
Uneasy Feelings

I got up from the bed and went to get the lighter from my drawer. These papers are the evidence of my dumb decision, a stupid mistake that I had made six months ago. These are the contract papers that we both sighed with each other's consent.

I never thought that the outcome of those papers were going to be this but it is true that what we think for our future, it may not be true. Now these papers are being burned by the fire of my lighter. Soon there will be only ashes left.

" Done!"

" You seem so energetic."

" Of course! I feel like a teenager who confessed to his crush and they said yes to it." Too much cliche? I think not. After all, when you are in love everything becomes so dreamy. It's a type of feeling, where your heart blooms like a flower.

" So, that's it then?"

" For now? Yeah. By the way, besides your brother Neil, there are four people who knows about the existence of the contract."

" One should be Regina then what about others?"

" Luke, Mike and a guy named Dalton knows about this." Stella raises her eyebrows wondering who is that Dalton guy.

" Dalton is a bartender and coincidentally he was the guy whom I talked about my love problems. That was total random and I was kinda drunk that time." My reply made her doubts clear.

" Oh I see. Other than Neil I have not told anyone about it."

" That's good. Anyway from now on, we shall never discuss about it again. We will think that it never existed in the first place. Is that okay with you?"

" Yeah I'm fine with it." With a chuckle she replied back.

" Please don't remind me of this in future. I will be super embarrassed." I made a puppy eyes look while pleading her. She tried to cover her mouth with her hand since she didn't wanted me to see her laughing at my remark.

" I also want us to live a life where we won't get effected by the outsiders. It's better if we forgot about it and live our days happily. But even so, if there comes a day when you don't feel the same about me like now, you are free to walk away. Just let me know beforehand. Don't go cheating on my back." I was shaken by her words. Why this talk again? We are finally going to live our love life like a married couple then why bring the topic of separation?

" Why is this question coming up? Haven't I told you already that my feelings for you won't change?" I put my heart into those words because I wanted her to feel my love.

" You never know. I believe that everyone has a right to be with the person they love. You can't hold someone by strength that's why-" I stopped her from saying further as my patience broken it's wall.

" Please Stella! Don't you have faith in me?" My words were filled with agony and anguish. The thought of her leaving me is just unbearable.

" I do." There was a moment of silence between us. I felt that she has more to say which was why I refrained myself from talking. " .... but I'm sacred."

" I can understand your insecurities. It's normal for people, even I sometimes feel that you will leave me. But I will not give up on you. Having fear of loosing someone is not a bad thing, but to have it taken so easily, that's like a coward's act." My arms were stretched out toward her, pulling her body at me. My strong arms were firmly holding her slender body, trying to warm it up little bit. I wonder if her stomach pain has gotten eased now.

" You are sleeping here and that's an order."

" Can you wait two more days?"

" What's there to wait for? You don't have to feel uncomfortable around me. It's perfectly normal and look at the good side. I will rub your tummy to sooth it, until you fall asleep. Isn't that a good offer?"

" It's embarrassing. But I can give it a try." With that she went to sleep peacefully as I kept on soothing her tummy.

It was morning already when I opened my eyes. As usual we had done freshening up and changing into our work attire. We went to have our breakfast at the dining table. The doll bell rang when we were done eating our food. Lucy had escorted the person to us and sadly once again it was him.

"What the hell you are doing here?" Stella growled at Ray since she was angry after what happened yesterday. Even I was bit hesitant to talk with him.

" Wait-wait! Hear me out first."

" Fine, speak."

" I came here to apologise. I agree that what I have done is wrong but I did all these because I love you Stella. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you before. I thought that you may stop being friends with me. In fact I thought that you will never get married and I can stand by you forever."

" Seriously? Are you really an adult? That's the most childish thing one can say!"

" Yeah perhaps. I have learned my lesson. Please don't break our friendship. I promise that I won't do anything shady again." He was genuinely begging her for forgiveness. Even I can tell that he's eyes had honestly.

" Fine. But it's your last chance. If you screw it I'm never seeing your face again."

" And there's another thing. If he ever leaves you, remember that I'm here. My door is always open for you." Okay I take my words back, this guy is a sneaky bastard.

" Ray!" Stella yelled at him.

" Hey! You never know. A guy like him, who's handsome and loaded with cash, he's like the center of the attention."

" Did you just complemented him?" With an evil smirk Stella asked him.

" Wait what?"

" You called me handsome just now." I was surprised to hear a compliment from him. So, even Ray thinks that I'm hot and attractive. Maybe I will forgive this guy after all he's no match for me.

" That's not my point! I mean to say that he has many options. He can leave you for someone else and when it happens you can always come to me."

" Ray how many times I have to tell you this? It's not about how good the person is. When you love someone, you just do it without any reason. If there comes a day when he has to separate from me, I won't go back to you. Because I see you as a friend and that's how it will be in future. So, stop being a virgin and get yourself a girlfriend."

" I stayed virgin for you!"

" Well, I'm not anymore." When she replied him with an evil grin it made me laugh so hard.

" How come you become a horny person? "

" You will know once you get laid." Both me and Stella began to laugh thinking about our naughty nights. Poor Ray is actually getting bullied by us. This is so funny.

" I'm not interested in this."

" You will end up being a monk. Seriously Ray, I care for you that's why I'm telling you. Stop wasting your life. Go on dates, meet new people. You are always surrounded by so many girls. I'm sure if you try to interact with them you may find someone. In fact you should try going out with Megan. She has been a great fan of you."

" Oh please! Spare me."

" Megan? She likes Ray? How did you know?"

" When I went to Ray's fashion show, Megan always followed him like a puppy. Besides you can see it clearly in her eyes."

"Then why did she agreed to do all that?"

" She probably thought that she will impress Ray by doing all these crap. Ray may act like a dumb bitch but ladies have huge crush on him."

" Thank god you are not one of them."

" Come on! Don't be silly. I bet he's not that good as you."

" Makes sense."

" I will take my leave then. You guys are so into yourself that you forgot I'm here. My heart can't take it any more."

" You wanna have some tea?"

" No! Alcohol would be better if you ask. My emotional condition is literally torn apart."

" Well we have wine, beer, whiskey, rum, vodka you can pick what ever you want."

~ to be continued

Here’s a long chapter for you! Enjoy my babies lol.

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