

Emily couldn't believe her internship was almost over. Three more days of shooting and she was officially free for the rest of the summer…and had to try and find another job since the gas station hadn't accepted that she would be gone so long so she ended up quitting.

Thankfully, her internship had been paid (they paid minimum wage but the hours really added up) or else she wouldn't have been able to keep up with rent. It also helped that most days they provided sandwiches or something for the crew and on the days they didn't, all it took was a single text to Justin to get food delivered right to the set.

The first time he showed up he called her to let her know that he was being detained at the front desk of the studio because they had no proof he wasn't stalking celebrities. When she showed up Justin was still patiently trying to explain that he was only there to deliver lunch to his girlfriend, who was in the crew of Lucky in Love.

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