

It's already passed more than a month since they received all-kill daesang from many award shows.

Seokjin standing in front of all trophies they received at the office. Still can't get over all the awards BTS received. Seokjin lost in his thought. His gaze fixed at the trophies. Honestly, he got the feeling more and more bad news about BTS they will hear moving forward. Seems like every time BTS got into a little trouble, it will become huge. But he glads none of them has involved in a criminal issue or crime scandal that really committed by them. Those bad news in the media for far are just because of their own silly mistakes, unawareness and not purposely doing it. For Seokjin, his biggest worry is still the drug issue which involved Steve and Hyunjae. But Hyunjae didn't cause any trouble toward him recently, he feels a bit relieved. What he worried now are his fellow members. He is afraid they will become the next target because of him. It seemed like Hyunjae knows the media well. Well...if Hyunjae is really Jaejae hyung, it's nothing surprised since he worked with Big Hit before as our staff before.

BTS is currently busy with the preparation for the comeback. But their busy schedule back to back sometimes makes them too much tiredness although they used to it. Tomorrow they need to fly again for Grammy performances. They need to practice the English lyrics so that they won't mess up the song when performing with the other fellow artists in America. Seokjin clenched his fist and said out loud, "Okay! Fighting!". He shouted to lift his spirits after seeing the trophies.

"Okay, let's get it!" someone shouted in response to Seokjin shouting. Seokjin turned his head to the voice. He saw Jungkook grinning and walking with so much energy with Jimin besides him. Jimin punching Jungkook's biceps for the sudden shouting which surprised him.

"Don't shout, Jungkook-a. What are you doing, hyung?" Jimin asked Seokjin. He looked at the direction Seokjin was looking before. He smiled. He knew Seokjin tried to gain some strengths by looking at their awards. All BTS members share the same sentiment every time they crossed the floor and saw the trophies from far away. Jimin in his soft eyes looking at the awards long. He turned to Seokjin before he said, "We really grow big, isn't it?".

Seokjin nodded without saying anything. In his heart, he really feels thankful to Army for helping them become this big. He never satisfies with his talents and abilities as an idol, yet he managed to receive all these trophies thanks to Army. Just looking at the trophies give him the motivation to be a better artist and encourage him to perform well.

Jungkook put his hand to Seokjin's shoulder. He asked Seokjin in playful tone, "Hyung, are you that nervous to perform in Grammy?".

Jimin glanced at Jungkook. "Are you that confident?" Jimin asked him back.

Seokjin sarcastically replied, "Kyaaa...I envy you. That level of confidence. As expected, our main vocal".

Jungkook responded in Busan accent, "Well if we are BTS, we will keep growing higher. BTS has Army. Nothing to worry, just break the stage".

Jimin playing along with Jungkook, wittily said in Busan accent too, "Imma, are we not BTS? Why did you said if we are BTS? By the way, Namjoon hyung already broke our concert stage, I just hope he won't break Grammy stage".

Three of them laughed remembering how clumsy the leader can be when he gets too excited. Seokjin added in a normal Seoul accent, "Yes, we have Army. Everyone said our fans are the best. Even if we are not good enough, even when we are nervous, we are not afraid anymore when people backlash us. This is all thanks to Army. Giving us this strength. We should perform well to pay them back".

"Correct. We are not called bulletproof for nothing. The reason why we really became 'bulletproof' now is all because of Army. They proved to people that we are indeed bulletproof," Jimin commented.

Jungkook stared to both of them left and right, "Okay hyungs, you guys are getting sentimental. Let's go practice now," Jungkook pushed both of his hyung to the practice room.

All 7 of them started practising once everyone gathered. Namjoon helping them with the pronunciation. He liked it when Jungkook and Jimin harmonizing with him during his part. It gives him some chill. He wants the world to see and hear it too. It's a masterpiece. He felt proud of BTS out of sudden. Although it's just a small part in a collaboration, it means a lot to them. People will remember this performance.

"Great job, everyone. Let's go to sleep for a while before we go to the airport," said Yoongi after the practice was over. Yoongi was the first one leaving the room while Jimin was the last one leaving the practice room.

They went back home separately. Some members showering first, some members sleeping first, some members only took a shower but don't want to sleep. They didn't bring a lot of baggage as all their attire are prepared by the stylist team. They only brought what they need to. Not to forget, the passport.

As they reached America, they checked in to the hotel room and grabbed some meal. After the meal, they need to meet some people before heading to the venue. Practising is important to show the best performance. They know they are not just presenting their group and kpop only in this global arena, but they bring South Korea name globally. All eyes on them. They should meet the level of expectation people had towards them. Since this is their first time performing in Grammy, they feel equivalent of excitement and nervous at the same time. The thrill is real.

At the venue, all celebrities are friendly towards them. They feel accepted by western artists since they got many friends talking to them the moment they reached there. Not only celebrities but the staff and people who came there as a guest well. This makes them feel freer to do whatever they want and happier for the freedom to engage with people without too many restrictions.

