
The Devil in White

The statues were interesting in the sense that they didn't seem to fit into the room at all. She didn't find them terribly artistic. They were three people, size set to about actual scale. The first was a woman warrior of some variety with a large sword slung over her back. The word woman might have been generous because the figure was almost painfully thin and only had one arm. She had cropped hair that fell to just above her shoulders and her lips were curled in a kind of sneer around the last vestiges of baby fat that had been chiseled into her cheeks. Next to her stood a taller solemn-looking man with a rapier or...saber who was staring stoically ahead. He had short cut hair and incredibly well-detailed eyes that seemed to see through everything standing in front of him. It seemed that whoever had carved his eyes into the stone had done so with the intent of catching a reflection of the galaxy in them. Finally, next to him some sort of magician with a staff who's face wasn't filled out because his head had been cast with a hood and shrouded. Compared to the other two statues Amelia thought that this was a little lazy. She stood on her tiptoes before this statue and was a little miffed when she realized that the hood wasn't even empty, the sculptor had simply left the stone there and smoothed it to portray that the countenance was lost by shadow. Super lazy.

"I'm getting old Amelia, and there are whispers from the Far North." Helena shivered visibly, and the tremulous voice that emerged shocked Amelia even as the words she spoke shook her to her core.

The FAR NORTH? An undiscovered continent starter quest? Seriously? Why is this an academy reputation quest?

Amelia was starting to get dizzy. There were no expansion packs to AA, the game generated them based on progress in current continents and a variety of other factors. It was safe to say that the other two discovered continents had been unveiled through large worldwide event-driven quests after certain dungeons and city expansion criteria had been met. The Transients were still mapping and developing what they had apparently inappropriately called 'The North.'

"What whispers?" Amelia asked cautiously, jolted back into the conversation because she remembered she hadn't actually completed the prompt quest yet. Discovering a new continent was a big deal, and explained away the high level of the quest considering she hadn't really had to do anything for it yet. She wasn't certain exactly how she was going to fulfill the chain quest since it seemed to be of a higher level. The more she thought about it the more she dismissed the idea that she was actually at the forefront of discovering a new continent. This was probably just one of many small crumb quests and one of the larger guilds in the game was probably going to be responsible for the larger overarching questline. A lot of probably in that speculation though, she thought as her frown deepened.

"Creatures unknown in the Far North have begun appearing in a frozen valley and are even now advancing upon the towns there. Dark, horrible creatures not of this world." Helena said seriously. "Life was already hard for those in the Far North, of whom we have not had contact with for decades. Not since the time of Void. Wards were set in case boundaries were crossed, but the people who live there are a hardy people and wished their privacy so these wards were largely dismantled. Now though they have lit up signs, portents that were sent to all the Grandmaster Instructor Leaders of the five academies that Transients cohabitate."

"Creatures from a world before this one?" Amelia said, struggling to keep up with Helena's script and have something intelligent to ask. It was important that you tried to direct or increase the volume of an explanation when receiving a quest. It could raise reputation, give helpful tips, or even lead to further rewards. When Helena had begun speaking

Amelia had taken out her chronicler book, and as she watched and listened to Helena her hand moved lightning fast in the book, recording the story.

"Yes, and the only record of any who fought these creatures were these prisoners." Helena lifted a hand germanely and motioned to the statues. Despite her gesture, they hardly leaped into action.

"Prisoners?" Amelia said doubtfully, staring at the statues. "Do you want me to go find research on these prisoners?"

"No, that will not be necessary. You must wake the Devil in White and his party yourself. It is only possible with a unique spell, which I will teach you. A spell only a Transient may cast." Helena explained slowly, wringing her hands inside of her robe-sleeves. Distress contorted her face as if even though she trusted Amelia giving this spell and this responsibility to her seemed ill-advised to her. "I'm taking an awful risk trusting you like this…"

"What kind of spell are we talking about here? A spell to animate stone?" Amelia asked, pulling her quill through a zigzag motion to make it return to the storage portion of her chronicler book. The idea of animating stone warriors was intriguing and she was getting more and more enthralled by the thought of it. She could bring statues and other stone features to life. There would be some sort of cooldown, but the possibilities were fantastic. She could already see herself moving through new zones, exploring with her stone tank. She might not even have to form parties to get where she wanted to go.

"I… you sometimes have a look, Amelia, like you're thinking really strange thoughts." Helena hesitated. Amelia straightened up, realizing that her delusions had probably put some sort of creepy smile on her face. It wasn't the first time that her zeal had shown on her face and disconcerted those around.

"Nevermind. I am ready to receive the spell." She held out her hands, palm upward, as was customary and waited to receive the spell through a brief touching of hands as most spells that were learned from Residents were passed on. The majority of spells in the world were found through adventuring, gaining levels, or completing strange requirements. New spells were being found every day, and the race to get newer spells and skills was still burning even after the game's impressive three-year life.

