
Rise of Shadow Fall

The rest of the week blurred for Amelia. She went online, she logged out, she went to sleep, she got up, she went to classes, and she did it all over again. It was one mad rush from one task to the next and the only consistency was the speed with which she, Aidan, Raven, and Forsythe cut a path through the world to reach the city of Eundrysli, home of the Silf Queen Catherine.

Aidan and Hunter had talked long into the night, scheming as far as Amelia was concerned. She followed the basic concept and was looking forward to the second war conference. It would take place on the weekend in the Silf Kingdom on the Southern Continent, land of the Silf, long descendant of mixed blood originating from Elves. Hunter had sent some of her guildmates on ahead to the Southern Continent to approach and invite the members Aidan had suggested, as well as King Elairdrin and Queen Catherine, the principle driving leaders behind the armies that were being raised to invade the Far North.

Hopefully at any rate. If the attack on Port Laudable was an indication, if they didn't attack soon then it would be the North and Southern Continents under siege. Now that was an outcome that nobody seemed comfortable talking about but seemed more likely day by day.

When their talk had concluded Aidan, Forsythe, Raven, and Amelia had decided to make the journey on foot since they had four days and they could basically run on the road the entire trip with Amelia's aura effects. The days had passed quickly and efficiently, no real small-talk occurring. The trip was punctuated by weak monster encounters and Forsythe's cooking.

They had arrived earlier than expected so they had decided to look around a bit. The Silf Kingdom was a rich barrage of golden and wooden colors, lacquered and polished homes and buildings that all seemed too intricately carved to actually be lived in. The Silf, like the models that Hunter and Elisha sported, were largely tall and thin athletic looking with pointed ears and long hair. The merchants did not call out to them as they passed, as would have happened in the Kingdom of Brack. Instead, when the party would glance at a stall the merchants would instead smile warmly and gesture to their wares, welcoming them to come and look if they so desired.

"I wish I was better with bows." Raven pouted, she was holding up a long unstrung bow by its handle. It fit her hand very well and was carved with runes all the way down the side facing away from the enemy. It was a beautiful bow, but as Raven predicted when she tried to string the bow it simply fell off the corner, unstringing itself again.

The merchant looked unperturbed, however. "Perhaps in the future, or as a gift for a friend then. We are not all archer's. It is individuality that lends the world beauty." He smiled winningly.

"Wow… that's a good line." Raven praised as she put the bow down. "I'll think of you if I need one!" She waved at him and cast her own winning smile at him as she returned to the center of the street.

Forsythe already had a bag containing spring seasonal herbs, and he was quickly emptying the contents into his side pouch. Several of the Resident Silf had slowed as they walked passed him, obviously fascinated with how he was fitting the contents from a bag three times the size into his pouch with relative ease.

"Well let's be the first," Aidan suggested. He pointed a long slender finger up the hill and indicated a large tree far ahead with golden doors that led into its interior. They were miles away, but the tree still loomed large and high into the sky. It must have been beyond gigantic.

The Silf guard on the left side of the door approached them and then gestured for the doors to be opened once they had all produced their invitations. Inside the doorway were several Silf, and as they entered a young woman jumped up from the line of them and introduced herself as their personal guide to the Hollow Room. She led them up brilliantly candle-lit wooden staircases within the carved tree fortress and through a hallway laden with wooden sculptures and various portraits of paintings depicting battles long in the past.

"I see why it's called the Hollow Room." It was a grand circular speaking room, with elevated seats that overlooked the floor in a complete circle.

"The magic of the tree projects voices for song, but it also suits meetings among a number of people as well." The young Silf explained. She looked breathless and excited like this might have been her first time escorting outsiders or even being allowed in this venerated room.

"How many audiences does the Queen grant a year?" Amelia asked casually.

"I should think perhaps half a dozen with those not in her personal cabinet, why?" The Silf inquired.

"Curiosity." Amelia was starting to smile but stopped when she saw her three companions grinning at her.

"This way, you and Mrs. Hunter will be up there as requested." She held up a hand to Raven and Forsythe apologetically. "Companions and escorts will be given lunch and light entertainment in an adjacent room."

Raven pumped her fist. "Boring meeting averted!"

