
12 gift box opened!


Was it loud enough to turn some heads in my direction? I wish the floor would swallow me and bring me back at least a day ago, bringing this incident with me so I can think of ways to deal this situation. I was embarassed and sweat started to form on my forehead. Yet, I stood and with chinned held up high, I went straight to the counter near to Richard.

"Hi" I said calmly.

"H..hhh... oh, hi...." he stumbled into his words which means he was much nervous than I am.

"So, it was you.... "

"Y-yah, it's me...ahmm... It's been a long time since we haven't met. So, how are you?"

I think he had gain back his composure, his smile is warm and he looked more handsome with that aura of confidence. I couldn't remember him handsome when we were young, except that I liked his nose. It was shaped perfectly that complimented his eyes and shape of face...

Now, it was my time to be tongue-tied...

"Ahmmm... doing good... how about you?"

Before he could answer, I added, "can I have a moment with you. This will not be long". People were looking at us with some curious & other annoying eyes. I looked around for a perfect spot, a sofa maybe or a receiving area where we could talk away from listening ears.

"Sure" he enthusiastically answered. He noticed me looking around then he added, "come, our office will be the best place to talk and catch up..."

"Sir,...." One of the employees called his attention. I think their eyes met and communicated silently because Richard said "this will not be long...."

Just this, I think the anonymous box is finally opened.

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