
Ch. 49: Do You Need Assistance?


Does this guy intentionally want to piss me off?

Obviously I loathed him, can't he stay away?

I'm sure pure hate was radiating off of me right now but I was too injured to hide my emotions. Here was my most hated enemy and we were virtually alone. Surly the heavens had a sick sense of humor; He was here, alone, and I couldn't do a thing about it. I was injured and surrounded by his army. Clearly today was not the day to exact vengeance. Though maybe, just maybe I could somehow . . .

"Do you dislike me so much that you would consider killing me off in your injured state?" His clear voice shocked me. How in heavens did he know what I was thinking? And how did he know I was injured? His sharp gaze gave off the feeling of experience, as if it were irrelevant for me to even hide an injury or thought.

I'm sure I appeared shocked so he gave a devilish smirk, "You think I've survived as long as I have and can't tell when someone is injured much less plotting to murder me?"

Ignoring the fact that he was admirably observant, I gave a small laugh, "Murder? I'd call it vengeance."

The demon shook his head with a sigh causing a lock of his black hair to escape from its hair tie, "However you may feel about the destruction of your race, that is not why I'm here . . . Are you simply going to stand there stupidly while blood is pooling at your feet?"

The latter comment caused me to look down. It was evident I was losing quite a bit of blood; if I wasn't careful I would pass out soon. But my enemy was before me - What was I supposed to do? Mend my wound in front of him? Certainly not.

"Then it seems you've caught me at an inconvenient time. Perhaps we can convene another day." I spat sarcastically.

He tsked and began rolling up his sleeves with his long elegant fingers revealing toned tanned skin. Confused, I asked, "What are you doing?"

His violet eyes bore into mine as he pursed his lips, "You'll need assistance will you not?"

I laughed incredulously, "And you're going to help me? Hah no thanks!"

He closed his eyes briefly, nodding his head, "Very well, I'll get your lackey to come attend to your wound." He started walking back to the entrance.

"Wait!" I ground my teeth in frustration and pain. I couldn't very well have him get Richie involved with this; I just got him out for the entire night! This demon sure knew how to get what he wanted . . . Thinking of that, what exactly did he want anyway? Just to humiliate me?

"I can handle this myself - I just need some privacy."

Baymun turned back around to face me, "How exactly would you be able to 'handle' it?"

"What does it matter to you?" I asked. My side was in so much pain now since all the adrenaline was gone from the fight earlier. I was tired from having to deal with those pervy Elders, then that stupid Gustof - Couldn't I catch a break today? I knew coming out here was a bad idea.

The demon's handsome face betrayed no emotion as he said, "You're my Champion. Of course your welfare matters to me."

If I wasn't so tired I might have laughed out loud, nevertheless all I could manage was a small chuckle, "So generous. If you must know I was going to cauterize the wound. Like I said, I can manage."


This ignorant female was going to cauterize her own wound? Clearly she could barely stand, much less attend to her injury. I wasn't quite sure the extent of the wound or where exactly it was located; from the scuffle it seemed like she was injured on her waist but she had turned . . . And there was so much blood on the ground. She had to be in pain. I knew her race healed quickly but if not taken care of properly it would leave a scar - then it wouldn't matter if she had sent her lackey away or not, he would find out.

I originally came in to gain some insight on why she would blatantly refuse the Zantarkans, among other things, however seeing her wounded made me feel uncomfortable. I wasn't sure why . . . Perhaps it was due to the fact that she's proven herself so different, so rare. She could be the one I needed and if that were the case then it would bode well for me to make sure she remained healthy.

I wanted to roll my eyes at her absurd idea, but nevertheless I calmly explained, "So you'll cauterize your own wound and if you succeed in not blacking out, you will have a very clear reminder for your lackey to know how much you deceived him tonight."

Ezran bit her lip in thought. How annoying. Even when she's injured and filled with hate this woman still manages to appear enchanting. No wonder she's such a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

I held my hands out in front of me, "No matter how much you dislike me, I don't share the same sentiments. I personally have no reason to seek you pain or allow you to endure it."

She looked up at me with those sharp honey-green eyes, "You did threaten my life in the arena."

I almost smiled, "I gave you a choice - if I had wanted you dead you wouldn't be here."

"It seems you've thought this out. Obviously I don't want Richie or the soldiers to know about this which is why I wanted to do it alone. However since you insist, I suppose I can put my own feelings to the side for the moment."

Not like she had much choice. She either accepts my help or I alert the others. Clearly she doesn't want to look weak in front of the soldiers which is admirable but stupid. Everyone gets injured.

I gestured for her to sit on the cot, and she obliged. "Where are your supplies?" I asked.

She pointed to a corner of the tent and I found suitable stitching equipment along with some tonics. When I turned back she had lifted her tunic up just enough to reveal the damage. Hellfire, even I would have had a difficult time with an injury like this. There were several deep gashes on her back, side and front like the weapon had nearly swiped clean through. Blood was continuously running down her side.

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