Helena did not take her hands. Instead, she shook her head and began to speak, as she did the words began to cause the air to vibrate. Helena was casting a spell beyond level 50 at Amelia. Amelia had never heard of magic being transferred like this.

[Rise Sleipnir -

Grandmaster Helena Crevlar Commands

Rise old friend, and impart thy duty.

Transfer thy burden.]

The words of power grew in force and the stones in the walls and through the floors and ceiling did not tremble exactly, but instead seemed to have a presence of their own. The area felt heavy in much the way Amelia associated anti-magic zones to feel heavy. Those were few and far between. Mostly those types of enchantments were high level and placed in areas like banks, auction markets, and even in the private homes of certain far-reaching nobility.


Spell Acquired: [Transform Stone] - Sleipnir's Burden. ---- Beginner Level 1 - (5)%

Classification: Blessing/Curse


-The complete trust of Grandmaster Helena Crevlar. Chronicler Intermediate 10. Mage 30.

-Expansion to the Far North continent criteria available.

-Integration of Last Sojourn data complete.

-...Hidden Requirement - Knowledge and Location - Devil in White and party.

Special: May be passed on and learned by other Transient Wizards.

[Transform Stone]


Effect: Transform stone into the true form. Sleipnir Academy was the home of the only secret spell that could turn objects into useable items or special species of creatures.

-Regular stone items will take on the use and form of their appearance.

-Monsters and creatures* will take on the attributes and certain random class features of their appearance.

*Objects, creatures, Transients, and Residents who were turned to stone through curse effects/other can be turned permanently back retaining whatever features, skills, spells, experience, and items they were carrying when petrified.

Learning a Unique spell has allowed for the following changes in Fame and Reputation.

Fame gained: 20

Reputation: 300

Notoriety: 300


Amelia sputtered, "what is up with that crazy amount of notoriety? Knowledge of the devil?" She didn't even know what to think about all the conditions and effects.

Helena looked at her strangely, not seeming to understand exactly what had made Amelia glower so darkly all of a sudden.

Amelia forced a smile. "Well, it's done." There was always the fame. Fame was hard to come by at lower levels, and even 20 fame had probably been worth it. That being out of the way, Amelia turned to the statues and examined them using the basic appraise skill that all adventurers receive. The Notoriety that she had gained was pushed to the back of her mind, even if it was there jabbing her right in the brain meat.

[Party of the Devil in White] - D@SDF@#$@@!$7362┤Ï

"No description available. That's weird." Even normal statues that were put in the game pre-launch and weren't created by Residents or Transients usually had some sort of flavor text. It was one of the gimmicks of the game that inspired people to sculpt, paint, draw and do a myriad of other crafting jobs in the game. Besides the skill-ups anyway. This statue even had the mismatched and broken text and symbols as if the game wasn't translating it correctly.

"Oh well. [Transform Stone]." Amelia laid her hands with very little thought and a great deal of haste on the pedestal that joined the figures.

Helena let out a short exhalation in anticipation… and then both of them frowned.

"Maybe I have to do it again…" Amelia speculated. "Or maybe my skill isn't high enough." They stood together awkwardly waiting. Another minute passed as Helena frowned and Amelia started to get anxious. "I… didn't fail did I?" This was not her fault!

"Maybe-" Helena started to drawl out and was promptly interrupted by the change in the air.


Global Announcement --


Rumors from North Continent - Ships have begun to appear from another Continent from the north that Residents call the Far North Continent. Refugee arrival, Residents from this Continent fleeing from unknown enemies. Academy Instructors request troops to the north. City leaders begin marshaling forces. The shipping industry begins to develop along with the northern port cities in hopes that Transients will make the journey north.


Mage - Order of White

Warrior - Marauder (Aegis)

Warrior - Shieldless (Aegis)


[Transform Stone] - Unlock at level 30 (School Specialization - None)








One after another, completely blinding Amelia. They were scrolling so fast that for a moment she went utterly still, and had to tune out Helena by muting her audio. Amelia had really not been expecting an info-dump and couldn't begin to multi-task appropriately.

"Command, master audio mute." Amelia devoted herself to sorting through information completely. For now, she minimized and bookmarked the information on the numerous city quests as well as the information regarding states of emergency. Her eyes narrowed and her mouth parted slightly as she bit her tongue in concentration.


Quest Resolution ---

Level up - New Level 40 - 95%

Fame Increase 250

Reputation 2000

Abilities unlock:

Counter Mana Steal - Beginner 1 - 5% (Sealed - Sacrificed as Part of Healer tree)

Fire Arrow Removed - Replaced by Enhanced Molten Shot -- Beginner 9 - 95%

Intellect, Stamina, Wisdom and mana reserves increase by 8%.


