
Chapter 280

Sue and her family were back to the Anderson mansion the next day. On the very same day, Jenn's parents also came for a visit. The usual quite mansion now was very lifely.

They gathered in the living room while enjoying their afternoon tea. Every one chatted randomly. Only Kuro sat there said nothing because he hardly understood what they were walking about.

He was very bored. So He moved to sit close to Kenichi.

"Have you seen the news this morning? " Kuro asked.

"No. what happen ?"

"The bulding collapsed last night" His men happily reported to him the next minute after the tragedy happened. And he too, was laughing happily.

They knew that it was inhumane to show their happiness on top of other suffering. However, after they witnessed with their eyes what those stupid people did to their friend, their boss, they could not help it

Andrew who was talking to Bruce froze.

"What's wrong ?" Bruce asked.

"That boy said the building back in his home collapsed"

"I heard it. What is has to do with us ?" Bruce asked again

Andrew frowned "perhaps, It's belong to them ?!" He look at Kenichi "Is it ?"

Kenichi was stared at his phone. He searched for the news online as soon as Kuro mentioned it "It is"

"What happen ?" Cacha asked

Kenichi put his phone back "There is a collapsed building, it's belong to Yamaguchi's. Looks like their rushed the process.iin my understanding, it will take three years to complete the building"

"Must be. I heard they don't have anymore project apart from it" Andrew added.

"Is there any victims ?" Cacha asked Kenichi.

"Currently 2 people died, 10 people hurt and few are still missing"

"Lucky, it happened at night time just when the shop closed. Otherwise, there were more victims" Kuro said.

Kenichi smiled bitterly "Thankfully. But the impact will be huge. The company share is crumbling now. The authority will launch investigation soon to find person who responsible for that"

Kuro laughed "They are in trouble now, And You mister, You don't need to feel sorry for them, serve their right"

Andrew agreed with Kuro "He's right, You had done your best. It's their choice" They had abandoned his son.He still held grudge toward that party and had no intention to lend them a hand.

Grandpa Anderson and Bruce had same tough. They did not even feel sorry They were all businessmen, they should analyse all benefits and risk for every single project. When It went wrong, they had to take responsibility of their decision.

Kenichi signed "Nothing I can't do any way"

Kenichi did not say anything else after that. Only Cacha knew that inside his heart that he was worry about his mother and maternal grandfather.

They had been together for sometimes. The amount of time they spent was enough for Cacha to understand him. Infact, She understood him more than himself.

She knew that he looked cold and indifferent outside but his heart was very soft and gentle. He loved and care about his family. Dispite all the bitterness, she was his mother and the elders were his grandparents. Blood is thicker than water.

After night bed exercise, Cacha reached her phone.

"Are you calling mum at this time ?" He asked lazily.

"No. I want to call Grandmother. I'm worry about them, especially grandfather. You know, people suffer from stroke shouldn't shoulder big pressure"

Kenichi openes his eyes. He had been thinking to call them and asked their well being. But he could not find an excuse to do it. " It's dawn there, not appropriate to call at this time. If you're worry, just call them in the morning"

She knocked her head lightly "Silly me. How come I forgot. I'll call them in the morning.

He pulled him to him bossom "sleep now"

As soon as Cacha woke up the next morning, She called grandma Yamaguchi.

"Grandma, It's me Charlene"

"My dear, how are you ?" Grandma Yamaguchi voice was not as bright as it used to.

"we're good. Grandma. How are you and grandpa ? we're sorry that We can cone to see you, at this moment we're at Daddy place in UK"

Grandma sobbed "Your grandfather is fine. He just shocked, thankfully, we were intime to take him to hospital, Nothing bad happen"

"So.. grandpa.. is he still in hospital? "

"Don't worry, he will be discard tomorrow"

"who is it ?" Grandpa Yamaguchi asked weakly.

Grandma smiled "Cacha. They are in his father place and must heard it. So, She call to ask your well being."

Grandpa smiled "good girl. Kenichi, can I talk with him ?"

Grandma tried to hold her tears "Cha, is Kenichi there ?"

"Yes" She gave the phone to Kenichi "Grandma"

He took the phone "Grandmother. everything will be alright, don't worry"

Grandma Yamaguchi was unable to utter any word, she just sobbed. It took nearly half a minute for her to regained her self "Your grandfather has sometimes to tell you"

Then she passed it to his husband.



"mm.. It's my fault. I'm so sorry for not trusting you, I'm really sorry. I should've listen to you. I have more than enough experience to smell something fishy but I failed. I have power to prevent this tragedy but I do nothing. Blood is in my hand"

Kenichi closed his eyes "It's not your fault. They will do anything and the shareholder will force you to agree. Grandfather, don't think much about it. Everything will be fine. Just tell me if you need any help"

Grandpa Yamaguchi signed "Mm. You, enjoy your time there. Take Cacha out and pay more attention to her. If you want to help, have baby soon. Your mother in law longs for granddaughter and we too. I hope I can see your kid with my eyes before my time is up"

Kenichi laughed "You elders really put pressure on me. Grandfather, you'll live for long time, long enough to see my kids"

Grandpa Yamaguchi chuckled "Then make one then"

"We make baby regularly, it's just not yhe time yet"

Grandpa laughed "Since when you become so vulgar. Anyway, enjoy your time there. Bye"


"How's grandpa ?" She asked as soon as he put the phone down.

"He asked for greatgrandkid so.. he should be okay"

Cacha rubbed her belly "I just wonder why I still haven't have anything inside here" They had abandoned the latex birth control for sometime and deligently making baby nearly every night, but still no sign.

He wrapped his hand on her waist "Of course it's empty, You haven't had breakfast"

She laughed "Should we come home early ?"

"What for ? I'm not part of the company anymore, nothing I can do. Anyway, If I appear now, it just create more hassle for everyone"

"Are you sure ?"

"100 percent"

"How about grandfather ?"

Kenichi chuckled "Grandfather will be fine. He's not weak man. I'm pretty sure that his young age, he has faced much bigger problems than this.

She had a thought. Yes, her husband was probably right. Also, if they shortened their visit, the Andersons definitely would not not happy at all. "Alright then"

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