
About Tartarus

Tartarus in this novel is derived from the one on Persona 3 game with some changes given.

It was a labyrinth considered as the most dangerous dungeon in the world. Its location was right on the dark side of the moon with its existence discovered by the ancient Transcendents accidentally found it when they're traveling on the moon.

The structure of the labyrinth is extremely unstable with constant changes everyday so it's impossible to map the place.

The whole structure is similar to a living being and it could cause various anomalies on the labyrinth, resulting in explorers extremely afraid of the place, this is why the tower is called the most dangerous as no one could predict what might happened inside. Those random gimmicks caused by the tower are mostly harmful but occasionally, it could give some kind of boons too. How often these 'accidents' happened could differ based on the moon phase.

On full moon, the probability of the anomalies occurred will be halved while the monsters strength will be doubled.

On new moon, the opposite things happened with the anomalies occurred twice more likely and the monsters strength will be halved.

Tartarus also makes people Growth a lot more quickly so ambitious warriors or mages would still challenge the tower despite the risks, for them it was the perfect training place.

As of now, there's six section/Blocks dividing the Tartarus from lowest to highest :

- 1st Block : Thebel (2F-16F)

- 2nd Block : Arqa (17F-???)

- 3rd Block : Yabbashah

- 4th Block : Tziah

- 5th Block : Harabah

- 6th Block : ???

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