
Siege on the Quiton Gates (6)

"So, both sides want the wars to continue for as long as possible…" Ming concluded. "When Emperor Lianghu ended the First Great Kingdom War alongside King Harth, they enacted the Treaty of Perpetual Peace which had five main sections. First, neither side will be held accountable for the damages inflicted, whether it be loss of infrastructure, economy, or life. Second, any captured territories, settlements, and prisoners must be returned without delay or damage. Third, both sides agree to a significant demilitarization. Any military forces within or near occupied territory can be attacked on sight. Fourth, freedom of civilian movement between borders is permitted with regards to trade, subject to levies and inspections. Fifth, any crimes committed in foreign territory will be subject to foreign laws, irrespective of origin. This was the framework that they used to end the First Great Kingdom War. However, it ultimately proved ineffective with the Ambush of Sanguis Coast and the Second Great Kingdom War. I believe with appropriate revisions we could create a better treaty." Having expected negotiations would take place in Liguang, she came appropriately prepared. Her speech was well-rehearsed.

"I think we're getting ahead of ourselves, Princess Ming," Imperian Qiang coughed. "We should focus on ending the current conflict first. We can worry about what happens afterwards later."

Ming blushed. "My apologies. My priorities were mixed up."

"I don't think it's a problem. We would've had to think about these issues anyways," Elizabeth replied. "Now, the main question is how to handle the Imperial Council and the Featherwind Sect. Pardon my suspicions, Imperian Qiang, but if they're true, then it means the Li Family has also allied with the Imperial Council. This doesn't bode well for the Alzar Kingdom. In the worst-case scenario, we may be forced to retreat from the Samfeng Province and the continent. Our war campaign might be over."

"Sister, I'm confused because that sounds like a good thing," Xiuying whispered. "We don't want the kingdom's people here any longer than necessary, so shouldn't we let them leave?"

However, Ming shook her head. "I'm afraid it's not quite that simple. The Imperial Council is the main aggressor in this war, having attacked the Li Family first. Prime Minister Pon-Wai and the three Great Nobility Families won't let the Li Family last. They'll certainly tear the family apart. Moreover, that outcome… won't lead to anything good for us. They need our statuses as the Imperial Princesses to legitimize their conquest. I fear the Imperial Council's plan may be to force us into a political marriage, thereby giving our husbands the imperial right to rule. Our freedoms would be forfeit! That's why we can't let them win."

"But with a power like that, what chance do we have?"

"That's… Does the Alzar Kingdom have any counterstrategy against the Featherwind Sect?" Ming asked Elizabeth.

"Without going into the specifics… no, we don't."

"Which means we can't defeat them conventionally. We'll have to approach the problem at a different angle," she pondered.

"How great would you say your influence is on the common populace?" Elizabeth asked. "Because we don't have to defeat the Featherwind Sect necessarily. Rather than fighting an impossible fight, it might be better to use your reputation as the Imperial Princesses to disrupt the enemy army instead. It might give us the opportunity to break through our current predicament."

"Your Highness overestimates us. Unlike our parents, we don't have anywhere near the influence or connections Your Highness thinks we do."

"Is that so…" Elizabeth looked awkward.

"I think you're the ones underestimating yourselves," Imperian Qiang shook his head. "Your influence is greater than you think."

"Uncle, what do you mean?" Xiuying was confused, as was her sister.

"For two years, you two travelled across the Xingyuu Empire to investigate the Imperial Council and your mother's death. You went through numerous places and spoke with numerous people to learn the truth. You might think your effect may be small, but every action adds up. You've already changed a lot of lives. That's why your influence is greater than you think. It's already travelled far and wide."

However, he refrained from saying the rest because it related to the Li Family's second goal that he mentioned earlier. The Li Family's second goal was 'succession', specifically in using the Imperial Princesses to gain the imperial right to rule. It was nearly identical to the Imperial Council's plan, only the difference was in the method. The Li Family had recognized how great of a reputation the Imperial Princesses had amongst the populace and wanted to use that to their advantage. They wanted to overturn public opinion, incite mass rebellions, and gain the momentum to overthrow the council. The reason they never did it was due to his adamant refusals. He refused to take advantage of his nieces in such a disgusting manner! Furthermore, to replace the Imperial Family with the Li Family would tarnish the legacy his sister and brother-in-law left behind. He would never do a thing like that. Yet, despite this upstanding behavior, it only empowered his opposing factions in the Li Family, which might have ultimately been why he found himself in this pitiful situation.

