
Chapter 37 - Two Worlds

After thinking for a while, Tang Yao couldn't think of a way to make a weapon that can freely change forms. He just decided to create a growth pistol, so it could grow with him, as he used it. The good things about using a pistol are that he could limit the destruction he causes when killing monsters. Since practically every time he uses a spell, half a continent is destroyed in the aftermath.

After that, Tang Yao looked in his inventory to figure out which material he could use to create the pistol and the bullets for it. After looking through his inventory he decided to use the Exploding Black Diamond Golem remains to create the gun. However, after googling how to make a gun, he found out that if he made the whole gun out of exploding black diamond, the gun would blow up in his face. Since if he charges a little bit of mana the casing of the gun would also get charge and eventually *KABOOM*.

After now, he ran into a different issue, none of his drops are strong enough to withstand the energy he charges into his gun. The bones from the skeleton emperor are too fragile, and the spider queen's remains aren't thick enough to withstand the explosion.

After thinking for a while he decided to create an Equivalent Exchange skill.

Equivalent Exchange - Godly

As long as you have enough of something you can trade it in for something else with equal value. Under each item, you get you will find a value that only you can see. You can exchange objects that have value for an item, or as a currency that can be used to exchange for items.

Level Max

Cool Down - None

"This is a pretty good skill, now I can get any material I need," said Tang Yao afterward, he looked at the Exploding Black Diamond Golem remains to find a value.

Exploding Black Diamond Golem - Epic

Value - 900,000,000

Just because, he was curious he decided to take a look at his weapon.

The Timely Whacking Stick - Godly

Value - 9999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999999...

The amount of 9's that he saw on his stick filled up his vision. He quickly switched to a different item, so he wouldn't see all the 9's.

After transferring half of his Exploding Black Diamond (2000) remains into value, he decided to look at the what items he could exchange

Equivalent Exchange Table

Your Total Value - 1,800,000,000

Items You Can Exchange For:

Lime Mushroom - 1

Blue Mushroom - 1

Green Mushroom - 1

Purple Mushroom - 1

Magenta Mushroom - 1

Red - Mushroom - 1

Gray Mushroom - 1

Turquoise Mushroom - 1

Black Mushroom - 1

Brown Mushroom - 1


Tang Yao flipped to the next page.

Slightly deformed Green Mushroom - 1

Slightly Deformed Blue Mushroom - 1

Slightly Deformed Red Mushroom - 1

Slightly Deformed Yellow Mushroom - 1


He flipped to the next page.

Deformed Blue Mushroom - 1

Deformed Green Mushroom - 1


He flipped to the next page.

Very Deformed Yellow Mushroom - 1


He flipped to the 100th page.

Extremely Mutated Minimally Deformed Oozing Bluish-Green Mushroom - 1


He then saw a search bar and typed the hardest materials.

A Solid Piece of a Super Massive Black Hole - 100,000,000,000,000

A Solid Piece of a Black Hole - 1,000,000,000,000

Black Divine Primordial Crystals - 100,000,000,000

Black Demonic Primordial Cyrstals - 100,000,000,000

The Core of a Neutron Star - 100,000,000,000

The Surface of a Neutron Star - 75,000,000,000

The Core of a Regular Star - 50,000,000,000

The Surface of a Regular Star - 25,000,000,000

Space Adamantium - 15,000,000,000

Adamantium - 5,000,000,000

Space Diamond - 1,500,000,000

Black Diamond - 1,200,000,000

Exploding Black Diamond - 900,000,000

After looking at the list, Tang Yao wanted to buy the black hole, but when he saw the weight of it he started rethinking about it.

A Solid Piece of a Black Hole - 1,000,000,000,000

The size of the black hole a piece is taken out from - the size of the sun

Weight Of The Black Hole - 5 Solar Masses

Size of the piece taken out - 3x3 feet.

Weight - 2.5 Quintillion Tons, Every millimeter is 2.5 Quadrillion Tons.

"How much can I even lift?" asked Tang Yao while looking at the weight of the black hole.

"Hmm, at 20 points you can lift 6000 lbs or 3 tons. Which is 300 lbs a point, I currently have 25.2 Trillion points in strength which is equivalent to only 3.78 trillion TONS. Which isn't nearly close to the total weight of the thing!" shouted Tang Yao in surprise, "That would mean I need roughly 20 quintillions more points in strength to lift that god damn thing!"

Tang Yao was taken aback by how heavy it was, and it would take heaven knows how long to get enough strength to even start forging with that metal.

