
I love you

Jin: y/n, wake up! It's morning!

Y/n: 5 minutes please...

Jin: Kim y/n, wake up now~

Y/n: 5 minutes please..

Then Jin carried her to the bath room.

Y/n: why am I here?

Jin: take a bath already, after that we'll eat our breakfast.

Y/n: I want to sleep please...

She is so cute tho. Aish she is making my heart melt.

Jin: y/n, we have work today so.. Stand up now.

Y/n: yes I will... After 5 minutes.


Y/n immediately ran to the bathroom and took a bath.

Jin: aish that cute girl.

Time skip: afternoon

Y/N pov

I am currently finishing some of my works at home when someone called me.

On the phone

??? :well, well, well

Y/n:who are you?

??? : no need to know,ms. Lee y/n.

Y/n: why are you calling me?

??? : your company is rising up again. I see. But I will get my revenge. Its all because of your father.

Y/n: what do you want?

??? : I want to see you all dead.

Y/n: who are you?! Why are you talking like this?!

Call ended.

Jin PoV

Y/N worked so much today so I decided to give her some tea to help her relax. While I am walking to her home office, I heard her shouting. I went inside and put Down the tea I made for her.

Jin: w-what happened?

Y/n: n-nothing

Jin: why are you shouting earlier?

Y/n: nothing

Jin: y/n, who am I? I am your what?

Y/n: husband

Jin: exactly, so you must not hide anything from me right?

She nodded her head.

Jin: now what's the matter?

Y/n: I-I received a death threat.

Jin: don't worry we will tell the police about this. But is that all?

Y/n: we- we are suspecting that Mr. Nam is being corrupt. Also... Mi- Mi-so, we found out that she wanted to bring your company down. Thats why she decided to be your girlfriend in the past.

Jin: Mi-so?! I-I- really?! Mr.Nam... He is like a father to me. Maybe your datas are wrong-

Y/n: we looked for proofs. We got a voice clip of Mr. Nam talking to Mi-so. If you don't want to believe in me here is the voice clip.

You gave him your phone and let him listen to it.

Jin: this- this is wrong!

You gave him more datas that you found. Jin started to tear up.

Jin PoV

I could not believe that Mr. Nam and Mi-so hides something from me. I could not believe that Mi-so only used me. I can't hold back my tears anymore. While I am crying Y/n hugged me and patted my back.

Y/n: Jin,its ok. Let your emotions out. I am here for you because I love you so much.

I wiped my tears and looked into her eyes. Then she hugged me and I hugged her back.

Jin: I love you too. And if you need me, I am always here for you. Don't hide things from me and I will also never hide anything from you. Can you promise that?

Y/n: of course, for the sake of my loving, kind and handsome husband.

Then she kissed my forehead after she is done I kissed her lips. She didn't reply at first maybe she is still shocked but later on she replied.

Y/N + jin : I love you💜💜

To be continued.

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