
Chapter 5

## Date : 24 July 1988 ##

Today, like every other day, I was in my room doing my magical exercise. Suddenly, my door was knocked. It is a strange occurrence since I don't interact much with anyone. Before I occupied this body, Aiden being a shy little boy, barely speaking with anyone and had a reputation of being an introvert, but after I took over I haven't helped it any. I spend all my free time in either my room practicing magic or outside doing my physical workout in mornings and evenings. I barely see anyone in orphanage aside for when its time to go eat food in the hall. Even at school, all other children leave me alone since I am ahead of everyone else in coursework. Skipping a few grades and attending classes with older kids haven't helped the matter. Due to my awesome academic performance, Orphanage matron usually assumes that I am in my room studying hard for school (which I am, but just not the one she thinks) and leaves me alone. Anyway, it brings me back to the matter at hand, someone knocked at my door. I put away all my stuff and open my door. What greets me is the view of an older woman wearing strange robes with a pointed hat, I quickly recognized her as Deputy Headmistress of Hogwarts, Prof. Minerva McGonagall. Come to think of it, its time for me to get my Hogwarts letter. I assumed I will get my letter via an owl as a warning before a personal visit from the Professor. Well perks of being an orphan, I guess. They can't very well just send an owl in broad daylight in orphan full of muggles, someone is bound to think its strange (owls are nocturnal), that's just asking for trouble.

I quickly cease my line of thinking and focus on her.

"Hello, How can I help you?"I asked politely, feigning ignorance.

Matron replied from behind her, "Aiden, this is Prof. McGonagall from a private school and she wants to talk to you about your potential enrollment in it."

"Thank you, but I would like to speak to Mr. Canis privately." Said the professor to the matron.

"Alright then, Aiden call me if you need anything." said matron while going away.

I politely invite her to come in and sit on the chair, shutting the door afterward.

"Before we begin, have you ever noticed anything strange happening while you were in an emotionally distressed state?" asked Prof. McGonagall.

Ah, she is talking about accidental magic. Well, the truth is that I have never experienced it. Since I have started to control my magic wandlessly, I keep a tight lid on it. Occlumancy has also helped me to control my emotions. Hence, no accidental magic. But for the sake of moving the conversation forward I say, "Yes, I have. There was that one time when I was running away from bullies, desperately wanting to be anywhere else. One moment I was running away from them and next moment I was in my room. I always thought that was weird." Well, thank you, Harry, for selflessly providing my accidental magic story. Since he can accidentally Apparate, then it's logical to think that anyone else can too. This also has an advantage of me being able to act curious about the apparition and to ask questions about it. Magical teleportation has a lot of advantages and it would help a lot to be able to easily go anywhere I want.

"That Mr. Canis was apparition. It is by many adult wizards for transportation. It is dangerous and should not be used by anyone underage." she warned sternly.

"Wizards, ma'am?" I asked, looking unsure.

"Yes, Wizards. In fact, you are one Mr. Canis. Perhaps a demonstration is in order to convince you. I have other Muggleborn students to go talk to later today." said Prof. McGonagall while turning my table into a pig and then turning it back.

I stood there doing my best to act surprised with wide eyed and open jaw. After that was done, she quickly went over brief on the wizarding world and Hogwarts. She then gave me my Hogwarts letter. I made the appropriate joyful expression on my face, opened the letter and ‎read its contents. Well, nothing new there. Its the standard issue first-year Hogwarts letter, same as in the books.

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