"What is this?" She had jumped 8 levels and advanced to level 40 by touching a rock. She couldn't believe it. Amelia could almost imagine her heart beginning to pound, which was incredible in itself since this was just a Neura Dive game and her body was safely snug in her home. She had jumped 8 levels and also triggered some sort of long, world chain event. She started to frown, and the anxiety was back.


Quest Available -- Level 3 - Help the Heroes.

The successful use of Transform Stone has returned three heroes to a new time and a new beginning. Imprisoned in stone, legend tells only of their great courage and bravery and little of their actual past. Enemies who were biding their time scramble faster than before, plummeting the land toward conflict, in an effort to gain a foothold before the hated Devil in White allies with kingdom and city-state forces. It is more important than ever to gain the information from the three heroes and report it to the Brack Kingdom Resident and Transient populations.

Required: Collaboration with the Party of the Devil in White in addition to gaining knowledge on encroaching forces.

Chain: Upon Completion Special Super Level 1 quest will become available.

Condition: Decision of which outcome to pursue by special party: Aid/Oppose World.

Completion Reward: Special Job Status Update - Chronicler of the Heavens. Permanent loyalty and trust of Helena Crevlar.

Decline: Declining the quest will result in loss of 1000 fame, loss of 5000 reputation. If 5000 reputation is not available reputation score shall be affected negatively and will not return positive until the balance is paid off.

-Helena will expel you from Sleipnir and you will never work for any of the magical academies again. You will become hated by Helena. Assassination missions for the player will be immediately available to the Transients of appropriate class/reputation in all major cities for an indefinite amount of time.

-Failure Condition: heroes are killed before they reveal knowledge or are otherwise unwilling.

-Failure to prepare for the coming conflict will cause all allied forces to suffer 25% penalties to effectiveness, morale, and bonus stats. The rate of technological advancement for the Northern and Southern Continents will be reduced by an additional 5% for 10 months.


Amelia slowly closed the windows one after another until only the quest window remained. It was an unusual status window, to boot. The accept button glowed welcomingly, but the decline button... It hovered menacingly, shaking, trembling, and glowing red as if warning her off. Amelia sort of thought that if she tried to press it the thing might actually try to evade.

A Super Level 1 Quest upon completion! This would be the third known Super Level quest since launch. The first had involved a massive effort to free a continent's deity from the bindings and seals of an evil dragon. It had been the first, and thus far, the only dragon of raid caliber - Xenataliue! It had taken months, and when it was over the Cathedral of the Lady Silf had been raised by the joyous Residents. Transients could resurrect in any place maintained through faith by the Residents. Priests and Clerics had unlocked special abilities and quests. It was like having an expansion worth of skills and missions born in a single moment.

The second had been a harrowing thousand player effort to clear out the Desert Spirits that maintained a magical barrier separating the North from the South. It had taken months, and the concerted efforts of the larger guilds to both invade the border to wipe out the Desert Spirits while also protecting city-states nearby. When it was over travel to another continent and contact with different cultures had been established. The Dwarven race became playable after the desert was cleared and a complex caving system was found. It was still rare to see Dwarves on the surface and only now were they sending merchants to bargain and trade. Transient blacksmiths, armorers, jewelers, and sculptors flooded there and trained their skills to newer heights.

She didn't know what this one would reveal. In fact, she was tempted to decline it just as she had been tempted to decline the previous quests. Those decline penalties though. She had never seen such incredibly destructive penalties. It would ruin her character.


You Have Accepted.


The resolution of the quest screen finally cleared, and when her vision refocused on her surroundings she almost fell over. A short, beautiful, black-haired woman was inches from her face peering at her intently. She turned to her companions and Helena and said something excitedly, but there was no noise.

"Oh, Command Unmute Master Audio." Amelia stuttered mentally. She took a step back from the animated girl.

"...broke. Look at her! She is stiff as a board. We should poke around in her pockets and see what kind of stuff she has…" The woman said, her shoulders dancing up and down excitedly as she grinned.

"Raven…" The hooded man warned.

"What? We won't TAKE anything Aidan." The one revealed as Raven said churlishly.

"Why wouldn't we take anything? Ah. It's alive." The last man, the one with soul-scouring eyes and the saber, pointed at Amelia, having noticed her step back and her sudden alarm. It took a few seconds for all of this to process, including the dry note in the 'IT'S ALIVE' comment which the stoic looking man had uttered. Am I an 'it" then? She glanced above them to activate the status screen for their information.


Check Status -

Raven, the Singer - Marauder (Aegis) - Level 125

Forsythe, the Reliable - Shieldless (Aegis) - Level 125

Aidan, the Devil in White - Order of the White - Level 125


"What's an Order of the White?" Amelia wondered aloud. "Wait, level 125?!"

