Title: The new beginning of Sun Wukong part (3)
He started to cultivate the Meditation. It took him 5 days too
just reach the beginning of the teaching. For the first time
he felt hope to be a martial artist. But just after enter
beginning of the teaching he felt something wrong
so with he tried to sence what was wrong..
After a few moments he found there was something strange in
his mothers body.. He quickly understood that someone
has poisoned his mother . Sun felt he could get rid of the
poison but soon he got to know that the poison was too
powerfull and he could not get rid of it. But as a orphan he
knew how it was without mother. And he had only one
solution to this problem which was to absorb the poison
in his body.Sun started to absorb the poison but as
he started the absorbment he felt a pain he never felt before.
It was even greater then then the time he died.
But what Sun didn't know that due to his this
behavior his martial souce got destroyed.