
The Wedding Planning

Once the food was served, the 4, started eating and from time to time conversing. Their conversations started from a casual talks, to a teasing points thrown towards the love birds, and then when they were almost finished eating, the wedding's specific details had come.

"First and foremost, me and Mj have decided to ask you, Ja, to be our official wedding planner." Karl looking at Ja straight to her eyes.

"Oh, that would be so exciting! And I would be honored to do so." Ja, in an excited tone and smiles.

Mj, looking straight at Karl's Manager, "Manager Greg, we are asking you to be our Bestman too."

"Yeah, it's my pleasure. And who is to be the Bride's Maid of Honor? I'm just curious," smiled Greg.

"My Secretary, her name is Dianne. She's single too. Pretty and smart. You two could be a good match in the future.Hihihihi" giggled Mj with a teasing tone emphasizing it towards Greg.

"Oh, okay." smiled Greg with a bit blush on his face.

"And my brother Arthur, will stand and walk with me in the aisle, in behalf of my deceased father." added Mj.

"How about the Groom's Men and the Bride's Maids?" asked Ja with curiousity.

"Hmmm, one of the Groom's Men is Orlando Bloom and one of the Bride's Maid's is Katy Perry. The rest would be my band members, and some workmates of Mj." smiled Karl in an excitement.

"Really? Yeheeeeey eeeeeeeeeeh" Ja couldn't help but scream in excitement. Realizing that she's overjoyed, she stopped screaming and apologized, "Opps, sorry guys. I just couldn't help. Those two iconic individuals you have mentioned are both my idols. I love them two!"

"Don't forget, they were Mj's idols too, and them two are actually my friends in the music industry. Hehehe," bragged Karl with a smile.

Mj was just smiling and nodding in agreement with an excitement smile. While Greg was just silently smiling too.

"Oh yeah. Me and Mj both loved "Legolas" in the movie "Lord of the Rings, which Orlando Bloom was the actor who played this role. And we both loved Katy Perry's songs too, like "Roar" "Fireworks" "Papparazi" etc. Me and Mj are bff = Best Friends Forever, you know!" Ja, bragged in agreement.

"That's right! That's why we are involving all of you in our wedding coz you are all the M-o-s-t I-m-p-o-r-t-a-n-t People in our lives." excitingly emphasized Karl.

"Have you guys picked the wedding venue, already? I'm guessing, it would be one of the locations where "Lord of the Rings" actually filmed here in New Zealand, isn't it?"

"It's still here in New Zealand. But since it would be harder for Mj to walk in those mountains where "The Lord of the Rings" filmed, for Mj is a month pregnant, so we have chosen a different venue."

Amazed at the good news Ja looked at Mj with admiration, "Oh, my bff is pregnant? That's great news. Congratulations!" she couldn't help but gave a quick hug to Mj.

"The venue will be at the Bob's Peak, Queenstown." smilingly continued Karl.

Having understood the idea on how and what the set up would be, Greg added, "So the Groom, the Entourage and then the Bride with her brother, will ride the cable car going downhill, one after the other. One cable car for the Groom, one cable car for the Groom's Men and Bride's Maids, one cable car for the Principal Sponsors, one cable car for the Flower Girls and Bible and Ring Bearers, and last but not the least, one cable car for the Bride and her Brother."

"Yes, you got it right!" Karl agreed.

"But I suggest, I would be riding at the cable car where the Bride and her brother would be riding. I'm the bride's bff. It's just but right for me to be with her at this special moment of her life, don't you think?" suggestively insisted Ja.

"Your wish is granted bff. You will be with me." Mj tapped Ja's shoulders.

Smilingly, Ja wrapped up, "So it's all set then. Is there anything you want to add up?"

"The reception afterwards would be there too. Katy Perry and my band will perform and render thier songs at the reception." Karl added.

"And don't forget, during our wedding vows at the wedding, we will both sing in duet the song that we pre-recorded at the Philippines entitled "Flying Without Wings." reminded Mj while looking straight at Karl's eyes.

"Oh, yeah, I don't forget, my honey. I just don't want to spoil the moment with them, since it's supposed to be our surprise."

"Surprise? It should not be a surprise to our wedding planner since she will be in charge of arranging it all, don't you think, honey?"

"Yes, you're right, honey." Karl then gave a quick smooch to Mj, in front of the two.

Ja and Greg clapped thier hands at the same time in an overjoyed manner.

"Put it in charge on me, the wedding cake. I have someone I know who makes the best cakes in this country." Greg suggested.

"Okay, got it all noted. Anything else?" asked Ja while finalizing her notes.

"None for the moment. Unless Mj, has something to add yet?" Karl stared lovingly at Mj.

"Nope. That would be all. Thank you very much guys. Your help is really much appreciated to make our wedding become a reality."

"You're welcome. It's an honor to do so." Greg and Ja said the same words exactly at the same time. It's almost like the two are in unison.

"Okay then. We are all set!" ended Ja.

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