
Tournament of Power Final (2-in-1)

Goku isn't doing well. He somehow manages to beat Dispo and is now fighting Jiren. Vegeta, on the other hand, is still tied up with Toppo, God of Destruction Toppo to be exact. Right now Vegeta is going on a ramp about pride, life and death battle, etc. It seems Vegeta found his own path to get stronger.

Just a second later Vegeta explodes with power knocking Toppo out of the main arena into a rock floating outside. Then Vegeta attacks Jiren after Jiren knocks a tired Goku away. Vegeta is doing pretty good against a Jiren that is not serious. I was going to knock Toppo out but 17 landed next to me.

"What happen to 18?"

"She got knockout by a weird fat lady. Then after the lady sees Krillin and she hears that Krillin is married to 18. She lost the will to fight and got blasted off the stage." 17

"Umm… I don't know how to reply to that."

"I don't either." 17

I look over to the seating area and see that Universe 2 is gone. "Why don't you go help Broly. I'll help Goku and Vegeta here."

"Alright." 18 said and leave again. I fly over to Toppo.

"Hate to be the guy that eliminate the guy that's down and all, but we got a tournament to win," I said before I blow up the rock Toppo was on. I look back at Vegeta's fight to see Vegeta is getting beat up. 'I wonder what Goku is doing.' I thought as I lock on to Goku's Ki and use instant transmission.

"Hey Goku. Looks like you and Vegeta are having trouble." I said after I appear next to him.

"Haha. No kidding. No matter how much I power up, I just can't seem to match Jiren." Goku

'Hmm? This is more of manga-verse than the anime so Master Roshi should be here to talk to Goku but he's not here. I guess I'll have to talk to Goku then. If something shows up in the future where even I can't beat. Having an Ultra Instinct Goku around will be handy, especially when there is fusion.' "Goku, what does strength mean to you?"

"Strength? No matter how much strength I build up in SSB, my attack doesn't seem to work on Jiren. I need some bigger, greater power." Goku

"Power as in battle power? Where did you learn that from? Battle power has no meaning to a martial artist. You should have learned this from all your masters, after all, I learn it from your memory."

"Huh? What do you mean?" Goku

"Goku, people don't learn martial arts in order to win. They learn martial arts to not lose themselves. As long as you keep obsessing over the power of yourself and your opponents, you'll always be a novice. Have you learn nothing from your masters."

After I finish I feel like I can see a light lit up above Goku. 'Wow, he figures it out. I didn't think I can do it. Looks like Goku might still be able to learn Ultra Instant after all.'

"I…" Goku

"You don't need to tell people what you learn, you only need to look inside your heart and find your answer," I said as I put my hand on Goku. "Now, I'm going to get Vegeta out of there. I'm giving you another chance at fighting Jiren alone before I have a go at it." I told Goku as I heal him.

"Hehe, I'll win this by myself," Goku said as he walks toward Jiren.

'Yeah, you do that. Mastering Ultra Instant is harder than it seems and after you lose again, it's my turn.' I think to myself as I teleport in to grab Vegeta before teleporting away again.

"Ken?" Vegeta asks as I heal him

"Be quiet and just watch Goku. If he loses I'm jumping in next." I told Vegeta as I study Goku's Ultra Instinct(UI). 'Luckily Goku is still able to use UI without Master Roshi here. But his power doesn't seem to grow more than SSB… It seems UI is not a transformation but a state of being… Kind of like the flow that people talk about in sports but on a whole different scale. He's using all his power without thinking and to the best of his ability not just in dodging and attacking but also defense too… I wonder how long he can... and UI is gone.'

Goku got beat up after UI ware off and got sent flying toward us. I create a clone to grab Goku and another one to grab Vegeta. As I did, I can feel a two powerful Ki from where Broly is at. Jiren also looks in that direction and frowns.

It seems Broly finally turn LSS and the other one should be fused Caulifla and Kale or Kefla. I also send a clone to check on them in case they have trouble with hit new time ability. I focus my attention back on Jiren.

"It looks like it's just you and me Jiren."

"No matter how many of you come, I'm going to win in the end. You don't even have enough power for me to get serious." Jiren

"Oh? How about now?" I transform straight into Royal God. My power now is a little over LSS Broly but I can tell from Goku's battle that Jiren is a bit stronger.

"It doesn't matter how many time you transformed, it'll all end the same." Jiren

"You are right about that. In the end, Universe 7 will always win." I charge at Jiren after I finish talking. Unlike Goku and Vegeta who like to feel out their opponent's strength first, I start out with the strongest attack in my second strongest form. My attack manages to push Jiren back but since he is ready for it, he wasn't sent flying.

"Come on Jiren, time to get serious otherwise you won't even have the chance to fight back." I transform into the Full Power version of Royal God. My power now is greater than Jiren when he is fighting UI Goku but I don't think he is using his full power in that fight either.

