time his breathing.

"There is no need to be nervous." Gray talked to the nervous boy while wrapping his right arm around Sato's waist. It was no longer strange to Sato that his boyfriend knew how he thinks. The man was extremely attentive to anything he did. Knowing that Sato wasn't behaving how he usually did, Gray calmed him down.

"Okay." Sato smiled. Even though Gray could not see it, he could tell from the way his boyfriend's body had loosened up.

"Goodnight, Sato."

"Goodnight, Gray."

It was a night filled with love. The pure and innocent love between two star-struck lovers.

I am concurrently writing this novel and my other novel, The Strongest Moron. Be sure to give that a read too!

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