
Divine White Tower

The Spring ended, the summer breeze went by quickly, and now enters the snowy winter. Small and big snowflakes slowly falls down across the imperial capital of Symphonia, Painting it white and beautiful like a clear canvas.

Little children out to play in thick winter coats and boots. Adults selling the latest winter items, while passers stops to observe its latest trinkets.

While all this is happening in the streets, Celestia is stuck in her warm bed once again caught with the winter flu. Lying in her bed at the Estate of the Marquees, coughing, and sneezing.

"This is why I told you not to take Tia out in the snow look what happened" Marchioness scolded Elliott and Lucas, While looking concerned at her youngest.

Elliot and Lucas didn't deny the fact that they caused trouble once again in the Estate. Even though they are sixteen this year their heart is still that of a five-year-old.

Even though they knew Celestia looks healthy, they knew deep down she is very fagile and has a weak immune system. 

Throughout all these years Celestia always keeps herself healthy however she never understands why every winter she always gets herself the cold, especially during the coldest time of the month. Although she has prepared for the coming plague and handed everything to her brothers Luciel and Charlie to handle. Celestia never thought she will be the first to fall sick on the first night of winter.

'luckily I caught a cold after I finished the medicine for the plague' she thought to herself.

She internally cheered herself up knowing well that she will be able to dodge another death flag.

She knows that after the plague the next plot won't happen until the heroine enters the academy and society so she isn't too concerned about anything yet leaving the plot set to play.

Although she has dodged the coming death flag she couldn't beat the cold this year. However, she didn't plan to be stuck in bed on the first day of winter.

"Mommy..." Celestia said weakly coughing with a dry throat.

Lucas looks towards his sister and went to grab the cup of warm honey lemon tea. He steps forward helping her lean on him as Celestia drinks her tea.

Marchioness Septihanus sigh, as she watches her youngest son taking care of Celestia.

"sweetheart what is it. what's wrong are you hungry, you haven't eaten since this morning and it's already past lunch, do you want me to go and cook something light for you to eat." Marchioness said in one whole breath watching Celestia taking a heavy breath.

She nods her head lightly once Lucas puts her back into bed.

"Yes... Please and mommy...Don't be angry at El and... Cas. I wanted to go out and play it was not their fault." Celestia slowly says as she drifts back to sleep.

Marchioness sighs once again as she kisses Celestia's forehead.

"mum, you go and prepare Tia's lunch Lucas and I will watch over her," Elliot says.

Elliot sat on the seat near Celestia's bed. Marchioness didn't say anything as she nods her head in response and walks out. Lucas and Elliot quietly watch over Celestia, changing her towel on her forehead, wiping down her sweat, and tucking her blankets.

The day felt long as Elliott and Lucas watches over Celestia, once the sun started to set Luciel arrives home. At the same time, Charlie got back with some of Celestia's cold medicine from the greenhouse.

When Luciel saw Charlie in the hallway, on his way to see his little sister he couldn't help but ask about her condition.

"How is she feeling?"

Charlie looks up and sighs.

"Still the same as this morning, we ran out of the cold medicine and I just got back from the greenhouse."

Luciel nods his head and fastens his steps to see his baby sister.

Once Luciel and Charlie arrive in Celestia's room they saw Marquess Septihanus sitting next to Marchioness Septihanus, Lucas just sat down after finishing feeding Celestia's last dose of her medicine while Elliott sat in the seat beside the bed. Every member of the Marquees estate was in the same room.

"Father, mother how is little Tia?" Luciel asks once again afraid that Charlie may not have known what happened between the time he left the room to get her new medicine.

Lucas puts down the bowl and looks up at his eldest and second brother.

"She just woke up not long ago to eat dinner and I just finish feeding her the last dose of her medicine, she just fell asleep again."

Even though Lucas explained they all understood that this cold wasn't the usual one that Celestia gets like every year. Previously when she gets a cold she wouldn't sleep all day, she'll still be up and interact with the people in the room or read her books.

However this year her cold seems like it's quite severe.

