

Shout as much as you can,

No one can hear you except the trashcan,

Shout as high as eighth octave,

No one can go to your position to save.

Yell as dark starts to eat the light,

Go to higher elevation for better sight,

Yell to call for immediate help,

Go until someone loosen up the kelp.

Stutter to the cold wind of loneliness,

Shiver to the frost bite chill of mellowness,

Stammer to kick the barren thought of winter,

Shower the past sand to move further.

Help me as I taste the delicious sorrow,

No one told me the chill until my bone marrow,

Flavored feelings of life scoping out,

As tower of them keep growing up until the haut.

I can not choose whether yes or no,

Yes as my life starts to color from mono,

No as i continue to discharge at them,

Whatever it is another lame.

What does really means? It doesn't connect,

You thought it also while breaking a neck,

Somehow you want to stop this never end,

Well it is good to use while mend.

What's this sheiath writers' writing,

Out of nowhere, out of sighting,

Yet he wants you to continue reading,

Writer, you sucks in this kind of doing.

I'll tell you he isn't the one typing,

The other 'he' which cage for aging,

He's weak now, my chance to kill,

Yet this sheiath me, it's against the will.

F8ck! f8ck! f8ck! I can't move,

I'm cornered, he doesn't want me to rove,

I'm defeated without a single move, lost,

Now for my punishment, my life will be the cost.

I hear by declare, "I Shall Return, Stronger Than Ever!"

I'll cast the die for you, result? Your still a loser!

GRRRAAHHHHHRRRHH!!!!! As I caged, no sealed a thousand locks,

Goodbye to you, I'll remember it, I'll wait 'till opportunity knocks.

Pandagdag pa sa mga araw na walang ups, huhu may pera na ulit ako kaso bente lang. piso net pala gamit ko sa pag-update. hehe keep pushing!!

Dark_Mancreators' thoughts
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