
Transported To The World Of Naruto!! The Back And Forth Interrogation!!

Mako slowly opened his eyes. The look of indolence was etched into each and every inch of his gaze as his vision slowly came into focus.

The first thing he saw once he could see clearly was a head of silvery hair on top of a face nearly fully covered with a mask. It was definitely disconcerting to have someone so close to your face when you woke up, but Mako didn't really react beyond a simple blink. That was because he was staring at the face of someone who looked exactly like Kakashi Hatake from the anime Naruto. No matter how smart you were, the brain would need some time to process what the hell was happening.

Mako attempted to get up, but quickly realized that he was unable to. Looking down, he saw that his legs and arms were tied to a chair and that, aside from his pants, every single article of clothing he had been wearing previously had disappeared.

"Oh, thats interesting," Mako muttered as he moved his arms and legs a bit. The ropes were loose enough not to cut off the circulation but not enough to free himself, a definite upside to the whole situation.

"Whats interesting?" The Kakashi Hatake look alike asked. "The ropes tied around your legs and arms? Sorry, but we'll be leaving those on for now until we establish who you are. If you can, we'd like to ask you a few questions."

Mako took the chance to look around while the man was talking, taking in his surroundings.

He was in a room that was nearly completely bare. Aside from a semi-oval oak desk occupying the front of the room and pictures lining the walls the room was completely bare. However, while it was almost bare, it made Mako do a double take as it looked exactly like the hokages office he had seen countless times in the Naruto anime.

Combining this with the Kakashi Hatake look alike and the mysterious voice talking about world travel lead him to three possible conclusions. He ruled out dreaming as he could always tell the difference between fantasy and reality. He also ruled out death as he felt alive and well...as well as one could be anyways while tied to a chair.

This left him one decision though it was pretty hard to believe. However, it was the most easy to prove as he simply had to play along. For now he simply had to tell the truth and see where it took him. This was the most fun he had had in a while which really told him how boring that fight had been earlier. He wanted to see what would happen if he simply told him he wasn't from this world.

"Okay, what would you like to ask me?" Mako asked as he visibly relaxed into the chair. "I'm not sure how much I can tell you but I'll do my best."

Seeing the young wolf boy relax into the seat, Kakashi let out a relieved sigh in his head. The young male in front of him made him slightly nervous due to various reasons, but since it appeared that he had no intention of resisting he was much more at ease. It wasn't as if he was scared of the young male, but something about him just made him uneasy and he was tempted to find out by pulling out his Sharigan. However he reasoned with himself that this was merely a child and he had no reason to pull out something used only for a serious battle.

"Well, lets start with your name," Kakashi said, his uncovered eye staring directly at Mako, carefully studying his expressions. However, after seeing that his expression didn't change beyond a slightly bored and indifferent look, he stopped looking too closely.

"My name is Mako D. Carson," Mako responded almost immediately. "Where am I? How exactly did I get here?" Though he knew the answer to one of those questions, he still wanted to hear the answer from the guy in front of him dressed up in ninja attire.

Kakashi seemed to be debating the answer when the door behind him opened and in walked the last bit of proof that Mako needed to determine where he was. A woman around 5'4 with blonde hair almost reaching her lower back and a rather large chest that was concealed in a grey kimoni styled blouse underneath a grass green haori. She was unmistakable as the one and only "Slug Princess" Tsunade.

((And I'm in the world of Naruto)), Mako thought to himself with a bit of excitement, his tail beginning to wag even though his face didn't change. ((This just keeps getting better and better. This is way better then school, thats for sure.))

Tsunade walked over to the semi oval desk and sat down behind it. Her face was rather serious as she gazed from first Mako to Kakashi and then back to Mako. "So, your finally awake. Good, I got some questions for you brat."

"Names Mako actually," Mako replied, not caring about the current atmosphere. A normal person would've stayed quiet due to the seriousness of their own situation, but Mako didn't care as he always did what he wanted whenever he got excited. "I would appreciate it if you didnt call me brat as even though I'm 14, I'm most definitely smarter then you are."

The room became deadly quiet, a pin dropping would've easily echoed with how quiet it became. Mako didn't seem to mind as he took the opportunity to formulate a plan in his head about what to do next. He wanted to have fun but he also still wanted to know how he had gotten here, not in the world of Naruto but rather into the Hokages office in particular.

"That aside, where am I? How'd I get here?" Mako asked, completely changing the subject. The natural way he did it as well as the innocent tone in his voice made the other two think that he may have been speaking truthfully rather then boasting.