Thought After thinking for a little bit, he figured that he could just use encounter to nullify the weight against him, or All Fiction to just completely erase the weight.

Tang Yao then proceeded to buy the piece of the black hole, however, as soon as it materialized in front of him, in dropped through the floors straight into the receptionist, nearly hitting someone in the head.

[-1000 Gold For damaging Forging Table]

[-1000 Gold For destroying floor]

[-1000 Gold For destroying floor]

[-1000 Gold For destroying floor]

[-1000 Gold For Disturbing others.]

Tang Yao rushed downstairs to make sure no-one steals his materials, however, when he went down there several people tried lifting it off the ground but couldn't. The black hole was slowly sinking into the ground. However, when he was approaching his material he heard a person cry out.

"Can someone help me, this piece of metal was mine, but I accidentally dropped it." shouted a person.

He saw that the person who claimed that piece of material was his, was a young swordsman with blond hair, and bulky armor, his demeanor was that of a rich kid, who always got what they want.

"That isn't yours, it's mine it fell through the floors of the Blacksmithing association when I materialized it," said Tang Yao refuting the young man's words. "If you don't believe me, I have the receipt of when I rented that forging room, and the cost of it falling through several floors."

The young man was originally ecstatic when he saw this material, was now pissed off that the owner came out of nowhere claiming it to be his.

"Finder's Keeper's Loser, I found this on the floor so now its mine." said the young man arrogantly.

Tang Yao honestly didn't give a crap about this young man's attitude and walked up to the black hole metal, and said.

"You may have found it, but you can't even lift it up," said Tang Yao.

"You seem like a smart person, hand over that metal, and I'll definitely pay you what its worth." said the young man.

"What it's worth?!" shouted Tang Yao before laughing.

"What you don't think I can't pay for it? Let me tell you that I'm a high ranker in the Guild Haven's Arena." said the young man arrogantly.

"Never heard of it, and even if all your gold in the guild is put together it wouldn't even amount to a fraction of what this costed," said Tang Yao

"That piece of metal can't be worth more than a few pieces of gold, it's so heavy that it can't even be forged to craft armor or shields." said the young man.

"Even if it was worth a few pieces of gold, I wouldn't sell it," said Tang Yao, before lifting up the metal with ease, using his encounter skill to nullify the weight on his body.

Everybody who saw that was shocked, several people tried lifting it up but couldn't. The originally arrogant man became even more pissed, at this fact.

"You sure you don't want to sell it to me? I can easily command hundreds of our members to come after you and kill you back to level 1!" shouted the young man.

At that moment, Tang Yao revealed his name to everyone and said, "Heaven's Arena? I'll remember it, maybe I'll pay it a visit sometime soon."

The young man who saw Tang Yao's character name thought nothing of it, "Hah? Showing me your name that's the biggest mistake you've done today, I'll make sure you get killed until your Level 1!" shouted the young man.

However, when the surrounding people saw Tang Yao's name they backed up in fear, he was the #1 player, more than 100 levels above every other player in the game except for the 2nd place player.

"Oh so you don't know who I am?" asked Tang Yao curiously.

"Pft, Why would I know who you are, your just a nobody. Dip Stick? What a stupid ass name." said the young man arrogantly.

Tang Yao just about had enough with this idiot and slapped the young man across the face with the metal.

The young man was still comparing himself against Tang Yao when he was suddenly hit in the face, and his character was sent flying through the wall of the guild and smashing through several buildings connected to the guild. He flew until he hit the Cities walls, leaving behind a huge trail of destruction.

When the other players saw that they were extremely scared of Tang Yao.

"So that's the power of a level 249 player." somebody in the crowd said.

[-1000 Gold for destroying [Blank]

[-1000 Gold for destroying [Blank]

[-1000 Gold for destroying [Blank]

[-1000 Gold for destroying [Blank]

[-1000 Gold for destroying [Blank]

[-1000 Gold for destroying [Blank]

[-1000 Gold for destroying [Blank]

"Fuck, I've lost more than ten thousand gold to collateral damage today," said Tang Yao, before heading back to the forging room to begin forging his guns.

When Tang Yao began forging his gun, he had to use All Fiction to remove the weight of the material, otherwise, it would just fall through the floor when being made again.

However, before long Tang Yao realized that he had a problem, he couldn't melt the metal. The heat in the forge wasn't high enough, which lead Tang Yao to have to use his spell Hell Fire to create a temperature several times hotter than the core of the sun to begin melting the metal.