BTS practised together with other celebrities for a few hours to create a perfect collaboration. It was really fun because they can see that all of them actually feel overwhelming just like BTS. All of them shared the same feelings toward the collaboration performance. BTS feels really glad being closed to them and for their friendly gesture towards them. They glad they're collaborating with nicest people.

Seokjin sat on the sofa on the stage while drinking a bottle of mineral water after the rehearsal. He looked around the hall. He saw Taehyung and Jungkook taking photos, Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok talking with some people in English, and Yoongi standing alone while looking around and lost in his world.

'Is this a dream?' he monologue. He still can't believe all 7 of them after 7 years of hell and heaven, working day and night, wasting their youth over career, finally, they managed to be at this prestigious stage which envied by all his fellow celebrities. He feels content, excited and happy with this achievement even when they did not bring home any trophy. He can't wait to show the actual performance. He feels happy like being a top student in the school. He believes all other members feel the same happiness as he does.

Unfortunately, their happiness didn't stay long until some people who BTS actually not friendly with came and ruined the atmosphere. They can't believe they spoiling their mood at this grand place.

"Hey, look at that! It's a worldwide sensation, BTS!" a guy came with a few staff with him approaching Namjoon, Jimin and Hoseok. The other members heard the loud voice looked at him. Seemed like he wants to talk to BTS as a group, so all other members came nearer.

"You guys are the first K-pop star performing in Grammy, right? You guys are really lucky!" said a girl next to the guy. They looked familiar however except for Namjoon, the other members do not know their names. Namjoon knew them, but for some reason, his smart mind forgot their names. He tried his best to act like knowing them.

Namjoon smiled. "Yes, we are really lucky thanks to our fans, Army".

The guy laughed, "Oh, your fans are called Army?".

Jimin and Taehyung said, "Yes, Army." Namjoon nodded.

The guy is still laughing. BTS looked at each other with the feeling of strange, but still keeping the smile on their face. The guy asked, "Oh, so they are like protecting you guys like an army? And you guys like 'Help me help me', like playing vulnerable, is it like that? Asian always look like that. Hahaha!" the guy made fun of Army. BTS felt the comment is a bit harsh towards them being as Asian in a foreign country. It hurts them, even more, when their fans are being humiliated by them this way.

BTS tried not to feel offended and controlling their expression. Seokjin, Yoongi and Jungkook smirked to each other pretend to laugh along with the joke. Jimin and Hoseok just smiled quietly. Namjoon and Taehyung locked eyes, exchanged unpleasant feeling through their gaze. They're not comfortable with these two western people who seemed racist and rude.

The girl suddenly touched Seokjin's face, "Wow, you guys have better skin than me ya? I should learn from the BTS. Do you guys even wear make up for rehearsal too? Because I saw you guys performance, always wearing makeup. Oh, I'm just asking out of curiosity. Don't feel bad okay. We're friends," The girl tapped Seokjin's back and acting friendly. Seokjin doesn't like people touched his face, acted normal. Deep down he pissed off. In his mind, 'Even you are a beautiful girl, you need my permission to touch my face!'

"Oh, we're...," Namjoon couldn't continue his words when the guy suddenly cut him.

"I think they wore it. Look at Jimin. I can see like a very light makeup," the guy pointed his finger to Jimin.

Jimin felt embarrassed. He laughed it off to avoid the awkwardness. He wanted to respond back but the comment was too sudden and his limited English vocab frustrating him. He brushed it off his own feelings.

Namjoon immediately replied after seeing Jimin's reaction. Just reading his expression, he knew Jimin was hurting inside. Namjoon replied on behalf of Jimin, "No, he didn't wear makeup. It's just a little skincare, for a good skin condition".

"No, it's obviously makeup when it's shining. Oh yeah, you too. Gosh, everyone wearing makeup? Is that lip balm?" the man pointed his finger to everyone especially Jimin who stood nearest to him.

The other BTS members became slightly defensive, they denied wearing makeup. "Well...some of us have dry lips," Namjoon can't deny the lip balm part. But is it wrong putting lip balm when it's cracking? Why did they look at BTS like a bunch of people who confused with their gender identity?

The girl smiled, "Yeah, for healthier skin. Let's put that way. The safe answer," The girl winked at Namjoon. Seems like they don't believe it. BTS started to get annoyed but couldn't exit this toxic conversation just like that. They don't want to be rude, but they silently want them to get out.

"Speaking about healthy, do you have coronavirus? I heard China and South Korea are top countries with coronavirus. It's your country right?" the guy asked them.

The girl freaked out of sudden, "Oh yeah, I forgot about it. Gosh, I touched your skin just now! Do you have coronavirus? Am I got infected? Should I get a test?" She asked Seokjin.

Seokjin got taken back by the question. But, as a professional singer who always facing this kind of situation, he stays composed and answered calmly, "No, I don't have".

Yoongi added, "Don't worry, we are healthy,".

"Yes, we're all healthy", said Namjoon smiling professionally.

