

A door to the side of the restaurant opened, followed by Tatsumaki stepping out. On days like this, it was her turn to throw in the trash. But since she was allowed to use her quirk, she now had three trash bags levitating in the air, before then dumping them at a trashcan and slamming the cover on it.

"Well…at least I got that one done without touching them. Yuck!" Tatsumaki said with mild relief.

Work at the time had come to an end, and thus Tatsumaki was soon about to go in. However, just as she turned to enter the establishment again, she came to a stop when she felt a presence standing behind her.

"Tatsumaki…" called a robotic like voice.

Genos stood with his eyes firmly at Tatsumaki. For hours now, the cyborg had been watching Tatsumaki without her noticing. And now that he revealed himself there, he didn't show any ounce of fear as he was just feet away from the dangerous esper.

"…or should I call you, Esper X, one of Oxform's lab most dangerous experiments?" Genos added.

Tatsumaki suddenly became alarmed, with her aura then suddenly becoming high and fierce looking. However, if that wasn't enough, the air in the area suddenly became breezy before Tatsumaki turned to the cyborg with her eyes glowing green.

"Who are you?!" She asked with an echoic voice.

Genos seemed unfazed. "My name is not important yet. However, I will caution to not start a fight when there were human life forms within the area. As for your answer…meet me at the canyon outside the city by 4:45pm. We shall talk there."

Tatsumaki said nothing back. She could do something to the cyborg; however his caution there was enough to make her power down. Hence, she watched with hateful eyes as Genos turned from her and walked away.

'Bastard!' Tatsumaki cursed.


Within a room, the current time seemed uncertain. There was no noise and neither did there seem to be an indication of the room's location in the world since it almost entirely dark. The only few indication that the room was being occupied was the numerous flat screen TVs which just seemed to be put together to form a giant screen.

Strangely enough, these TV screens were showing something different. Some of them were footages of different places at different times while others had moving images of certain heroes, such as All Might, attending to their daily heroics.

"Ah…I'm so bored." said the occupant. His voice sounded surprisingly very young as he stood on a lone seat with a popsicle in his mouth. "I wonder how big sis is doing." He said.

Suddenly, loud banging was heard. It sounded very much like something repeatedly hitting a strong metal. It also surprised the young boy, who immediately expressed shock before all of his screens shifted to a single put-together image of Tatsumaki standing with an annoyed look on her face.

"Hey! Open up, Dotei! Don't make me break this door down!" Tatsumaki shouted.

"Ah! It's her!" The kid shouted in shock.

Outside the dark room, Tatsumaki huffed with her arms crossed. She was no longer in her part time uniform; rather she was in a casual clothes. Thus, as she stood there, she wore black jeans with a white and pink shirt. The white part of the shirt was at the center while her sleeves were the parts that were pink.

Presently, the time was sometime around 3:30am. The morning was somewhat cold, as there was no indication of the sun coming up anytime soon. As for Tatsumaki's current location, it was in front of a huge dome in the middle of the forest, and it just so happened that at that moment the door to the dome slide up open with a young boy, Dotei, standing there.

"Big sis, you're here!" Dotei cheered.

Tatsumaki huffed and walked inside. "I told you to stop calling me that. We're not family." She said.

"Ah…right." Dotei sighed.

The huge door to the dome then closed. Things from then on were now with Tatsumaki and Dotei, both of whom were in the fortified area. Unlike the time before however, the room's light was on, thus allowing Tatsumaki to look around the place to see it was a fully built mechanical laboratory.

"I see you're still living alone after all this years, Dotei" Tatsumaki said with an uninterested tone.

"Yep." Dotei replied happily. However, before anything could be said, a chair with no legs was brought to his level by a mechanical attachment to the ceiling. Hence, the boy sat on chair and was lifted above Tatsumaki. "By the way, can you call me Child Emperor? It seems so formal. I go to cram school now and…"

"No." Tatsumaki said firmly.

Child Emperor sighed with mild disappointment. "I can't say I'm not surprised, big sis."

"Stop calling me that!" Tatsumaki yelled. She now had her eyes glaring at the young boy. "It's Tatsumaki. Ta-su-ma-ki! We're not related."