After several hours of melting, and forming the model of the gun, he finally finished the outer casing of it. He then used Exploding Black Diamond, as a launcher for the bullets. When he pulled the trigger, it would automatically take 0.0001% of his Qi to fire the bullet. He ended up creating 2 guns because he had a lot of leftover materials. The gun resembled a modern-day 44 Magnum Desert Eagle, with an 8-inch barrel.

"Hmm, All the American's name their guns, so I'm going to name guns, Two Worlds," said Tang Yao, before engraving the 2 guns with the word Two Worlds on it.

The two guns doesn't need any bullets because it would take to much time to reload. It uses his Qi to make bullets in the gun every time he fires. This also allows him to create spells in bullet form, so he could shoot a fireball if he wanted from the guns. Tang Yao didn't even need to aim the gun, because of the passive No-Miss he would automatically land 100% of his shots.

Magic Gun [Two Worlds] - Growth Godly

A pair of guns that resembles the real world 44 Magnum Desert Eagle, with a modified 8-inch barrel. The gun has 5 different types of bullets it can shoot.

Regular Bullet Form - Uses rock magic to create a rock bullet in the gun before shooting it. Each Shot will create an impact crater on solid objects that is 1x1 feet. Can penetrate through 10 feet of solid stone, and 8 feet of solid metal. Deals damage equivalent to 10% of Qi + 50% of strength.

Flaming Bullet Form - Uses Rock and Fire magic to create a flaming bullet in the gun before shooting it. Each shot will create an impact create similar to the regular bullet. Each bullet is 10,000 Degree Celsius and can penetrate through 15 feet of solid stone, and 75 feet of solid metal. Deals damage equivalent to 15% of Qi + 50% of strength, and Burn Damage on impact equivalent to 5% of target's HP per second for 10 seconds.

Exploding Bullet Form - Uses rock, and explosion magic to create an exploding bullet in the gun before shooting it. Each shot will create an explosion equivalent to 100x100 feet. No penetration power explodes on impact. Deals damage equivalent to 100% of Qi + 75% of strength.

Penetrating Bullet Form - Uses rock, and Acceleration magic to create an extremely fast bullet when shot from the gun. Bullets travel at the speed of 0.01% the speed of light (6.7 million mph). Can penetrate through 1000 feet of solid stone, and 750 feet of solid steel. Deals Damage equivalent to 5% of Qi + 75% of agility + 50% of strength.

Universal Bullet Form - Uses rock magic and any damaging spell the user desire's into a bullet. Penetration power is the same as a regular bullet and deals damage = to 75% of spell power.

All bullets except Penetrating Bullet fires at speed = to 67,000 mph.

The gun has 5 forms, Bullet Storm, Charging, Magic Firing, Safety, and Weak Firing


Weak Firing - (Made specifically so user won't one shot everything) Uses Rock Magic to create bullets and fires them. Bullet speed is normal as the other bullets, damage is equal to 5% of the enemy HP has physical damage.


Magic Firing - Normally shoots the gun, has to press the trigger once to shoot the bullet, can change form on the side, and can choose from the 5 types of bullets.


Safety - The gun will not fire, can change forms on the side.


Bullet Storm - The user can switch the mode of the gun on the side and hold down the trigger and fire an unlimited amount of whatever bullets the user desires requires 1 second to change while firing. During Bullet Storm, bullets only deal 50% of their damage.

Cost - 1% of Qi/second

Cool Down - None

Level Max


Charging - The user can switch the mode of the gun on the side, and hold the trigger to charge the bullet, speeding up the bullet and its power. The user can add 1% - 100% of the user's Qi to deal 500% more damage per 0.1 percentage. Takes 100 seconds to charge up to 100%.

Cost - 1% - 100%

Cool Down - None

Level 0/10

Exp 0/1000.


Heavy Bullets - The gun is extremely heavy, the bullet should be as well. Enemies hit by these bullets are slowed by 80 - 99% depending on the amount of times the enemy is shot.


Bleed Out - If bullets penetrate the enemies bodies, they will start to bleed out -1% HP/5 seconds until wound is covered/healed.


Physical - The user can use the gun as a physical weapon. Stuns, and confuses the opponent, and deals damage = to 10% of the enemies HP.

Weight - 1 Quintillion Tons.

Tang Yao was pretty impressed with his gun, this would limit the collateral damage Tang Yao caused when fighting, and it looked cool. By now Tang Yao had already forgotten about the arrogant young man from earlier.

Tang Yao next step, was to create a a trench coat, or cloak with the remaining black hole material, which in his mind would make it so he looked more bad ass.

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