
Entry #4: Sad

Dear diary,

Hi. It's been a while since I wrote in you. It's just...alot of stuff HAS been going down lately. Mother got angry again and locked me in the bathroom with that...mixture...again, but she left me in for too long and I had to call in sick for a few days while I got "better". While I was getting better, I was locked in my room with only food scraps left for me at the door, but it gave me a long time to think and I've just been so...sad. I've been constantly sad for so long but never truly thinking about it.

It's like this empty, hollow feeling in my chest, or like it's always just a cloudy day. Nothing good is happening to me. Or, maybe, it's like I was going for a lovely walk, and all of a sudden, a hail storm started; I have no cover, no form of protection, and it's just ceaseless pain.



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