

I wake up but not in my bedrooom.Where i am now?.This place looks familiar but who's.

Wn:"Are you okay now?" Oh so it is woohyun house

Me:"how can i end up here?"Then door open up with loud sound"BAAMMMM"

Wn:"yahh she just wake up and you guys are disturbing her"

Ej:"Because we were worried sick about her"

Sg:"Are you fine now,You fainted last night"He cake and touch my neck to check my fever"You are getting better now,you better take care yourself and eat medicine"

Me:"Oh Shit,What time is now?"

Hn:"It is 7.45 now,Why?"

Me:"oh damn it, i pick up my stuff and walk away form his house"I was running for my life because there is only 15 minutes for him to eat his breakfast so without think more i buy some food at the nearby cafe and go home

8.01 a.m.

Finally i reach home hopefully he is not awake,Oh god please save me for once.My life is depends on you my lord.Slowly and carefully i open the door without making any noise and i tip-toe walking to the kitchen.Thankfully he doesn't wake up yet so i quickly set up the table and arrange the food on the table and went to take a quick shower.

*After 15 mins shower

Tae:"Where were you last night?"

Me:"Somewhere around the world"i stare at him

Tae:"how dare you talk to your husband like this"

Me:"since when you were my husband?"

Tae:"whatever still you have to respect me you dumb"


Tae:"After 4.40p.m. you better get your ass down here,we are going to the shopping mall with our parents,No excuses!"

I just walk away"Where are you going"he shout "To my friends house for assignments"i walk to Eun Jae house.

~Eun Jae house

Me:"hey,lets start our works"

Hn:"Like you can"

Sg:"you better explain everything"

Me:"My patents forced me to an arranged marriage due to their business.I don't even love that jerk even he got a girlfriend .I don't even know what to do in my life since everything my parents arrange in my life from my studies,life,marriage even my friends. I feel so useless to alive,i think after i moved out from the house i can live happily hut i was wrong everything change upside down.He even asked me to do this and that,like i'm the maid in that house. Hopefully after i got divorce i can forward for my life."I cry while others bursted out crying too

Hn:"we are always there for you!" She hug me then everyone came and hug me too (group hug).

Wn:"did taehyung you came here after he going to be mad"


Ej:"why he need to know about her"

Wn:"because Taehyung is her fiancé"

Everyone ex wn:"Whattt"

Me:"ya sorry guys, i forgot to inform about that,finally i got to confess about this"

Ej:"What a big shock we got today!Okay guys let's order some food,I'm hungry!"

~Time Skip

Me:"wahh finally we finish this,What tine is now?"

Ej:"it's just 3.45,why your husband ask you to go back is it?"she laugh

Me:"yahh you say that again i will chop you into 100 pieces"

Door bell *Ding dong

Me:"who's that"i ask Eun Jae who went to open the door

Eun Jae POV

I went to open the door but i was shocked to see the unexpected person


Jk:"can i talk to you for awhile?" He scrub his neck since his a shy person

To Be Continued...

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