
Stay Five Feet Away From Me

In all honesty, Richard and Annie never expected to have such a weird year at Hogwarts.

Sure their cousin places himself in weird and very questionable situations almost ninety percent of the time when he runs off by himself.

But their always prepared and ready in case he does do something extremely stupid and irreversible when he confronts his problems.

However, they did not expect Louis would be able to get himself into an even more ridiculous situations in Hogwarts itself.

In fact, their pretty certain that Hogwarts has something against their heartfelt worries for their wandering trouble magnet of a cousin.

It was practically rubbing it in their faces with salt that they couldn't do much in the most important and ludicrous things when they happen.

Sure they tried their best to keep Louis in line when these things occur. But because of the stupid forest and most - if not all - of the teachers, they couldn't even catch a break!

And the fact that Louis just ups and leaves his classes to his clone makes it even harder to keep an eye on him.

Even if they wish to all the shooting stars and Merlin himself in the universe to make their own clones for classes, they can't.

Sure making a clone seems easy enough when Louis does it, But making it by themselves is a whole different thing.

Even if Louis gave them a detailed and simplified explanation on paper on how to make their own clone they can't understand it.

Their understanding of magic at it's core isn't deep enough to help them do it since it's one of the key things needed in order to make a clone.

Sure they understand about the beginning of magic at their own level, but Louis is able to understand everything about magic in itself.

It's how his able to understand animals of all kinds, for according to him, magic flows through all.

He practically radiates magic to anything and everything without even knowing it, and him loving creatures of all kind makes them love and want protect him even more.

It doesn't even make their life easier, it makes it even harder. Sure they love it when he makes new friends, but their all creatures.

They couldn't even explain how they felt when Draco became Louis' friend, even if they couldn't show it sadly they were happy.

Having Draco join their small trio made things all the more easier for them. They didn't have to make sure what Louis was doing and where he was twenty four seven.

They could at last find the time to have a breather, while Draco makes sure their cousin doesn't do something stupid. It was like an angel was sent to them.

And it was at this moment - this exact moment - when the unicorns were in danger in the forbidden forest, where Louis is running to them - kind of - that they really hope that Draco is nearby.

Because the face Louis has at the moment, didn't make them feel at ease in any way possible.

Draco was at his wits end. Harry freaking Potter was slow when running. How is it even possible for him, he's a seeker for the quidditch team for Merlin's sake. How. Does. He. Run. Slower. Than. Draco. Himself.

It's either because of his training with Annie that he's able to run faster now, or Hary Potter is just very unfit. Maybe it's both reasons.

His patience was dissipating at an extremely fast rate, perhaps leaving the golden boy behind while he runs ahead was a better idea.

Its not like the golden trio doesn't know he's with the Princeton trio, they'd just become curious as to why they were in the forbidden forest as well....on their own.....without supervision. ' Nah, it'll be fine. They can go invisible if they want to. '

Though the moment they arrive at the ' Crime scene ', Draco started thinking if his luck was just out to mock him to Merlin's grave.

A lone unicorn was backed against a tree facing a cloaked figure approaching the magical beast at a slow and mocking pace, as if it was making fun of the unicorn.

Luckily - or not - Harry Potter stopped in his tracks the moment his eyes lands on the figure.

Eyes shut tight in pain, he places his hands near the scar on his forehead as he crumpled into a ball on the ground. He passes out from the pain soon after.

Draco was thanking his lucky stars for the chance he received, though he did think that it was a tad bit mean of him too ' take advantage ' of the golden boy's pain.

' He'll be fine...probably. ' Assuring himself mentally, Draco takes out his wand and points it at the figure now three steps closer to the unicorn.

" It's now or never, Stupify! " Draco casts out. He was just in time for the figure had its hand near the trapped unicorn. Hit by the spell, the cloaked figure is thrown off balance and falls to the ground.

The unicorn was safe for the moment - however, the injury on it's hind leg looks quite bad which prevents it from running far.

" Draco! " The call of his name by a very familiar voice, makes the boy turn to the direction it came from and was instantly relieved to see Louis. The young Princeton was stronger than him after all.

When Louis had run near enough to have a clearer understanding of the situation, his mood turned even more sour than it was previously.

" Louie, Draco, what'd I miss? " Richard asks as he reaches the two at last, " I found the unicorn alone and cornered by that cloaked figure, I managed to knock out the figure temporarily but I can't help the unicorn cause it's hind leg is injured. "

He brings the two closer to the terrified unicorn shaking like a leaf in order to heal it.

" Um, Draco? " Richard says " What? " the Malfoy asks, " There is no cloaked figure anywhere. " Richard points out as he looks around the area once more.

" What?! " Draco exclaims as he too turns around to look for any sign of the mysterious figure he caught off guard.

" Meister? You okay there? " Louis asks gently as he pulls out his wand from his hoodie.

" Meister? Why are you here? Shouldn't you be with the others? " Draco even though surprised, still maks sure to keep an eye on their surroundings while Louis gets to work. Slowly but surely, Meister calmed down enough to observe his surroundings better.

Realising that he was asked a question, Meister uses his magic to pick up a random tree branch to write down his answers for the three. He couldn't talk after all.

' I was patrolling the area to make sure there were no stray or lost unicorns when the danger came. I did not expect to meet the danger head on, on my way back.

I'm going to have a Loooooooooong talk with the centaurs about their sense of timing the next time I see them. ' The young unicorn was practically cursing the centaurs through his neighing.

" Okay, done. You should be all better now. Try and stand. " Louis encourages the still sour unicorn as he helps Meister back up.

The first few steps were a bit shaky, but after those, Meister was back to trotting and galloping happily again. Nuzzling his head against Louis as thanks, Meister heads back to the rest of the hidden unicorns.

" You two are so dead. " Annie grumbles out as she proceeds to tackle the two down to the ground. " Hi Annie. " Draco greets her while she continues to ' Kill ' the other two, " Hi Draco. " she greets back choking Richard with her arms and Louis with her legs.

• • •

" Right. I hope that teaches you a lesson on not to leave me behind again. " satisfied with her work, she brushes off the dirt on her with a smiling face.

" Yup, got it. Never leave you behind again. " The two boys wheeze out as they catch their breath. " Oh right, I ran into professor Quirrell in a cloak running away with a terrified look on his face. "

" Wait what!? " Draco says not believing his ears, " Not to worry though, I just acted like he was a stranger threatening me and beat him up real good. " Richard gives her a thumbs up with a grin " Nice one. "

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