
Chapter 1407: Wang Qui Got Arrested

Wang Qui went to the airport in the morning to take a flight. He was about to go to the first-class lounge when his phone rang. He looked at the screen and saw his secretary's phone number. He answered the call.

'I am going to Japan for a few days.' That was what Wang Qui wanted to say to his secretary but the secretary responded first.

"Mr. Wang, something terrible happens at the office. The police come and confiscate everything in the office." The secretary sounded very panicky at this moment.

"What? What happens? Tell me clearly." Wang Qui uttered.

"The police came with a warrant stating everything in the office needed to be confiscated under tax evasion's crime." The secretary explained.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Wang Qui could not hold back his feeling and ended up shouting loudly in the middle of the airport. 

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