
28. No.

Aiko did not actually believe her luck. She was relieved he listened to her although she could have almost sworn that he wouldn't. The battle in her mind seized. The moment she saw him smile she knew she had done the right thing. Her mother would be so proud of her.

He put on his cloak and she stood up right after he did. There was a lot going through the alpha's mind at this moment but mostly he was scared of Gloria. Scared of seeing her again, scared of how she would react, scared of how he will. He hoped that he could still redeem himself.

When they got to the cell Aiko behind him, no one would have suspected that anything had gone wrong. The room at the far end of the pack house was just as he had seen it the last time he came here. It was just like it was, just like it always was. It was a special place and she had been the only one to have been there for ten years the alpha didn't particularly like cells, he preferred to kill his enemies.

"Why are you just standing there?" Aiko asked cornering the alpha. She stood in front of him now with her hands folded. "You have the key to the cell don't you?"

He inhaled shaking his head. "I'm scared. I feel something is wrong. I Can't feel her presence."

"Because you haven't marked her yet. Now I won't let you chicken out of this plan you got it!"

"Aiko! Something is wrong and it has nothing to do with chickening out of this plan. I can feel it. Matter of fact I could always feel her presence even without marking her. And you of all people know that that's just a ritual of little importance. The mate bond goes beyond a bite"

"Well that's good, All that proves is that your souls are bound and that she's your mate. Now, if Something is indeed wrong the best we can do is to find out what is." She stretched her hands to the door, "so open it."

Noah nodded. He opened the door whilst holding his breathe. The sight that met him caused his heart to skip and he started to breathe unevenly. "She's not here." Noah screamed looking into her cell. "She's not here." He repeated. He was like a mad man, fury and pain buried in his eyes. Aiko looked at the cell in shock and then looked back at the Alpha with fear.

"What the hell." She finally muttered getting out of her startled state.

Noah rushed passed her. He could have easily followed Gloria's scent but he was too disorganized to put his thoughts together in other to enable him use his power. Getting out of the cell he howled so loud the whole wolf community was put on alert. The last time the alpha howled the pack was under attack by rebels and that was twelve years ago.

Jacob heard the alpha's howl and was quickly alerted.

"He has caught up to us. We have to run." Jacob said to Gloria panting. They were both scared. Gloria cursed her fate and the alpha.

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