"What's for lunch?" Forsythe said suspiciously. It was getting to the point, and even Amelia had to admit it, that no one in the party was keen on eating food that could be obtained in the game if Forsythe's cooking was an alternative.

They left with the attendant and had just gotten settled when Queen Catherine walked in, glancing around the room and smiling up at them before assuming a position near the floor at a table for a panel. There were three empty chairs, assumably for the other rulers. Next, Hunter arrived, bowing to the Queen before coming to sit on Aidan's left. Amelia was on Aidan's right and she would have much rather been sitting by Hunter, but she was here to Chronicle at King Brack's special invitation so she couldn't exactly complain.

"You two are just in time." Hunter nodded to the floor where other people were filing in. "Hendrick from the Merchant's Guild. They train Transients to travel the world and sell goods from one region to another. I hear that their bartering skill increases by how much they can sell and what kind of deal they get. He's close to halfway through Master in his bartering skill if you can believe that."

"Well done then. I bet he showed up because he was intrigued at being invited to a war council." Aidan said, starting to smile widely. Amelia could believe that. None of the crafts or trading guilds had been invited to the original war conference, only the largest of the adventurer guilds. A lot of the merchant and trade guilds had been invited to this one, and Aidan had predicted their participation simply because they would be wondering why they were selected.

"Hendrick's pretty shrewd but he doesn't cheat anyone. Oh there's Idolia, she's the leader of a crafter's alliance. They put together exhibitions in towns for a bunch of members of their association. Carving, painting, drawing, carpentry…" Hunter nodded to the next, a man of average height who immediately became a central presence in the room, "Gilduirn."

He paused briefly to bow to the Queen of the Silf, who returned his courtesy with a tight-lipped smile. She was apparently still irked with him after he had declined her invitation to help train her army for the coming threat. He smiled anyway as if he didn't notice and the first thing that struck Amelia as he turned and surveyed the room was the fact that his eyes were much colder in person. During his streams he always seemed playful and rakish, but you hardly ever looked at his eyes and instead looked at what he was doing.

Hunter kept whispering to Amelia and Aidan as more filed in the room. King Elairdrin was one of the last, and he greeted the Queen with a small bow and a kiss to the back of her hand before sitting down beside her. The last seat would have been filled by Prince Orekin, the dwarven city leader, but he was believed to be a no show. With that in mind King Elairdrin started to call the room to order when a Silf Courier burst into the room. Bowing his way to the Queen he whispered to her and she rose to stand by Elairdrin, tilting her head and speaking softly.

Prince Orekin came into the room gruffly, the attendant behind him pointing over his shoulder. The attendant, it appeared, couldn't keep up and had started yelling directions on how to find the Hollow Room over his shoulder in a near panic.

His rough demeanor broke into a smile when he approached King Elairdrin and Queen Catherine, who returned his warmth immediately, each bending slightly to shake his hand and embrace him. They spoke softly but the magic that enchanted the room had begun to work, making their words easily heard. Everyone began to assume the magic would work near them too and silence started to stretch across the room.

"I did not think to see you. The notice was short, and I am ashamed it was so." King Elairdrin said quietly to Prince Orekin.

"Nonsense. I missed the last conference and you should have heard the uproar in the Hall of the Stone Forge. It rumbled as if every dwarven belly was empty, but they were just excited. An enemy! A strange land! Adventure! They cried day and night and I was hoping for another such chance to hear first hand of the future with my dear friends." Prince Orekin thundered.

Queen Catherine didn't weigh in, merely smiled at the man half her size and touched his shoulder giving it a slight squeeze.

Hunter whispered as quietly as she was able, "Wow, I did not know they got along so well."

Amelia who was writing spoke up without looking. "The Silf, the Dwarves, and the Kingdom of Brack have ties passed the loss of communication. When the Northern continent was discovered the Dwarves welcomed their old friends who had braved many dangers to reach them. They had a great many books on the history and friendship of the lands from before the great wars. Silf and Humans were greeted so warmly and fairly that there was almost no conflict when the three kingdoms came together. The treaties were written in an amazing two days time, and have held to this day."

Silence weighed on the room, and Amelia looked up to see that everyone was staring at her. She put her quill down and looked at Aidan. "Oh. Projection magic." She said lamely, feeling herself shrink into her seat.