"My apologies." Child Emperor apologized. "It's just that…with our pasts at Oxform labs…and what Fubuki went through after…I just…"

"I don't want to talk about that." Tatsumaki stated firmly. Then she went more forward than that. "That reminds me, I ran into someone that knows about Oxform lab…and my past."

"You did?" Child Emperor asked. His eyes were widened as he heard this, especially as he now seemed alarmed and curious. "Tell me, did you he say his name or give an indication of who he is?"

"No, he didn't." Tatsumaki replied. "All I know is that he has blonde hair and appears to be some kind of cyborg."

Child Emperor's eyes suddenly shined in realization. Tatsumaki didn't know it yet, but the kid knew specifically who it was. But rather than say it, he suddenly zoomed off with his chair to the bunch of screens earlier and began typing on the air in front of him, which then revealed to be hologram keyboards.

"Hey! What are you doing?" Tatsumaki asked. She was slightly annoyed that she had been brushed off like she was nothing. However, seeing Child Emperor in the way he was, she flew to his side and asked. "Hey! Dotei, are you ignoring me now?!"

"Of course not, big si…I mean, Tatsumaki." Child Emperor said quickly. He had his eyes forward at the hologram keyboard as he continued. "This cyborg…I think I know who he is. To think he would pop up so sudden after all these years is shocking. By the way, how is your little sister doing? She isn't suffering any memory gaps, is she?"

"She isn't." Tatsumaki replied. "Besides, that's none of your business now."

"Actually…it is." Child Emperor responded. "I owe you very much for saving me back then those years ago, however I cannot excuse something as major as a memory wipe done by my own hands. I hope you understand."

Tatsumaki said nothing back. It wasn't that she didn't want to; rather it was because of Child Emperor. He chose that moment to press a key, which immediately caused the screens to display different images of Genos in different areas fighting different foes, from giant monsters to normal villains.

"That's him!" Tatsumaki exclaimed. She flew forward a bit and was a bit taken aback at the images. "Huh…He's been busy."

"I'm not surprised." Child Emperor replied. He sat calmly in his seat as he continued. "Genos, aka Demon Cyborg, has been active a month after the breakout incident. According to some the records I was able to salvage a year ago, he was just a kid when a crazy cyborg came and destroyed his home and everything, thus leaving him as the only sole survivor. It would then appear that the people from Oxform Labs came and took what remained of his body and turned him into a cyborg….In conclusion, he was just another experiment in that dreadful place…like we were."

"Hmph." Tatsumaki turned away.

Child Emperor continued. "Anyway, for some time now, I've been trying to track the other experiments. We were eight at the time; however I have only been able to track Mosquito Girl. Demon Cyborg and Zombieman. The status of the others has been unclear. I think they've been avoiding detection since that time."

"I see." Tatsumaki noted. Then she turned to Child Emperor. "So what does that cyborg want with me?"

"You don't remember him?" Child Emperor asked. He seemed surprised as he stared at Tatsumaki. "I was kept under wraps most of the time, but the records from Oxform Labs say you've encountered him on a few occasions there."

"Whatever! It doesn't matter now." Tatsumaki dismissed easily. "The cyborg asked me to show up at the canyon at the outskirts of the city at 4:45am today. So if you'll excuse me, I'm going to show that bastard what happens when he makes me wake up so damn early."

"I…see." Child Emperor said uneasily. He was aware of how far Tatsumaki's temper was and as such was careful with his words. "Do you need backup? I can assist you in any…"

"Ha! Don't make me laugh!" Tatsumaki refused. "I'll handle this on my own, just like I always have."

With that said, Tatsumaki flew off to the door. Child Emperor watched her fly away, with a bit of thoughts about the young girl. Thus, he had a bit to say to her.

"Uh…goodluck." He said.

However, the kid received no response. He just watched as the large door that let Tatsumaki into the lab open for her and watched again when it closed behind her. Now Dotei aka Child Emperor was alone to himself again. Surprisingly, he didn't seem to mind the loneliness or Tatsumaki's attitude. He just seemed reminiscent.

"That's big sis for you…always coming and going as she wants." Child Emperor said casually. "But still…I still remember that day…the day that everything changed."

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