
[Update #2] The Actual Return (For Real This Time)

Hey there, everyone, it's Shiro again.

Well well well, looks like last year's me really just left after that update, huh? Yeah, I haven't forgiven him - a.k.a. me - either.

I won't bore you will all of the details of what happened, but most of it boiled down to one single issue: Needing to earn money to live. My circumstances changed drastically again shortly after my last update, but it wasn't in such a tragic way as before. Still, it completely threw me for a loop, again...

That then resulted in me having to fully prioritize the extremely boring and soul-crushing activity that is earning money instead of writing free web novel chapters on the side for fun. Which most of us are all too intimately familiar with.

Sorry for that dose of reality right there.

Anyway, I'm alive and kicking. I'm not doing the best financially, but I'll manage.

Back to positive news! I mentioned to you all that I had some potentially exciting news to share last year, right? Well, I was working on an actual novel series that I was planning to publish - which I, after way too many headaches and months of bureaucratic nonsense, finally followed through with. A few months ago, the prologue volume, "Rebirth Ad Infinitum" of my novel series "Reincarnation Cycle's Unfortunate Bug" got published on Amazon, in ebook, soft- and hardcover format! (Yeah, you read that right: The entire volume is just the prologue...)

Come check it out! -> https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CYHGRR8M/

(If you don't use the US Amazon store, simply search for the title of the ID: B0CYHGRR8M )

In case you're worried that I was slacking on this story in the meantime... you're definitely mostly correct. I pretty much set aside all of my free time for MANY months to get it all done. But here's a little hint: The new story does take place in the same "existence" as Wish Fulfillment System. (If you've read WFS, you'll know that "universe" or "multiverse" are completely inapplicable terms here, so "existence" it is.)

Will it have a strong/important connection with WFS? Technically yes, but you won't have to read WFS to understand what is going on. WFS readers will, at very few points in the story (in upcoming volumes years down the road) spot some familiar characters... That's all I'll say about that, though~

As for WFS, like last year, here's the all-too-famous "Expect a chapter this Sunday!"-speech that you've all undoubtedly read a lot if you've actually made it through all of my Author's Thoughts xD

The thing is, I've been deadly serious about it every single time, with my Papyrus Author open, ready to type away. Here's to hoping nothing bad will happen. Maybe 2024 is the year of (my) luck! So far, it's been going well...

Anyway, to avoid further jinxing myself, I'll leave it at that. If you see a chapter this weekend, then rejoice! If not, curse the heavens for whatever bone they have to pick with me - seriously, I'd really like to know. If anyone's got some good ol' nepotistic relations to the rumoured deities up there, shoot them a message on my behalf. They really need to create a (working) Support Service for that already...

Lastly, may all of you have a beautiful day, and see you later this week! I'll - eventually - look at what has piled up here in the last 1 1/2 years. It's just... a bit overwhelmingly much all at once ^^'

Oh, some more shameless self-promo.

Check out my new novel series on Amazon!


You thought the shameless self-promo was over already, didn't you? How adorably naive! Take this - another "Please check out my new novel series, Reincarnation Cycle's Unfortunate Bug on Amazon!" in the Author's Thoughts! |


| (Seriously, though, it's my best work to date. I HIGHLY recommend it.)

Shiro_the_Herocreators' thoughts
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