"It seems you'll be a challenge unlike the other." Jiren power up and got ready again. His power surpasses me again but not by much. This time its Jiren who strikes first.

Since attacking head on is useless for me unless I go into Royal God 2 I'll do something I been practicing for a while. Since I can't enter the flow state or UI normally, I use my Telepathy magic to influence my mind to fully focus on the fight and nothing else. In this hyper focus state, I'm able to fight those way above my power without having to power up.

Unlike UI, I won't be able to instinctively use my Ki to make the best defense so I dodge most of Jiren attack and counter it with my own. If a normal person does this, it'll tire them out in less than a minute. Too bad for Jiren, I have infinite energy along with regeneration which means I can keep this up longer than normal people. The only problem is that this move is mentally tiring. If I use it for too long, my head starts to hurt.

As the fight goes on, Jiren is hurt more and more while I dodge most of his attack. Since we are at a similar PL, that means his attack won't hurt me as much as it did to everyone else and with my regeneration. It'll look like I haven't taken any damage at all.

I knock Jiren back. "Why can't I hurt you! I should have more power than you!" Jiren yells out. He's starting to lose his calm.

"It's because I don't fight alone Jiren. When I fight, I carry everyone's hope and dream with me, I fight not the sake of getting stronger but to stand alongside my friends and family..." That was totally a lie. I mostly fight alone and care more about my family than others but he doesn't need to know that. *cough, cough* I hope I look cool while I was saying that.

"IS THAT ALL, IF THAT IS ALL THAN HOW CAN YOU BE STRONGER THAN ME! SOMEONE WHO FIGHT FOR JUSTICE! FOR THE WHOLE UNIVERSE!" Jiren yells as he charges at me again. He was angry and is getting sloppy so I was able to easily dodge his attack and kick him away.

"No Jiren. I can see how you fight. You don't fight for others. You fight for yourself. You won't even care if your team dies as long as you succeed in what you want."

"YOU KNOW NOTHING ABOUT ME!" Jiren attack me again.

"Of course I don't but I know how you fight. And I can see that you fight alone, you always have. If you don't change that, you never be able to go beyond what your potential limit you to." I block Jiren strike for the first time and kick him away again.

"Every martial artist will run into a wall sooner or later and those who fight alone won't have anyone there to help them get over it. Let me show you the true power that I got with the help of my friends. HAAAA… HA." I transform into Royal God 2 and put my arm out to charge my attack.

"This is the end for you Jiren. RASEN-KOSEN!" I fire my self made technique at Jiren.

"I WILL NOT LOSE!!" Jiren yell. A fire seems to be lit inside him as his power starts to grow.

'Crap he's getting even more powerful. I need to end this quickly before he reaches my current power level. I guess it's time to use another one of Goku's technique that no one ever bothers to learns.'

"KAIO-KEN x10!!" I yelled as I power up even more. With the added power to my Rasen-Kosen, Jiren couldn't block the attack anymore and got basted off the stage.

'Phew, I hope my acting is good enough to get Jiren to consider working with his team. Hmm… should I listen to myself and fight with others too… Na, I'll just stay with my family. The Z fighters can deal with everything else… maybe I should train with them once in a while to make them stronger so I can relax more.'

I look over to where Broly is and can feel that battle is over. Now that I deactivate the hyper-focus state, I can 'see' through my clone that the fight already ended. The information I got was 17 eliminated Cabba then got surprised by Hit's time skip and got eliminated. Broly beat Kelfa before eliminating Hit as Hit's time skip can't do anything to Broly.

So that means currently it only me Broly, Goku, and Vegeta left. Seems like Universe 7 won with more people around this time. I use my clones that were with the other to teleport everyone to me.

"The Tournament of Power is over. As the winners of the tournament, you have a few minutes to make choose your wish." Grand Priest

"Guys, can I make the wish?" I ask

"What are you going to wish for?" Vegeta

"I'm bringing all the Universe that was erased back."

"Go ahead then. I promise Cabba that I'll bring them back with the wish." Vegeta

"That means I'll have a chance to fight Jiren 1 on 1 so I'm ok with that." Goku

Everyone turn to Broly

"I don't have a wish." Broly

"In that case." I turn back to the Grand Priest.

"Have you decided on your wish?" Grand Priest.

"Yeah, bring back all the universe that was erased. That's should be possible right?"

"Yes, of course it's possible. There is no wish that Super Shenron can't grant." Grand Priest

And with that, all the Universe were brought back and all the participants were sent back to their own universe.

(A/N: I wanted to write a Broly vs Kefla fight because a LSS vs LSS fight sounds awesome. The problem is, I don't know how to write it. I don't know how to start it, end it, but more importantly, I don't know how to make it good. Sorry to those wishing to see a LSS vs LSS fight.)

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