"Hahaha. Don't worry, babe. If you get coronavirus, we know where it came from," the guy joking to the girl. He's having fun seeing her feel worried about her health. The girl pouting when the guy hugging her shoulders. They're all dismissed after they left. Hoseok shook his head thinking about the weird conversation they had just now.

BTS went back to their hotel with two vans. They went straight to get some meal at the hotel before heading back to their room. While they were eating, they vent their frustration towards the two unwelcomed visitors during their rehearsal.

"It was really an embarrassing moment. Even the staff who with us before they approached us left without saying anything," said Jimin.

Hoseok commented, "I guess they already know the attitude of this couple. I saw some of you got really annoyed for the whole conversation".

"Of course, we got annoyed. If they spoke in Korean, I already roasted them. They make me wants to learn how to curse in English," Seokjin raised his voice. As the eldest member, he feels responsible to protect them.

Yoongi while cutting his steak responded short, "Don't worry, I'll roast them in my mixtape".

Taehyung added the surprising moment they saw and mentioned it, "How dare she touched Jin hyung's face. I got really shocked when she touched him without permission. She really digging her own grave!"

Seokjin feels burned when he remembers about it. Seokjin with his whole body venting his anger, "Right?! It was my first time meeting her, she dared to touch me with her dirty hand! Not only that, she asked me whether I have coronavirus? Wow, this is really unbelievable and irritating!" Seokjin rolled his eyes. His eyes have full of fire.

Yoongi added his frustration when he heard about it. He stopped cutting the steak to express his thought, "Oh seriously, that time was really irritating and hard for me to handle myself. I feel like boiled inside my chest. That was so rude to be called as a joke. Coronavirus isn't a joke!" Yoongi talked while holding the knives, make him looked really mad.

Jimin shared his observation when they talked about coronavirus scene, "The way she looked at Jin hyung was really like she found Seokjin hyung disgusting when she mentioned about coronavirus. She was the one who touched him and acting like friendly, but she looked at Jin hyung so disgustingly. Seriously, I don't understand why she needs to put the blame on Seokjin when she's the one who touched him. That was so annoying".

Taehyung commented, "Do they actually think that we do not know English? We just didn't speak the language, but we understand them. Why are they trying to shaming us? It was really offensive saying about our country like that. I really want to smack them".

Hoseok responded, "I don't think that's the case. They purposely saying that because we're Korean. We are Asian. I don't know why they are acting racist towards us, but at the same time want to be friendly. Actually, what they actually want from us was also very unclear. It was really annoying seeing people like that. But I really relieved none of us fires back them at that time".

Namjoon smirked and explained, "It's not like we don't want, but we really try our best to stay calm. Plus, they are not like us. They will definitely publicise it if we got into trouble with them. Western industry and Korean entertainment industry are different. We tried to settle the case within ourselves in Korean, but in the western industry, everything is publicised. They make money by selling controversies. If paparazzi follow us after that, it will be scarier".

"You are right. It is best to stay calm and not create any trouble," Jungkook agreed with Namjoon.

Taehyung stated his opinion, "But, I think even if we got into trouble with them, Army will definitely be at our side. It's obvious a racial issue and they looked down at us. They even made fun of Army".

Namjoon who forecast the situation justified their action for the long run, "If they know the whole story, Army will support us. But how about people who are not our fans? They don't like seeing Army venting their anger and make things become bigger. It will give bad impression towards Army and us, BTS. They will call the Army a toxic fandom because Army will definitely do something to attack them once they found out. More people will hate us and our fans instead of spreading love. In the end, the two of them got free publicity while playing victims when we are actually the real victims".

Jimin nodded. He agreed with Namjoon, "We cannot act harshly to this kind of people. Ignore them would be the best option".

Seokjin who is still pissed with these two people said, "Next time if I meet these people again, I will pretend not seeing them and never admit became their friends".

Jungkook laughed, "Hyung, they are not even our friends. We don't know their names".

Namjoon grinned, "I know their names but forgotten".

Yoongi savagely responded, "That means they are not that famous. Even if they are famous, people who know their characters won't like them".

Taehyung scratched his hair, "Ah, I don't have any mood now. They ruining it".

Hoseok took Taehyung's arm and massaged his hand, "Don't be like that. Let's not make this incident block us to walk forward. Even their words hurt us like a blade, we should go against those negative people though our music".

Namjoon added to Hoseok's word, "Right. Let's use this bad memory to kill them with our great performance tomorrow. Actions speak better than words".

Jimin agreed, "Yeah, after all, we are the most anticipated performance tomorrow. Let's just think about the Army who work hard to bring us from below to top here in this stage. We have them and a lot of other people who like us. We got to heaven thanks to them".

Seokjin looked at everyone. All of them has the same thing in mind. Focus on their purpose of pursuing their dream as a BTS and taking care of the relationship they have with Army. This incident shouldn't divert their focus. They should focus on their goal. He nodded softly, "Yes, Let's make them proud. We are together bulletproof".

Jungkook smiled looking at their hyung. With the spark in his eyes, Jungkook said, "Yeah, we are not seven, with ARMY".

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