
Night Tracking 1


It's been a long day plus now, I got a helper for my pizza job, everything is looking positive on my side here in Kuoh.

Chaos: It's 19:00 now, master.

"Right, Thanks."

That's right, I still have something to do. An acquaintance of mine, Ryan, had met with an accident. I have to also consider the mission given to me by Ajuka Beelzebub. This feeling I have is telling me that it's going to be dangerous, thinking of those mysterious beasts I have firm conviction that I'm going see some grotesque stuff.

"Should I play it safe?" I wonder.

It's seven at night, this should be about time to meet up with the hunters. No one told me the exact time for when the hunting begins though. Turning back to Chaos, I see her working hard on the pizza. Her skills are pretty good from what I can tell.

"Hey, Chaos. You're pretty good." I complimented my familiar. As her master, seeing her work successfully makes me feel good. Although I must admit that part of the reason why I feel good is because I'm using 'Penetrate' on my eyes.

Chaos: I learnt from my big sister, Ikaros and Hyori

"I see... That's good." That didn't surprise me actually. More so, it was expected. When I get back I must find out about the other Angeloids. "Okay, Chaos. I'll leave everything to you. See you in a while."

S.Sesa: ( I feel conflicted. )

I know what my second self is going on about. I'm feeling guilty that I have to leave Chaos all by herself to take care of everything but ....

I also feel happy that I don't have to do the cleaning. It's obvious that I can do it myself, I've been doing it for while now but having someone else do it feels good too. I guess it should be a good thing to engage others. If I do everything myself, as a king now, my actions may cause anyone and everyone to either respect me or criticize me.

Whatever, I'll do what I feel is right.

Now that I've left Chaos in charge, I depart Kuoh once again.

The incantation is once again manifested by me then my vision begins to blur, instantly, I find myself on the building that is Satan's hideout.

"I think I'm getting pretty good at using magic, maybe I should become a magician." I mutter as I look around the roof of this building. With this devil constitution of mine, although fake, allows me to see perfectly under the night sky like it was day time. It's amazing.


Using the power of my cursed gear, the mask appears on my face in a black light, I start using 'detect' to probe my surroundings...

"Looks like they've already left. Just small number of people are in the building." I determine, as the Mask of Deception reveals the situation inside the building.

"I should go down and get some information but first lets see what I have left of the things I got from the stray exorcists."

Thinking like that, I waved my hand and a blue coffin with golden runic engravings manifests at my side. It opens up for me with a single thought of mine.

Peeking inside, darkness is revealed to me as well as the weapons that I had left there.

I only have limited number of bullets left in the exorcist guns that are with me. To optimize the best use of these guns I have to keep track of the ammunition that I have left.

This is very easy to do, anything that is inside the dark dimension can be felt by me as the darkness is the equivalent of a limb of mine.

Soon after checking my arms, I descend to the bottom of the building, only a few people are present.

"Good evening, do you know where the hunting party has gone? I've arrived a bit late."

????: They gone northeast, up into the forest.

"Thanks." I say then head northeast to find the gang. Naturally, it would take forever to reach the forest at northern side of town. To cut the time short, I spread my wings and fly over.


Currently, I'm flying over the forest in the northeastern side of the city. From what I see, the forest leads up to a mountainous terrain.

Now that I'm closer I can sense the presence of various powers here, hidden beneath the treetops. My attention is more focused on the hostility that I'm feeling.

"I'm not liking it, it feels to numerous." I say under my breath. I'm still debating whether I should go down and track everyone from ground level or remain here in the air.

S.Sesa: Stay here in air, it's way safer.

Ddraig: That my be a good idea but we do not know if these creatures can fly as well.

Thinking it over, I can't disagree with either of these guys. But staying in the air will also hinder my night tracking as I would have to only rely on by abilities to sense the area around me. Aside from the hostility that is revealed to me, I will not be able to tell who is in a favorable position and who needs my help.

S.Sesa: Something is heading this way!

Ddraig: LOOK OUT!!!

"No need to yell." I tell the Dragon Emperor. I can already detect the presence that just shot up right beneath me.

That's when I see it. It is really some sort of beast, however, aside from being covered all over with fur. It looks nothing like a werewolf. I would think it looks more human with some beastly teeth and eyes and fur all over. What's the difference? I don't know but there is a inherit difference.l

It's coming up at me with incredible speed, I won't be able fly out of range at this rate. But I wasn't going to dodge anyway.

"Since you coming at me, prepare to be obliterated."

I give the beast a faint smile. As expected of a predator, it arrived before me fairly quickly. Swinging a clawed hand, the beast is aiming to strike me... maybe it's aiming to grab me. Like I'll let it.

"Welcome to my humble abode." I snicker at my assailant.


Without any loss of time, the blue coffin appears right behind me. Not only that, I force it plummet. The cover of the coffin vanishes and I, who is right in front of it's opening, allows myself to swallowed by the darkness.

I'm inside Necroussary Abyss, safe from the attack of the beast.


The blue box with golden linings hit the predator straight on, part of its body is caught deep in the entrance of the coffin. With a thought of mine, the darkness begins to draw in the victim.

Like a vacuum, the beast begins to get sucked in.

"It sure is strong."

I give the beast a compliment. Struggling to resist the force, the beast tries it's best but can that help it?

Of course not. This darkness is my domain. everything moves according to my will.


The beast cries out as it struggles....

The beast finally, can no longer fight against my might. Pulled into the depths of the abyss, I enforce a never ending pressure of my victim. Crushing it!

Author: AnantaKesh


1) Phantom Instinct ( original )

2) Crossing Over: Chronicles of DxD ( fan fiction )

3) _ ( coming soon )


http//www.pa tre on.com/anantakesh

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