"What's a Chronicler?" the one called Aidan wondered, equally curious but with less hysteria. He was also staring above her head.

"Ahem, a Chronicler is a job that allows Transients to record their journeys and show them to other Transients. It also allows them to record particularly interesting findings they've made while on their journeys. They can sell these findings and increase the productivity and efficiency of other Transients who are forging down similar paths." Helena said, suddenly comfortable in her Grandmaster Instructor role and trying to regain the initiative. She was trying to look calm and collected and jumped at the chance to get a word in edgewise. "I'm Grandmaster Instructor Helena Crevlar, and I am pleased to greet the...the three heroes!" She finished awkwardly. She had been rearing to go when Amelia had cast the spell but the delay in the effect had apparently left her off-guard and she had just been staring silently the whole time in shock instead.

Raven and Forsythe looked at each other, both taking a few steps back and standing behind Aidan to either side. The demeanor of a party suddenly thrust into unknown territory that decided they needed to get into formation. Amelia watched this with a hint of amusement. Residents did strange things sometimes, almost as if they really were people. Be it Helena who shouldn't logically have the capacity of being shocked by an event she had started to the party in front of her that were suddenly looking battle-ready and alert.

Aidan for his part nodded to Helena, and he started to smile. It was a smile that immediately made Amelia's neck hair stand straight up. It was the type of smile a kid uses when he sees something reaaally interesting right before he decides to pick it up and take it home to show his parents. "Heroes. I see. Could you please tell me what zone I am in and the current global time?"

"Why, you are in the Free Mages City of Durandal, in the Sleipnir Academy of Magic, on the Northern Continent of Aspiration, along the Eastern Side in the Kingdom of Brack and it is currently 11 PM Global Standard," Helena said quickly, her eyes narrowed a little bit as if she was surprised that she had answered so quickly and freely and with such incredible depth.

"I see." Aidan nodded again as if confirming something. If Amelia hadn't known better she would have thought he was testing her to see if she was an NPC. He turned that smile on Amelia and she looked back at him warily.

"I suppose you have a lot of questions," she said guardedly.

"Do you have a lot of answers?" He countered. He raised an eyebrow even as he opened up his arms in a disarmingly innocent manner.

This was the type of person that Amelia really didn't like to deal with, she could tell already. She could tell because her immediate impression was this was the type of person that you could never know what they were thinking.

"I am more than happy to tell you what I'm thinking about," Aidan said, shock on his face.

Amelia froze, her entire body stiffening again.

"I'm just messing with you. I get it a lot." Aidan laughed. "What game are we in?"

"Game?" Amelia asked, dumbfounded. She glanced over their heads and called their status once more. These heroes were clearly Residents. Except for some basic information about leveling Residents would never understand anything about gaming or other real-world speech made by the Transients.

"Yes…" Aidan glanced over her head, and she felt another wave of shock as she realized he was doing the same to her.

"How are you… Look…" Amelia started, not sure where to begin. Before she could she was interrupted by a quest prompt that bumped into the corner of her vision.


Quest Tracking - Level 3 - Help the Heroes REMINDER/UPDATE

Duration has been added to the quest. One of the three rulers must be notified within the next seven days or Failure will occur.


Amelia's face screwed itself shut for a moment, and she felt ill. "I think we can talk later, if you don't mind. I'd really appreciate it if you'd join my party and escort me to The Brack King's Castle. I don't usually ask help from strangers but..." Amelia shrugged. "It is somewhat of a pressing matter and we can talk on the way?"


A sound chimed and all three looked up for a moment. Moments later Aidan looked over his shoulder giving a subtle and noncommittal shrug. Raven rolled her eyes and as far as Amelia could tell, Forsythe didn't do anything. A moment later Aidan turned back to her and grinned.


Party Invitation - Accept? Members - Aidan, Raven, Forsythe.

You have accepted.


Amelia started to breathe a little easier. They would come with her, she would get through this, and then she would go adventuring for a while and only take up honest Transient quests. To help the war effort sure, but this was getting way beyond her comfort level.



Quest Level 7 - Help Amelia

Escort Amelia while she is on Quest Level 3 "Help the Heroes" has been accepted by the following: Aidan, Raven, Forsythe.

Amelia beseeches the heroes to hear her out, she looks pained, disgruntled, and seriously stressed out.

Reward: Unknown. To be determined by danger level and contribution.

Decline: No penalties.


"You got a quest?" Amelia said dumbly.

"Our first," Aidan said, smiling that smile. She was really starting to think she should try out Transform Stone on him again and see what happened.

"I'm excited, are you excited?" Raven turned toward Forsythe.

Forsythe didn't answer, and the way he was looking up made Amelia think that he was checking his stats and didn't care about the situation at all. Despite the fact he didn't seem to be paying any attention to his surroundings he navigated his way behind the rest of them without a single misstep.

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