
Talking to Nikita-Part 2

Soon all the three of them, Tania's Dada ji and Dadi ji along with Tania, left their room and made a beeline for Nikita's room.

Nikita opened her room's door as soon as Dada ji knocked at the door. Tania, with her grandparents entered Nikita's room and were asked to sit down. The ladies sat on the bed and Dada ji took the chair placed near the table below the wall mounted TV set.

It had been decided earlier that Mira would start the conversation and Dada ji would take over. This was because Nikita had confided a lot of information to Mira earlier in the day.

Mira thought that it would be better to come to the point straight away.

"Nikita, your son has been spying on all of us through the CCTV Camera he had fitted in Tania's room."

"When it was discovered, he planted a listening device which is tied to the leg of the bed."

"We suspected him earlier but did not have proof."

"But the spy pen camera fitted by Tania showed him entering her room in order to remove the CCTV camera."

"Then it captured his entry when he came to fit the listening device below the bed."

Nikita looked very unhappy. She was thinking that as a mother she did not expect her son to stoop so low. What would he gain by spying on his niece?

"I am sorry Nani ji, for the pain that our words are causing you,' said Tania.

Yes, we are all sorry for the agony that you are going through at the moment. We can see the pain being reflected in your face.

"I am so sorry, what can I do?" she responded.

"But I will call him here to apoligise for his behaviour and enquire why he did it."

"He has been difficult from childhood but as he has grown to adulthood, his behaviour has not undergone a change."

"Fedor, my husband and Tania's Nana ji, had taken Igor to task on a number of occassions."

"But it seems he has not learnt what is right and what is wrong."

"No Nikita! there is no need to call him, actualy we know why he is doing this and hopefully we can have him change his ways once he realises his folly."

"Do you believe that when a person dies he is either going to become one with God by going to heaven, or he goes to hell if he has been a really bad guy. But then there is another option that he comes back to complete his task that remained." asked Mira.

"I don't know about this. Being an Orthodox Christian, I was brought up believing that this was an only life. But Jesus did resurrect and sometimes I wonder, was that an indication that we all could?"

"I think I will take over from here," replied Dada ji.

"Tania had been having dreams of castles and forts and temples since childhood. After her parents died in that car crash, these dreams became more vivid."

"She visited doctors for her problems but to no avail."

"Then, she read a few books on intrepretation of dreams but that was not too helpful. She also came across the works of a hyponist and psychiatrist who had treated his patient by taking her into her Past Life through hypnotism and past life regression. She read as many books of his that she could find in the book stores."

'She was looking for answers and when we came to Moscow, she had a vivid dream, in which she met her past life princess."

"This princess was from the Indus Valley period. She wanted to warm Tania against the scheming attitude of your son. That he wanted to kill her as he had done in previous lives."

She came again and showed her the king who was her father. Tania got to know that the King was being given slow poisioning by his own younger brother. The King was non other than Tania's present life father and her Uncle was present day maternal uncle. She also got to know that this uncle had poisoned Sanya's mother and her brother."

"After that, with the help of the existing Doctor, we located a doctor who did past life regression."

"Tania and I took appoints and have been going there regularly. Tania described a few of her lives." "One was of her being Anasthesia, who lived next door to you and died along with her parents, in a fire that engulfed her home when she was only 10 years of age. That fire was lit by your father in law who was Igor himself in this life."

"She described another life when she was a medical student who was disliked by a professor of that medical college as she was smarter than his daughter."

Upon passing out from medical college, she was given internship in a prestigious hospital."

"The professor's daughter joined the same hospital but was never a devoted doctor. She was fired and her father blamed Tania whose name was Saroj at that time."

"This professor was filled with rage and planned to kill her. He made her unconscious and opened the cap of the gas cylinder placed in the kitchen."

"The girl died but her soul chased the Professor. She saw the Professor being run over a huge vechile."

"Yet anothe life that she described was of a botanist who came with a team from the United Kingdom to study the Valley of Flowers. This was in the nineteenth Centuary. She was pushed off a cliff by a fellow worker who had apparently been planted in their group to somehow stop the work and send everyone packing back home."

"Everytime the murder was committed by Igor."

"This was finally explained by Sanya, the Indus Valley princess.'

"Sanya was in love with a merchant named Arun, who visited all the kingdoms and used to come from the main cities located in present day Gujarat."

"He had got to know that her Uncle was planning to get her coronation done after her father's death. He had got a friend of a neighbouring country to agree to marry her. He would, then get her eliminated."

She had run away with Arun but had taken with her the crown, the jewels that the king used to wear, as well as the robe and the sceptre."

These things they kept in a cave. There they were visited by a saint in the cave who informed them that they should not have taken these things. It would set in motion a serious of events that would need to be solved."

"Since then Sanya and her husband have not attained salvation. They have been trying to contact the others in the incident. But nothing came about. They could contact Tania only."

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