"Ho!" Cried Prince Orekin, regaining attention on the floor. "There's one to watch. I am honored by the exceptional description of our history."


Experience Gained

Reputation increased: 30


"That is the Chronicler of the Heavens that formed the message we sent to you, Orekin." King Elairdrin intoned. "I must self-depreciate for a moment and admit to you I did not see such excellent potential in my own kingdom until it was shown to me by an outsider."

"Perhaps she will come to live in Eundrysli for a time and write many things." Silf Queen Catherine said playfully. King Elairdrin looked at her from the corner of his eyes, his lips beginning to twist in mirth. They were seriously considering fighting over her!

"Perhaps," Amelia said as calmly as she could. "I wish to see the Far North Continent first. I beg your indulgence," she bowed her head slightly to Catherine. "...and yours as well my King."

Prince Orekin started laughing again. "You scared her."

Everyone in the room was starting to look at each other, even as they watched this interaction. Amelia was a nobody. Even with her high reputation and fame she was a far cry from the levels of fame and reputation of the powerhouses present. They were all beginning to wonder who she was, and the only reason they didn't talk amongst themselves about it was because Amelia had already proven that even speaking in a low voice was no assurance of not being overheard in this room.

"Ah, I see. Perhaps then we shall start, Hunter?" Queen Catherine gestured grandly.

"Yes. I would like to show the Port Laudable battle, if I may. I have asked the Chronicler of the Heavens to shorten it somewhat, and keep it to relevant parts." Hunter stood, and pulled a scroll from her waist. She glanced sideways at Amelia, looking unsure as to whether this would work like Amelia had assured her it would. Amelia shrugged back, sure it would work but uncomfortable with being referred to by job title.

[View Entry].

Murmurs rose from everyone as the room expanded to encompass nightfall on the dock at Port Laudable. The viewpoint was that of Hunter, and it was easily determined because her hair fell over her eyes a bit when she turned and Hunter's voice called out to Elisha. She was telling Elisha to go get help even as she turned back to a strange noise. Elisha called back about the darkness.

Murmurs again rose from the room when a handful of meters from the city leaders three snarling creatures stepped out of the shadow pooled on the ground, orienting themselves from it like they were emerging from a liquid surface. Hunter's hands immediately strung an arrow and in the space of a heartbeat, she had shot three into the head of the nearest. She glanced up and it's monster bar appeared. Visage Soldier (199) - 99%.

It didn't even look like the arrow shafts that were protruding from it's face had done so much as to even anger the creature. Its jaws opened slightly and it hissed at her, approaching slowly. The other two began to circle her unhurriedly, and for a moment Hunter's bow dipped. You could see the hesitation in her actions.

"[Power Shot]." Hunter had armed another arrow and called a skill, a high-level Archery ability that changed the arrow's base destructive power from piercing to bludgeoning. It smacked into the visage she had already shot and it paused, shaking the impact off visibly but still largely unharmed. Hunter immediately retreated back along the dock, doing nothing but the special skill she had just cast again and again. The creatures were being damaged now but were largely unhurried as they started to hop back and forth on either side of the street. Twice she jumped out of the way as the huge reptilian bodies had wriggled in anticipation and sprung at her. Worse they were slowly getting used to her movements.

Whumf's filled the air again, the sound of air displacing and three more dark shapes began to emerge further away passed the first three. Refugees had begun to emerge from makeshift shelters on the dock, and Hunter's voice was heard. "Get away! Go!" They started to run, gaining the attention of several of the visage who slipped passed by clinging to a flood control wall and running lightly along with it and past Hunter. Screams sounded behind Hunter, but she kept backing up. A quick glance revealed that those screaming had been rescued at the last moment by several Transients who were loping into view. Many of them were unconcerned becasue they hadn't struck a Visage yet. They were unaware of the massive thread of the creatures in front of them.

A large Silf with a hammer appeared, immediately smashing the side of one of the Visages heads with a loud crunching sound. "Justin!" The relief was evident in Hunter's tone, but for only a fraction of a second. "Be careful!"

