
Meet the Friend

Kaoru was impressed. By the time he saw Miyagi and Nakamura off, they had stopped eyeing Keigo as if he was a vicious villain who should be shot.

They even messaged Kaoru afterwards to say that Keigo had shown enough promise to be placed on probation.

As far as Kaoru could tell, all it took was ample alcohol and Keigo's outrageous confidence. He simply ignored each barb and asked about them instead.

He was interested in everything. The intricacies of coffee-making for a barista. The unseen ruthless competition in academic research. Their shenanigans when they were in high school.

Kaoru's heart stirred as he watched this extremely privileged man squeezing into his apartment and drinking cheap beer from the convenience store across the street.

When Keigo shot him private, secretive smiles during the evening, Kaoru had to take another sip of alcohol to hide his own silly grin.

Now, it was his turn to meet Keigo's friend.

They were at Keigo's place on a Saturday afternoon when the man emerged from his study and announced, "We have an unwanted guest on the way."

Kaoru looked up from his sketchpad on the couch. "Who is it?"

"Takumi. He just finished a photo shoot nearby. He is dying to meet you."

"Me?" Kaoru was confused. "W-why?"

Keigo sat next to him on the couch and teased, "Because you are special."

"You're teasing me again," Kaoru mumbled but didn't protest when Keigo kissed him briefly.

Almost the entire nation knew who Matsumoto Takumi was. His face was plastered across billboards, magazines and commercials. He was renowned for having zero social media accounts.

He was also famous for having a cool and distant demeanor. The ice prince.

"What is he like?" he asked uneasily.

"A brat."

Puzzlement showed on Kaoru's face.

Keigo chuckled. "You'll see."


Takumi swanned into the apartment and took one look at Kaoru with an assessing glance.

"You are stunning," he proclaimed.

Kaoru blinked and looked at Keigo in bewilderment.

"Left your manners at the set?" Keigo shot back. "Although you speak the truth."

"My apologies." Takumi extended a hand to Kaoru. "Matsumoto Takumi. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too." Kaoru shook the refined hand. "I'm-"

"Aihara Kaoru. I know." Takumi smiled knowingly. "He can't stop talking about you."

"Why should I?" Keigo asked with an elegant shrug. He saw no point in denying a fact. Besides, it was payback for having to listen to Takumi rave about Akira incessantly.

Takumi agreed, "Fair point."

"By the way, I told Kaoru that he shouldn't be fooled by your public persona," Keigo informed him as they went over to the living room. "So do not bother."

"You did not." Takumi pretended to be shocked. "My image."

"I think you look better in person," Kaoru offered.

Takumi seemed gratified. "Thank you. The way they photoshop my pictures these days, sometimes even I doubt myself."

"Have no doubt." Keigo was firm.

"You are nicer too," Kaoru said a little shyly. Then he added quickly, "I mean, not that I should know-"

"That is a compliment," Takumi said softly and Keigo knew that he was won over.

"W-would you like some tea?" Kaoru asked with relief.

"That would be lovely," Takumi expressed gratefully.

"I'll be right back.' Kaoru flashed them a quick smile and disappeared into the kitchen.

When he was out of hearing range, Takumi commented quietly, "Well done, Keigo. Don't screw it up."

Keigo heard an underlying note of relief in Takumi's voice and realized that his friend might have just been worried for him.

"Thank you," he returned. "I should say the same to you but it seems that you have it in hand."

"It's not difficult when the other half is the better half." Takumi laughed softly. "Look at us now. Who would have thought?"

They exchanged a brief knowing smile. A speck of rare sentimentality which did not come easy to the both of them.

Kaoru returned with a tray consisting of three cups of tea and a plate of cookies.

He looked so cute that Keigo forgot all about sentimentality and wondered if he should throw Takumi out of the apartment so that he could act upon his imagination.

They each helped themselves to the cookies and Keigo would never be able to predict what transpired next.

"These are very good," Takumi's voice filled with appreciation. "Where did you buy them?"

"Thank you. I made these," Kaoru admitted shyly.

"You bake!" Takumi exclaimed.

Kaoru barely had time to register Takumi's words before the model went on in high speed.

"Can you teach me anything special? I've been making the easier stuff but I want to surprise my partner. He is such a fan of anything sweet."

"It is divine intervention that your kitchen hasn't burned down," Keigo interrupted sarcastically.

"I wasn't asking you," Takumi glared before turning back to Kaoru with pleading eyes. "Please?"

Kaoru stammered, "S-sure. I'd be happy to. Actually, I was going to bake something else this afternoon-"

"Perfect. Can I stay to watch? What are you making?"

"It's nothing special though. Just eclairs."

Takumi brightened with a smile that advertisers fought to pay for.

Keigo had trouble registering the scene playing out before him. He decided not to try.

"Forget it, I'm going to get some work done," he muttered.

"I'll get you when it is ready," Kaoru said helpfully.

Then Keigo realized that he couldn't comprehend the situation because there was something unexpectedly good about this.

Something about his lover teaching his friend how to make damn eclairs so that said friend could impress his own lover in return, which emphasized how fortunate he was.

Keigo ignored Takumi who was staring openly and bent down to kiss Kaoru.

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