No matter how you looked at it, the young wolf boy gave off no traces of arrogance or really any emotion at all except a hint of uninterest, as if he didn't really care if he recieved a response at all. It was quite off putting and caused the rapidly building annyoance and anger Tsunade had felt building in her to disperse. She didnt find him to be charming, she merely was confused by how he was handling everything.

"You were brought here by a summoning jutsu," Tsunade said after carefully considering what to tell him. "Well to be more accurate, you were summoned outside of the Hidden Leaf Village during a training exercise involving some of our genin. You were brought to my office, the hokages office, by Kakashi Hatake. The removal of your clothes was just a mere formality as we had to check you for concealed weapons."

"Okay, so why didn't you just give me my clothes back after you found nothing?" Mako asked, a bit confused. "Did you just want to see me shirtless? If so, you can look as long you like, I don't mind."

Once again the room fell silent. It wasn't as silent as before as all three of them were breathing but it was still pretty quiet.

"Ugh, you guys need learn to take jokes," Mako muttered with a rather disappointed expression. "I'm not trying to hit on you."

Kakashi sighed and decided to interrupt before things got out of hand. "Okay, so who are you and where'd you come from? It isn't exactly normal for a person to just appear from a summoning scroll."

Mako shrigged his shoulders, or something akin to it as he still had his arms tied up. "Hell, all I knew was that I fell asleep as soon as I got home from school, took a long ass shower, threw on some clothes and took my afternoon nap. Next thing I knew I was waking up here and being interrogated by the two of you." While it wasn't the whole truth, it wasn't a lie either.

"School? You mean like one for ninjas? What land do you come from?" Kakashi continued to probe Mako with further questions and Mako responded with failure.

"The Land Of New York City, the place thats too crowded for its own good." Mako shifted his look from Tsunade and back to Kakashi. "Best I can tell you is that I'm from another world. Something that is hard to accept but is also very true."

Tsunade was quiet for a second before speaking up. "So you want us to believe that your from another world? You DO realize how ludicrous that sounds correct? There's no way anyone would believe that."

"Well, you don't have to believe me, but I think my ears and my tail speak for themselves." Mako said as his ears twitched and his tail continued wagging. "Where I come from, almost everyone had these things." This was where he finally lied, but as it was a small one, he didnt really care.

"I've been meaning to ask you about that," Tsunade muttered as she switched her gaze to his moving tail. "I thought it was just some sort of gentic mutation or some wierd thing you contracted when appearing from the summoning. I guess I can accept this as proof that you come from another world. For now anyways as I don't have enough proof to denounce your claims."

"Cool, in that case, can you place cut the ropes off of me and let me go?" Mako hated the feeling of being constrained and wouldve already tried to break free if there hadn't been two legendary Jonin level ninja on either side of him. "I promise to behave myself."

Tsunade contemplated Mako's words before finally nodding. She figured that she was more then strong enough to handle such an immature brat. Even if she wasn't, she knew Kakashi would back her up if it came down to it. "Kakashi, you can come him free. Then take him to retrieve his clothes and personal belongings. They should be with the Anbu as it was labeled as a potential danger."

Kakashi nodded his head, his single uncovered eye glancing at the young wolf boy. Reaching into the pouch located on left thigh, Kakashi pulled out a razor sharp blade, that Mako knew was called a kunai, and slashed the ropes binding Mako's arms and legs.

"Lets go Mako, I have some things I have to do so we should make this quick," Kakashi stopped and looked back at Tsunade. "What should I do with him after we got his stuff?"

Tsunade, who had sat back down onto her chair behind her desk, glanced up. "Take him to see Hiashi Hyuga and get a read on his chakra level. Then I want you give him a physical test as well as a mental one. Furthermore, if he is from another world then that means he hasn't a clue about our world and we don't have a clue about his own. Bring him back here when your done with all the things I asked. I would like to teach him things about this world as well as learn things about his own if he really from somewhere else."

Kakashi nodded and then opened the door. He walked out and waited for Mako, who had stopped to listen to the two of them talk to one another, to follow him out.

"Wait, so your saying that I don't get a say in this?" Mako asked, simply wanting to verify something.

"Nope," Tsunade said simply, not even bothering to look up from a paper she was perusing.

"Just checking," Mako said. He then turned around and followed Kakashi out the door.

He had no intention of being a pawn to her orders or even being cooped up in the Hidden Leaf Village. Once he finished all the things he wanted to do, he had already decided to forge his own path. He was his own alpha and he listened to know one.

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