"What the hell is this?" He didn't get an answer, as the one he had smacked immediately roused itself and sprang on him probably before he could even read the stats of it. It pinned him to the ground and his grunts turned to panicked disbelief. Hunter's guildmate, the first to arrive to help, was being pinned and eaten. The other two quickly swarmed him and mercifully he fell from view as Hunter scrambled away.


Justin has died. 12 party members in the vicinity still alive.


A low murmur started in the chamber but was quelled because the action didn't stop.

Hunter had run back along the docks, skipping entire planks at a time with her stride and shooting the backs of the visage that had slipped passed her with power shot as she went. Her guildmates arrived one after another and formed a line that was keeping them from the town. In a panic, a Resident had dropped a lantern and the night receded as the flames spread.

The rest of the video of the port battle was by large as recounted. The visage were largely unkillable and it was all Hunter and her guild could do to keep them in one spot. Elisha arrived and began healing, and in her wake 30 of the port guard armed with spears and lanterns began fighting alongside Shadow Fall, some lower level Transients began arriving as well, but were largely unhelpful or killed outright, though fortunately(if that was the term) did not count toward the casualty rate of the quest completion.

The battle was unremarkable at that point, save for the panting and ferocity displayed by everyone combatting the large black boned creatures. Every time they would surround one it would sink immediately into the darkness and reappear where the light didn't touch it on some corner of the dock.

"Who is Amelia?" Hunter said to no one. The conversation between Hunter and Amelia began.

BOOM! An echo crossed the water, after a large flash, then another caught her attention for the first time. Hunter looked over and her bow dropped again as she watched the unlikely sight of another ship emerging behind the dark enemy ship. It began pounding the vessel mercilessly. Fire started to rain above the enemy ship, illuminating both the shore and the horror that was still on board that vessel. They were only fighting six, but another dozen of the dark creatures could be seen from this vantage point on deck, eyeing the shore.

Hunter turned back to the Resident guards, noting that they were getting creamed left and right even with Elisha's healing. "Get out of here. Evacuate the town," she called to them.

Watching the creatures and her doubtfully, they all began to disengage from the fighting and ran back into town.

Rain of fire was still lighting up the shore even as Hunter and the rest started benefiting from Amelia's aura. They began pushing back the visage into an increasingly small area and finally began killing them. When the last one remained, it was one of her guildmates with a large spear that managed to beat it to death with the blunt end as several others had jumped on it to hold it down.

Hunter's vision swayed and began to darken, a sign of low health in the Transient world. Her gaze lifted up and she yelled, "Shadow Fall Victory!"

Her companions raised their voices in exaltation even as many of them began to sit down wherever they were. Low stamina and health points made standing in the game difficult. Penalties and reductions in sight and stability were incurred, and many of them could barely see straight with the game acknowledging these flaws…

The recording dissipated, and once again they were in the Hollow Room in Eundrysli.

Thunderous applause was the result. For a full minute everyone in the room was gazing up at Hunter, smiling and looking excited. Many of those in attendance were players who had given up combat vocations in exchange for the trade industry, and had never seen such a battle first hand. She bowed her head, looking a little nonplussed. It was one thing to stream your adventures, and another one to have everyone watching be in the room with you at the same time. "Thank you."

"Very impressive." Gilduirn acknowledged from his seat. "Perhaps the threat isn't as bad as you feared. The first conference made them seem unkillable by players in the 100 range."

"I respectfully disagree Gilduirn," Hunter replied, looking like thunder. "I fear it is worse. We have confirmed the level discrepancy, and we have just witnessed a mobilized monster force that isn't leashed."

"Leashed?" Idolia questioned. Many of the other trade guild representatives also looked blank.

"It's a term used to describe a monster's patrol range." Aidan said softly, speaking for the first time. "Hunter is saying that while she beat them on the dock, they didn't have to go to that dock. They could have traveled anywhere because they aren't leashed to a place. They could appear on the coast in a starter area on the Southern Continent even."

Gilduirn raised a hand, "that would be quite the problem, but we have seen no evidence that sort of leash isn't there. They could have been fixated on the refugees and followed them across the sea. Or it could have been a part of the global event to give Transients an idea of what the visage were." He smiled as Hunter stared down at him with disbelief, and then held a hand up again. "But, not planning for that would be stupid. So let's assume that they don't have a leash, as you say."

