
People and civilizations

Illion replied coolly, "Your Highness, the Imperial Princesses are from the Xingyuu Empire, which we are at war with. Is there any particular reason we should return them?"

"They… do not deserve to be punished for a war they did not intend to happen. It's all the work of the Imperial Council and Minister Linshi!"

"Their father is none other than the emperor, Emperor Lianghu! Although Minister Linshi might have fanned the flames, at the end of the day, the one who controls everything is the emperor. He made the decision to break the treaty and invade the kingdom. He approved of the Ambush of Sanguis Coast and the Teria Sea Campaign. As his daughters, do you think they truly had no sway in the matter? Instead, they did nothing and watched as the war raged on. Now, Your Highness, do you really believe they are free of sin?"

Elizabeth was speechless. When Illion saw how effective his words, he snorted inwardly and continued, "With the Imperial Princesses, we can potentially change the tide of the war. Their deaths will serve as a catalyst to boost our soldiers' morale, while simultaneously offering hope to the people. Everyone wants the war to be over, but it won't last until one of us is defeated. Look at the Xingyuu Empire. They are willing to destroy themselves so that we perish with them. Any hope of reconciliation is… nonexistent."

Hearing this, Elizabeth's heart beat harder. It was exactly what her friends said before. On one hand, the Imperial Princesses meant well. However, on the other hand, their statuses made their worth great. It was what initially drove her hesitation, but… her decision was already made. General Illion was right. Maybe there was no hope for reconciliation. Maybe the path for the two civilizations was already set. Maybe everything would end when everyone perished. A world driven by madness… That was war. Yet… she knew. People may make up the civilization, but the civilization did not define the people! Minister Linshi, the Imperial Council, and even Emperor Lianghu, they may be the driving figures of the war, but that did not mean that their crimes trickled down to their subordinates, their family, or even their citizens! Everyone was their own person! This profound realization shook Elizabeth to the core.

"What the Imperial Council and the emperor did has no bearing on his daughters. They are innocent and I will see that they're released!" Elizabeth stated, a fire in her eyes.

Illion narrowed his eyes and shouted, "Guards! Her Highness is obviously sick and tired from her time in imprisonment. See to it that she is treated appropriately and receives plenty of rest."

The subtle message could not have been clearer. It was an obvious subversion against her authority! The guards were at a loss for what to do, and since they were outside, they were completely oblivious to what was happening inside. All they felt was a heavy pressure from General Illion that demanded no refusal! Exchanging helpless smiles, the guards stepped forward to escort Elizabeth out. Who would have thought that Elizabeth would erupt with fury?

"I am not sick nor am I tired. I know exactly what I'm doing!"

General Illion's face twisted slightly into an unsightly expression. "Your Highness, I don't know what the Imperial Princesses told you, but this is clearly an unwise decision. As the Third-In-Command of the Quinvoren Army, I respectfully request that you entrust any future decisions to the Alzar War Council and the Royal Assembly!"

Elizabeth gritted her teeth and reached for something she never once considered. Grabbing hold of the Holy Reingolian Medallion and holding it out in front of her, the proud lion medallion practically glowed under the sunlight. She took a deep breath and declared, "I am Princess Elizabeth Etuvel Reindel, daughter of King Harth and heir apparent to the kingdom. I demand that the Imperial Princesses be released and returned to the empire!"

Never had she referred to herself as Elizabeth Etuvel Reindel. After all, she was always at odds with her identity. The princess of a kingdom or the farmer girl from New Havens… However, she casted away such thoughts. Right now, she had no doubts about her decision! She just knew she was right! Repay good with good and evil with evil! That was what she chose to believe in!

With that explosive declaration, Illion clenched his fists tightly as he forced himself to calm down. "Your wish is my command, Your Highness," he growled. "Guards, you heard her. Bring the Imperial Princesses over!" The guards were dumbfounded, but upon seeing Illion's cold gaze, they sped out of the room. They dared to not be anywhere near the general when he was so infuriated. "It will take some time to reach Pelangi Fortress for a… return trip to be made. I hope Your Highness has no issues with that."

She snorted and did not reply. Instead, she asked, "Did you manage to tell Lord Korogin of the danger he's in?"

"There's no way to send a message that far that quickly. By my estimates, Lord Korogin will reach the Xingyuu Empire in three weeks. It would take more than a month for a messenger to cross the kingdom."

"Then… How long would it take for us to directly sail there and meet up with him?"

Illion waved his hand dismissively. Perhaps he could cede the Imperial Princesses to the empire. Yes, it was a huge loss. The effects the Imperial Princesses might have on the war were extremely enticing. In fact, capturing the Imperial Princesses was second to gaining control of the Yunyun Stronghold and the Maelstrom Gulf in terms of importance. That was how important they were! However, no matter what, the absolute and undeniably most significant gain was that of Elizabeth! As heir apparent of the kingdom, even if she was a mere figurehead, the stabilizing power she had was unparalleled!

All along the kingdom was plagued by the lack of a true monarch. For the last two years, Lord Korogin held the position, leading to discontent among the nobility. That much could be seen in the rebellions in the north, leading to the Golden Nightmare. If Elizabeth assumed her rightful place as heir apparent, those issues would disappear. After all, it meant that Korogin would eventually cede his authority! Although it would not fix all their issues, the Alzar Kingdom would be more united than ever! That was the power of the Royal Family! Therefore, General Illion's top priority was to escort Elizabeth safely back to the capital. She was the true key to the Alzar Kingdom's future!

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