"Is that true, uncle?" Ming frowned.

"Yes, it is…" Imperian Qiang replied, having noticed she likely understood what it meant.

"…We can try Princess Elizabeth's plan then."

"If your influence is as great as Imperian Qiang says it is, then we can expand our scope. I can use the kingdom's resources to spread the word to the entire empire, that you're alive, that you're working together with the Alzar Kingdom, and that you're denouncing the Imperial Council. This might be enough to topple the council from the bottom up. We might be able to win this war without bloodshed!" Elizabeth declared to the awe of everyone else.

"No, Your Highness shouldn't advertise our cooperation with the Alzar Kingdom. People still believe my mother died from the kingdom's schemes, and my father… died by Your Highness's hand. People would think the kingdom captured us and is forcing us to say these things. It might have the opposite effect."

"Then we should clarify the circumstances surrounding Empress Mei's death instead. We can use that to further denounce the Imperial Council and corrode the public's trust in them. Is that acceptable to you three?"

"No, we should've done that from the beginning."

"I agree."

"No objections."

"Good! That means we have a plan of attack. Once I return to the Alzar Kingdom, I'll gather and contact the necessary people. I should have everything prepared before the year ends. The only question is when to do it. We only have one chance, so we need to make it count. Depending on how it goes, it could decide the direction of the entire war," Elizabeth concluded gravely as everyone realized the seriousness of the situation. The weight of the world rested on their shoulders!

"We should keep this arrangement a secret from the rest of the kingdom," Ming said suddenly.


"The Xingyuu Empire discovered Your Highness's identity before it was made public, which allowed us to capture Your Highness in Port Silic. Similarly, we determined Lord Korogin's strategies, which allowed my father to ambush and capture the Master of Strategy. It's safe to assume that the kingdom's intelligence network may be compromised."

Elizabeth scolded herself because she had those suspicions before, yet she forgot them in the heat of the moment. "You're absolutely right. Thank you for reminding me. However, that's a problem because we need the kingdom's reach and influence to carry out this plan. Without it, we'll only be able to touch upon a smaller area with a much smaller effect. It won't be enough for anything significant."

"I know some people in the Li Family who might be willing to lend a hand," Imperian Qiang interrupted. "I can personally vouch for their reliability."

"Is that enough? I'm unsure…"

"We have time. Everyone must be frantically searching for us, and as long as they don't discover we're alive, they'll eventually lower their guard. That'll be the opportunity we're looking for!" Ming said, radiating an air of confidence. As the saying goes, he who strikes first wins. In battle, maintaining the initiative was the key to victory! "For that, I would like to ask Your Highness if it's possible to return to the Yunyun Stronghold with you?"


"What are you saying, Princess Ming?" Imperian Qiang had a dark grimace.

"Sister, uncle… I agree with Princess Elizabeth's speculation that the Li Family had a hand in the events of Liguang. It's too strange otherwise. Therefore, it might be a better idea to travel with Princess Elizabeth than returning to a tiger's den."

"This…" He failed to find any way to refute her words. As the Li Family's patriarch, it made him especially gloomy and embarrassed.

"I see no problem with that," Elizabeth immediately replied. She was more than happy to accept their request since their knowledge and abilities were indispensable to this plan's success. Moreover, she was extremely curious about them as individuals, so she could learn more about them this way. It was a win-win for her.

"I want Your Highness to guarantee our safety and freedoms while we're in the Alzar Kingdom. Absolutely no harm may fall upon us, and we're to be treated with due respect and dignity as guests of the state. Otherwise, this arrangement is over," Ming threatened; however, it was a hollow threat. She knew that there was no other alternative for her. Elizabeth could do anything she wanted once they were in the kingdom. Their lives were effectively in her hands!

Naturally, Elizabeth understood her reservations and responded, "You have my word."

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