
Well here goes the hell...And a bit of training.

When I opened my eyes,it was dark.Or maybe what you would say pretty scary,though warm and slimy....what?Am I in the womb.Wow....

What's interesting is that I can feel some sort of energy outside.Must be my perception kicking in.Hmm let's try to see my landscape.

Concentrating,what he saw was a book with 10 leaves on the cover.Though it looks pretty thin,it gives a majestic feeling.Trying to open it,I a

saw that it was written Celestial Script of the God Emperor.Pretty cool name.And it was written that after opening it,it gives the user perception depending on the efforts in understanding it.Hmm~~pretty clear.So I need to train in its usage.Dor the start it gives a boost in perception of about 3 times a normal human.Noted.

Well since I cannot move,let's try to sense the elements.Where I can feel some red lights,I tried to move or call them to me.After some time this light came and started flying for a few seconds and after it entered my body.It was scary for a moment,but after I felt really comfortable,though a bit full.Well how I have a new hobby,to collect as much as I can of these lights.I have seen some blue lights,though they were faint,they had a cool sensation upon entering.

As such I integrated a bunch of these light,and after some time I could do it more and more until these flickers weren't really useful.

After feeling this,I tried to train in the book and successfully by the sixth month I upgraded my perception to 5 times a normal human!

It feels like I see the world clearer,though it gave me a big headache.Probably for more I need a body.So there are requirements.Well a good discovery.

After this I got to sleep,without knowing the uproar I caused by absorbing these elements.

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