Amelia didn't like Gilduirn's attitude. There wasn't anything about him she found distasteful really. He had raised a valid point, and then retreated to the threat that was posited. It made him seem like he really cared, but it also made it seem like he was the one who had pointed it out. She was starting to peg him as the type that was strong, but easily prone to believing they were the linchpin that held everything together. That kind of narcissism wasn't uncommon in games like this.

Queen Catherine was the first city leader to speak on the subject. "Then I would think it would behoove your guild to reconsider its stance on training with the army." Her voice was smooth and beautiful, and every word sounded as if it had been spoken with great wisdom.

A few guild leaders who had objected at the first conference, among them Gilduirn, slowly shook their heads. "I believe that would be counter-productive. Hunter has shown that they can be dealt with on a Transient level. With sufficient preparation, we will fight them ourselves if they come, or on the Far North continent when we go to return the Refugees to their homes."

Aidan nudged Hunter, and slowly Hunter stood again to speak. This was the point where things would, as Aidan has predicted, fall into place. Amelia watched Gilduirn, and carefully looked at the city leaders. King Elairdrin and Queen Catherine regarded the room with masks silently, as they had been asked to provide guidance as a panel, but neither appeared happy with Gilduirn's argument.

"I believe that would be largely inefficient. Guilds can't stop what they are doing and run around the continent to put out fires. Even if you arrived in sufficient force the time it would take would mean the loss of Resident villages," Hunter paused, shrugging. "Perhaps cities."

"A terrible choice is presented, I agree," Gilduirn admitted. "But becoming a peacekeeping force or a police state to address these training concerns, to address the protection of territories, will ultimately lead to greater devastation. We won't gain strength fast enough and the battle will drag on. Instead of attacking the enemy in a month, it will take twice as long. How many more cities will be at risk with a longer wait?" He shook his head. "No, it will be better if my guild and many of the raid guilds already clearing the Cavern go on ahead."

"I see," Hunter said, she looked down at Aidan for a moment and then looked at the panel of city leaders. The first words trembled, but the rest flowed freely. "Very well. Shadow Fall has already volunteered to train the army and is even now leading forays. I have spoken with King Elairdrin and Queen Catherine, and hope to speak as well to Prince Orekin now that the occasion has arisen." She smiled tightly.

The King and Queen nodded, both of them seeming confident.

"Many of you wonder why you are here? It's because I am conscripting you." Hunter said simply. What had been a meeting attended in large part due to curiosity suddenly took a turn, and many of the Transients simply stared at Hunter uncomprehendingly. Conscription wasn't a term that many were entirely familiar with as there were no countries in the world that had used conscription for decades. More so, it was thought largely impossible to conscript players in a game in any real binding sense.

"When you say conscripting us… Perhaps you could tell us what you mean." Hendrick spread his hands out, looking very cautious. He was probably the first one to realize the danger that was in the room.

"I will explain." Queen Catherine rose, and both King Elairdrin and Prince Orekin briefly rose as well before seating themselves back down. A meaningless gesture in Amelia's opinion, but the Queen seemed grateful for the chivalrous act. "Transients and Residents belong to Kingdoms, which is not, of course, to say we own you. However, there are benefits that are gained through association. Merchants, for example," Queen Catherine gestured gently toward Hendrick, gracing him with a dazzling smile, "...are the lifeblood of our world. They give discounts and receive tax cuts based on their individual allegiance to certain kingdoms. They will buy cheaper in their home kingdom, and gain profit by selling it in another. They spread our culture and they profit, but the reverse is not always true. It is generally unprofitable for a merchant sworn to the Silf to go buy cheap in Brack and return here to sell high."

Hendrick was nodding, his brow furrowed in thought. His expression was growing clouded like he knew where this was headed and was worried.

"We have decided, and Prince Orekin gave favorable response despite the question of his actual attendance, that for terms of this benefit we will be one nation. Transient merchants, artists, tradesmen, and fighters will gain these benefits from all the kingdoms regardless of allegiance or starting area. Where you hold dear will simply become a matter of pride in this regard." She smiled, and Idolia was already smiling a little bit and speaking too softly for the projection spell to her companion, a tall Silf who was nodding thoughtfully. Hendrick was not smiling though, he had already seen the trap.