"Uncle Astre came in the late afternoon with his apprentice to heal Tia, he said that if she doesn't get better by tomorrow morning we'll need to send her to the healers," Elliott said informing Luciel.

Luciel gave a heavy nod and sat down followed by Charlie.

As the sun sets down and the moon overwatch the snowy sky. Marquess and Marchioness left the room once it hit 10 o'clock leaving the boys to watch over Celestia. As the snow falls heavier overnight Celestia's cold got worse, her temperature shot through the roof, that Elliott and Lucas had to enter the teleportation to call for Astre.

"Why is her temperature rising didn't we just fed her the medicine 30 minutes ago?" Lucas exclaimed following his older twin towards the portal.

Elliott wasn't sure either as he isn't a doctor or a healer all they could do was pray that nothing will happen to their baby sister. Lucy quietly changes her young miss towel and wipes down the sweat on her body. Luciel and Charlie didn't know what went wrong during the middle of the night, all they could do now was wait for their uncle hoping that he will have the answer.

Marquess and Marchioness Septihanus ran into the room, looking anxious.

"How's my baby, is Astre here yet?" Marchioness said

She ran towards the bed holding onto Celestia's hot hand.

"mum, I asked Elliott and Lucas to call him. They should be on their way now." Charlie said

"Walter prepare the carriage, and make sure to place extra blankets and heating stones." Marquess said

The Marquess decided to take Celestia to the healers, he knew his brother is a great mage however healing has its own specialty. He knows that if he wants his daughter to get better soon he will have to enter the divine white tower.

However once one enters they cannot reappear to the outside world until three years later. For the next three years, the person must devote himself to god and that said person will be forgotten by everyone who knew him. But everyone knows that after three years most who entered refuse to join back to society, wishing only to serve Goddess Serenity.

Everyone in the room wore a heavy expression they all knew that the Marquess has made a decision to send Celestia to the Divine White Tower.

"Hubby, are you really going to send her to the Tower?"

Marchioness exclaim, feeling that her husband has made a reckless statement. Marquess Septihanus knew that once he has announced this decision the first person who will oppose will be his wife.

Marquess Septihanus didn't speak to his wife and order the head maid to send the Marchioness back into her room.

"Wait Ciel please don't send little Tia to the Tower. You know what they will do to her. Not only that once she enters no one will remember her for three years. Do you really want to send your daughter there?" Marchioness raised her voice a little as she clutched onto his sleeve calling out his name.

Marquess Septihanus couldn't look into his wife's pleading eyes. He pulls her into his chest while patting her back.

"Don't worry once she enters the Tower she will be healed. Trust your daughter, you know how stubborn she is. She will not stay in the Tower forever, after three years she will re-enter society again. Once she does everyone will gain the lost memories of her, you should know the rules of the Tower. Trust Tia, you should know your daughter she is as stubborn as a bull. you should know she hates being stuck in one place for a long time let alone following a set of strict rules" Marquess Septichanus said.

Not really sure if he was ensuring his wife or himself. The door opens, entering Elliott, Lucas, and Astre.

"Uncle quick look at Tia, her temperature has been rising up for the past hour," Charlie says.

He moves to the side allowing Astre to check up on Tia. Astre placed his hand on top of Celestia's forehead casting a spell, his hand glows a soft gold, trying to cool Celestia's body down. Nonetheless, the temperature was still being stubborn.

"We'll need to enter the Divine White Tower, I'll send a word to the Archhealer Aeson. He will know what to do." Astre said while already sending a message using his familliar.

Marquess nods his head whilst giving out orders to everyone in the room preparing to leave the Estate. Marchioness broke down sobbing and fainted knowing the fate that her daughter will walk alone once she enters the Tower.

Luciel Carrying Celestia in his arms as he follows Astre into a portal he summoned with his magic as they stepped through following with the other three boys.

That night as everyone was sleeping, no one knew the major changes in the Estate of the marquees.

For the next three years, the Household of Septihanus will no longer have a daughter called Celestia Aurora Septihanus, in the eye of the public.

Why did Celestia's fever rise up?

Do you think she is dying again?

please wait and find out in the next chapter.

kixicreators' thoughts
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