
Nicolas Virgil Dante

Sesa: ...erm ...uh ...hmm.

Sesa opened his sleeping eyes, he saw above him the vastness of the sky. It was in three colors, neon green, a bright blue and an yellowish orange color. Something was different however, there are darker patches here and there. It was nothing like clouds but it gave off that feeling. What are these darker shades? Sesa came to another realization, he's back inside the gear's inner realm, the Mask of Deception. Sesa sprang to his feet.

Sesa: Hey, Second? ...

S.Sesa: Ho... The baby is finally awake.

Sesa: Who you calling a baby, ey!

S.Sesa: Anyway... Look around, find anything different?

Sesa: Ahh! Yeah, as a matt-

That sentence could not be finished, Sesa was ready to point out the cloud-like patches in the sky but the vast white land beneath his feet wasn't just white anymore. From his point of view Sesa could see a line across the white land, it was curved like a crescent. That wasn't all, further ahead you can see another line that is identical but had a wider range. Sesa could faintly make out that even further was a line. What's going on?

These lines were not thin, it was wide in fact. What was identical with all the lines in front of him was their color, pale navy blue like a clouded sky in the night. Sesa was baffled all the more when he turned 180°, he saw more lines. This time they were closer, Sesa figured out that lines weren't just a crescent but made an actual circle. To add to the discovery, at the very centre of these circles was an object that left Sesa's eyes wide open and jaw dropped.

Sesa: It can't be, right?

S.Sesa: You are definitely seeing it.

Sesa: Why is it here... Here of all places?

S.Sesa: Don't know. It has a connection with us, thats for sure.

Sesa: ....

Right at the very centre of these circles was the very thing that brought Sesa to this world. It was none other than the stone coffin. No more dusty like when it was found in the tomb, rather, it was very clean and the engravings around the sides had a golden hue. Why was this thing in here? Both Sesa came forward to make an inspection. Does this mean that he can go back to his original world?

S.Sesa: What do you think?

Sesa: We have to open it to find out.

S.Sesa: Yeah?

Second Sesa looked at the first with his black eyes, it couldn't be told what expression the red pupils gave. Sesa came right to the stone box, he attempted to push off the top. It seemed to be quite difficult, as hard as he tried, the top wouldn't budge. 'Idiot', said Second Sesa as he made a snap sound with his fingers. The coffin opened having its cover shoot off into the sky. Sesa got scared by the sudden movement, he fell on his butt.

Sesa got on his feet again, 'bastard', he gave S.Sesa a dirty look. They both came and leaned over to look inside. 'Oh!' It was wasn't empty, it looked quite comfy inside with a built-in mattress and pillow.

S.Sesa: And I was just wishing I had a bed, the heavens are kind.

Sesa: Bullshit, this doesn't tell us anything.

All of a sudden the entire realm shook. What? An earthquake in a sacred gear inner realm! Before Sesa and S.Sesa a figure materialized, it was a man. It was a really old man with wrinkles and sagging cheeks, he wore a suit that was pitch black and a cap from the 80z. Not to mention but he was floating above the coffin. Both Sesa bounced back, they each took a battle stance. Where did this guy come from?

????: Hohoho... If I'm here that means I hit the bucket, hohoho!

S.Sesa: ....

Sesa: ....

????: Ah, young ones! So nice to see such young healthy kids... hmm. Hey you, the pale one. Where you placed in the box after you died too?

S.Sesa: Huh, what? No way, gramps. I was born here.

????: What is this place? This doesn't look like the underworld.

Sesa: Ah... You don't know?

????: Well I'm already dead, I wouldn't know about this place.

S.Sesa: You really dead, gramps?

Sesa: How come you're here then?

????: ....I am just a fragment of a memory that I placed here when was alive. My name is Nicolas Virgil Dante. May I ask for the names of you young ones?

Sesa: I'm Sesa and this is Sesa also.

Nicolas: Huh!

S.Sesa: Hehe, So we'll ask the questions, gramps. We know nothing about you?

Sesa: And whats with the coffin?

Nicolas: ....Very well. This... Is a gear.

Sesa: Sacred gear?

Nicolas: Hohoho! There is nothing sacred about it... Wait, does that mean we are back in my original world?

S.Sesa: Gramps, we asking the questions.

Nicolas: Hmm... ok. This is Necroussary. It is a gear that I made myself.

Sesa: What!!!?

S.Sesa: How can that be?

Nicolas: Hohoho, It is true that God had the designs and the system but did you think that we, the DEVILS, wouldn't be able to make our own? FOOLISH! But its a sad truth.

S.Sesa: ....

Sesa: .... So, is it a gate... To different worlds or something?

Nicolas: Haa! No, my lad. If we're in my world then it was a spell that I placed on the Necroussary. Whoever went inside it would be teleported to my home world. Hohoho! This means one of you are the successor to my work.

S.Sesa: Okay, gramps. What about you? Why were you in the Earth world?

Nicolas: Hmm... It is a sad tale but if you have the time then please young ones, fulfill my one and only wish.

S.Sesa: Lets hear it first, then we'll think about it.

Nicolas: My wish, please find my 12 elder brothers. They should still be alive. The truth is they were experimented on and they were turned into gears by those monsters. SATANS!!!

Sesa: ....

S.Sesa: ...Your brothers were turned into gears?

Nicolas: (sob) I was only but a child when it happened. Just like how the realm of the dead is connected to heaven through purgatory, so too is the underworld, it is called Malebolge. Where the wicked are punished. My brothers were the guardians of Malebolge. But those bastards, they attacked us. We couldn't win so they sacrificed themselves so I could escape.

Sesa: ....Shit!

Nicolas: Years later I found their base, I wanted to destroy it so I snuck in. I ended up finding documents and learned of what happened. My dear brothers became guinea pigs, turned into super devils and changed into gears for thoses Satans. I couldn't believe it, my heart was in pain, what kind of suffering did they go through?

Nicolas: I found a journal also. I read that my brothers learnt how to control their new powers fought back, from gears they could turn back into devils. Together they fought back, the very same powers they were given they used it. It was written in the journal that they escaped, except for the eldest ones. They were sealed away as too dangerous for even the Satans.

S.Sesa: What about you? How you ended up in the Earth world?

Nicolas: Getting there! I found the method of sacred gear deconstruction in the documents and how to make desecrated gears, I wanted to destroy it but I was caught. I fought back and got fatally injured. In order to escape I forcefully opened a dimensional gap. I don't know what happened, I thought I came to the human world but later I discovered it was an entirely different dimension altogether.

Nicolas: I wanted a way back home but was to injured. But I had the secret to make gears with me. I wanted revenge, so I started making a gear that will synchronize with all my brothers. It was difficult but as you can see, it's a success.

Both Sesa was shocked to hear such a tale. They remained quiet for some time. Just think about it, twelve gears that don't follow God's plan... Wait, thirteen Longinus that can kill Gods and another twelve that even Satan fears. Plus one more from a thirteenth brother. Seems like Sesa got caught in something major.

Sesa: Hey, old man. What does this thing do?

Nicolas: Hohoho! Its quite simple. It can absorb any power and convert it into demonic power. It can also be used as a storage space. Try it kido.

Sesa: Maybe another time.

Nicolas: Very well. I trust in you brats, please remember the names of my brothers. From youngest to eldest: Rubicante, Farfarello, Graffiacane, Ciriatto, Draghignazzo, Libicocco, Cagnazzo, Calcabrina, Alichino, Scarmiglione, Barbariccia and my eldest Malacoda.

Soon after Nicolas Virgil Dante dissapated leaving behind both Sesa with the devil's gear, 'Necroussary'.



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