"If we agree to a new condition that would say, count toward contribution or allegiance?" Hendrick asked dangerously. "How will you extort us for this new boon?"

If she was offended, the Queen of the Silf didn't react. "Extort is an ugly word. Many of you may be thinking that wartime shouldn't affect you because you will not fight for our world. It does not lessen your ability to contribute, however, and the city leaders, Hunter, and I have all decided that the trade professions and jobs will be vital to this war. In short, you are the single most important resource." She looked briefly at Gilduirn, who was thinking with a hand under his chin. "By far."

"Instead let me say you will participate in the defense of your city-states in a way you may not have considered. I have already signed a treaty that, after being ratified, has gone into effect. I have not released the announcement yet because I value you all so, and wished to explain it to the prodigious leaders of industry. It is fair to say that the adventurer guilds were invited out of generosity, not a necessity."

Hendrick pressed, "even I am beginning to be lost in your words, your highness has a way of speaking beautifully and it is putting me at ease. I fear you have not answered my question however, and if you value our association you will understand I press so I may protect my guild by inquiring about detail."

Amelia was impressed, and even Aidan let out a low exhalation of air that could have been a whistle of admiration if it had been a little more forceful. Hunter was smiling, and so far they were all holding their breath.

"Oh my, you are so very kind." Catherine laughed lightly, and for a moment it sounded like the opening notes to some song that could start playing at any moment. "You are indeed correct though, Sir Hendrick. While many adventure guilds will choose not to join our, let us call it, wartime coalition, we must also look to our lands and protect our people. Sadly our decision is in a direction somewhat counter to the decision of Sir Gilduirn and many of his associates."

Raking Gilduirn over the coals every chance she got hadn't been a part of the plan. Queen Catherine apparently held a grudge when someone put their own prosperity over the prosperity of her people. As ruthless as she was kind, Amelia supposed.

"The armies that are being trained are even now being led by members of Shadow Fall and volunteers from around the kingdom. They are clearing, what I believe Transients adoringly call monster dungeons, at an alarming rate. They are also the recipients of a sudden and unexpected, shall we say, surplus."

Hendrick sat back in his chair, and though he still looked cautious he was also beginning to look intrigued.

"Many commodities, such as leather, ores, and special items not seen since the last war have begun to surface. They are of little use to our Kingdoms as anything other than a cash crop. However, our advisor has told us that Transients use these to increase their own crafts fineness and that their innovation has slowed because of a lack of available supplies and a stagnation in inflated prices. Transients have always been keen and intuitive inventors and tinkerers. We have decided that we will sell to coalition merchants almost all of the treasure and items gathered by our army for 1/12th of their base market value." Catherine paused, letting the room process this information. "This supply will increase as adventurers volunteer and more army forces are sent out simultaneously. Of course those merchants not in the coalition are free to buy the commodities at an increase to base price, but we do not anticipate merchants to scoff at our offer. "

"That's… almost free." Hendrick sputtered. "You're going to crash the economy."

"Oh I am sure that would happen if there weren't clever men such as yourself. I have no obligation to tell you how to price these commodities. Simply that I wish you to sell them to coalition tradesmen, fighters, and craftsmen. At a reduction of the base price of course, but I expect you to be very clever and make yourselves plenty of money as well." Catherine smiled and gestured for Elairdrin to stand. King Elairdrin stood, and Catherine sat. They were going to take turns explaining.

Hendrick was white-knuckling the edge of the table in front of him, his eyes looking up as he used some merchant ability to calculate percentages.

King Elairdrin smiled at the Transients, who by now were all spellbound. "Now I am afraid I must be the stick to Catherine's carrot. If you choose to join our coalition you will be acknowledged as contributing to the war effort. It is not just weapons that need to be crafted, but homes in the Far North once our army succeeds. Homes, furniture, art, the three cities have wholeheartedly decided that the people of the Far North are as family. We will pour resources into building them back up once the threat to all our territories has been abolished."

Idolia was grinning, and her mouth was moving as she looked up. She was speaking to someone on her friend's list in an excited if muted manner.

