

Amelia knew, or at least she thought she knew, what it was like for Aidan. Carrying all those lost friends with him. They were always with him. No wonder he could laugh so freely when he was faced with death. She didn't live in that world though. There were many worlds, as the game so often saw fit to tell her. In her world, there was only this moment when she could keep a promise.

"Disappear." She whispered. Vienne popped into her mind unexpectedly, waving her hand majestically and dissolving that army that had spread out before them. "Don't ghost my friends."

"[Necromancy Final Form - Disintegrate]." Mourning called, he was almost gloating.

"[Reflect Necromancy Final Form - Disintegrate]." Amelia called in response. As expected the power of the spell she was reflecting was beyond her mana pool. Her mana pool immediately went to zero. It didn't matter. It meant that the spell had been perfectly understood. She smiled then, watching the horrified gaze of Mourning as he turned toward her. "Don't underestimate humans, monster."

Mourning's spell cast out in a beam and stopped short of Keristrazly.

The dragon had time to lift his head and look perplexed even as a golden mirror appeared and reflected the attack back to the source.

Mourning shook as the beam hit him, his whole body glowing. He screamed then, a sound that he had not made for the entire encounter thus far. He raised his bladed staff with determination and looked like he might counter it somehow, but instead, he lowered his staff in resignation. He fell to his knees, gazing in wonder at the dragon and at Amelia. His health bar was at 1%.

Wasting no time, Keristrazly rushed forward and once again pinned Mourning to the ground with a great claw. This time there was no room for Mourning to even move an arm. With a great crushing sound, the dragon pressed down, destroying the evil Visage Lord's body along with several meters of stone.

The dragon raised its head and roared his victory into the night air, then he inhaled deeply and poured fire into a long breath toward the broken body of Mourning as if to be sure of his enemy's demise. Moments later the dragon leaped around with great and sudden spirit. With cunning and alacrity, the dragon twirled and twisted in the air even as the enormous mass threatened to crush her as he heaved himself inches away from Amelia in his delight. His great teeth inches from her reminded her of the time that Airu had once opened it's hooked beak and screamed at her. This time however the face receded.

"Alright. I admit that was fairly good human!" The dragon turned his head and peered at her with an eye that was the size of her whole body. "What do you want? Anything! Oh it's going to be riding, isn't it? Humans always want to ride me for some reason."

Amelia laughed, and then she moved up to the great head and hugged it, or at least that had been her intention. Well, she managed to put her arms partway around one of his toes. With a whisper, she told him what he could do for her.

"Is that it? You sure you don't want a ride instead?" Keristrazly looked suspicious.

"I'm sure. I want to walk down the mountain anyway. I feel like I'm going to throw up." Amelia admitted. "I would rather not do that while flying and motion sick."


Quest Resolution - Super Level 1 Quest

Level up (19).

Morale set to 'Invincible'.

Spell Mastery Increased to Master 2

Transform increased to Master 2

Fame Increased: 2000

Reputation Increased: 2000

Notoriety Increased: 150


"Amelia, it seems you have prevailed?" Forsythe sounded doubtful over party chat.

"We're kind of like, heroes or something." Raven was trying to sound casual but there was fatigue in her voice that hadn't been present in most of the time that Amelia had known her.

"Wow, that is super good because my resurrection ritual didn't work worth a damn." Elisha sighed in relief and was almost immediately pre-emptively defensive. "Sorry, mom!"

"Language!" Hunter scolded anyway. "It's a good thing you have a cool mom."

"Super good." Elisha agreed quickly. A little too quickly.

"A little too quickly," Aidan said over the party chat, reading Amelia's mind for the umpteenth time.

Amelia laughed. "I'm heading down the mountain. I've unleashed a true terror on you all in revenge. It won't end the world or cause land desecration but you're all gonna get wiped out for sure."

A silence descended on the chat for a moment.

"How serious is she?" Raven asked, sounding unsure. Part of her seemed like she didn't believe that Amelia would do anything to screw them, but the other part of her didn't seem so confident.

"It's Amelia, she's joking," Aidan said confidently.

"She's been hanging around you quite a bit." Forsythe pointed out.

"Maybe we should be careful, just in case!" Aidan said after a moment of reflection.

"OH CRAP!" Elisha shouted, obviously looking in the right direction to see what was coming their way. "Amelia I thought you liked me!"

"It has strict orders…" Amelia said, trying her hardest not to double over in laughter.

"So I'm good?" Elisha inquired.

"Good for what? What is it?" Raven obviously wasn't looking in the right direction yet.

"...strict orders to eat whoever was mean to me," Amelia said as evenly as she could.

"Whhhhhhhhhhhhhaaaaat?" Elisha was sounding more and more panicked.

Amelia had to turn off her party chat or she'd be laughing at them all night.

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