"Unfortunately one of the recommendations of the advisor was that those who do not contribute to the coalition will be charged by these tradesmen, craftsmen, and merchants at 200% cost for goods produced from their jobs if they receive coalition merchandise." King Elairdrin frowned. "This will contribute indirectly by financing a war chest that will be used to feed and clothe our new family from the Far North, as well as secure tradelines for supplies."

Gilduirn stood. "Am I to understand then that guilds will be hit with this tax if they refuse to take part in the coalition?" He really didn't want to be doing lower level dungeons with the army, thought Amelia.

"No, of course not." King Elairdrin spread his hands, and Gilduirn began nodding with relief, at least until the King continued. "The idea of Guild penalties is preposterous. It will be on an individual basis. I am sure there are many people in guilds that have a firm stance toward non-coalition that will want to participate regardless of the direction of their leadership."

Gilduirn sat down, and his eyes were narrowed in deep thought. Amelia could see what he was thinking as easily as if he had said it aloud. It was an easy idea to dismiss this treaty. However, in the long run all those Craftsmen who joined the coalition would be able to focus solely on their job instead of having to worry about having enough money to buy more materials or worrying about going out into the world and gathering. Master and Grandmaster level Blacksmiths and Armorers were sure to start appearing almost immediately, outdistancing anyone who had chosen not to contribute in the war coalition effort. These people would still sell the finest and best items to Gilduirn and those like him, but at a ridiculous 200% cost while everyone else could purchase from them at a reduced cost. Worse, even though the Grandmaster level craftsmen that were sure to emerge would get more money from selling to Gilduirn and those who shared his views, they wouldn't do so because the practically free materials used to advance their craft would stop being sold to them. At worst, this might even strip members from his guild who weren't too keen to be paying out of pocket for goods their contemporaries were getting cheaper. There was only one real choice, as far as Amelia could see, and that was where Gilduirn really surprised her.

"While it is regrettable," he stood again and began speaking, looking up with an impassioned gaze. He was probably streaming, thought Amelia. "...that we have to part ways with such a harsh tax on the regular Transient, it will only be until our mutual threat is destroyed is that correct?" King Elairdrin nodded slowly. "Then I am forced to pay from my own pockets to keep my guild equipped, but I will do so because I believe it the best choice for the world."

Hunter let out a snort of disgust, and fortunately, it wasn't viewed as a language because the rest of the room didn't hear it. Many were looking disinterestedly down at Gilduirn, already putting him out of mind. Amelia wondered if Gilduirn looked like an idiot to his stream or if not being present cast him in a different light.

"It is truly admirable that the merchants will be able to aid the war effort in such a way though. My compliments to you, Hunter, for devising such an ingenious way to include them in game progression." He bowed to Hunter, who nodded back but didn't bother speaking. The room was starting to get quiet again, and many of the merchants and artists were starting to get offended. As if they hadn't been part of the game before this council?

"As expected. That one is no good." Aidan said suddenly and loudly, startling Amelia. She had almost forgotten he was there.

Gilduirn turned toward Aidan, and stared up at him quizzically, as did a majority of the room.

Aidan stood slowly and pointed a single damning finger at Gilduirn, and smiled. "Within predictions." He then patted Amelia on the shoulder and made his way down the staircase and walked passed and out of the room without another word.

"Did I offend him somehow?" Gilduirn asked Hunter, staring in bewilderment.

"No. I'm afraid he is just that way. I wish you luck Gilduirn, in your campaign. May we race to the shores and end this nonsense quickly." Hunter said evenly, gracefully even, in Amelia's opinion.

Amelia was impressed and smiled, even though her ears were still burning from Aidan's outburst. The city leaders were smiling up at Hunter affectionately. This quest chain had probably increased her reputation, fame, and familiarity enough that the city leaders would start inviting her to event quests or other social niceties. If Gilduirn was a conniver, then Hunter was a regal presence, and today despite his grandstanding she had clearly stolen the stage.

"We will now convene, as I believe the man who engineered the 'ingenious' plan has already left. I should like to meet with you all and discuss our procurement and distribution plans." King Elairdrin chuckled, even as confused talk finally consumed the room. Amelia got up and grasped Hunter's arm, congratulating her, and before the crowd swallowed him she saw Gilduirn staring thoughtfully at the door after Aidan.

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