

Chapter 15 Selection


  When it comes to cooking, Huo Yuhao has always taken it seriously.

  The food oven has everything, and it is obviously on top of the permafrost, but there is no wind around.

  Huo Yuhao couldn't help but look at Xue Di, met the smiling eyes, and sighed helplessly, as if he had been prepared for a long time.

  By the time the Ice Emperor came to Huo Yuhao again, he was already attracted by the aroma.

  "This is the food in memory?It smells very good."

  Looking at the constantly baking meat, Bingdi swallowed and muttered.

  After a while, the two strongest people in the far north ate barbecue. The Snow Emperor ate very gracefully and tasted it in small sips.

  The Ice Emperor.Two large pliers are strung on one side, and when they are sent to the mouth, only the bamboo skewers are left.

  "My Bingbing eats so beautifully."

  Tianmeng didn't know when he jumped out again, the golden man looked at the Ice Emperor obsessively, and he had to get up and touch his tail.

  Affected by his memory, the Ice Emperor, who hadn't figured out how to treat Tianmeng, had to hide with his tail red.

  Seeing the corners of Huo Yuhao's mouth twitching, he didn't know if Yi Lao was right or wrong.

  "All right!If you make trouble again, you won't want to see me again!"

  The Ice Emperor, who couldn't stand it, yelled at Tianmeng.

  "I also read the memory. You have to do everything you did in your previous life, otherwise I won't accept you. Before you finish it, you can only hold hands!"

  After seeing Tianmeng's behavior in his previous life, the Ice Emperor was very moved.

  But it couldn't be too cheap for this big bug, so she had to make this decision, but the tip of the red blood-dripping tail betrayed her.

  Tianmeng was overjoyed and promised again and again that his previous life was a previous life, and he hadn't done anything in this life. It was very rare to have this kind of progress.

  So he honestly took the Ice Emperor's big pliers, so that the Ice Emperor could only continue to eat on the other side, and the speed was suddenly halved.

  Seeing the performance of the two silly goods, the Snow Emperor couldn't help laughing, and his teasing eyes made the Ice Emperor eager to dig a hole and bury himself.

  When the food was almost done, several people sat face to face together.

  Xiaobai also came, his hill-like body lying on the ground like this, his black eyes staring curiously at Huo Yuhao.

  Huo Yuhao also touched Xiaobai's nose affectionately, but he couldn't help it, he couldn't touch his head.

  Although Xiaobai hadn't seen the memory, he knew that he should be a friend when he saw the Snow Emperor's attitude towards him, and he arched Huo Yuhao with his nose.

  "How do you plan to choose?"Tianmeng took the lead in asking questions.

  Although Xiaobai didn't understand what happened, Weng Sheng said, "I will go wherever my mother asks me to go.""

  The Ice Emperor also looked at the Snow Emperor, and seemed to want to listen to her opinion.

  "You still have 10,000 years. Even if you no longer choose me, I will bring you to the god realm after I become a god. This is my promise."

  Huo Yuhao took the lead and said, without any intention of blackmail.

  "Bing'er, you need to choose this matter by yourself, and I can't give you an opinion."Snow Emperor shook his head.

  This answer did not exceed the Ice Emperor's expectations. She had known that the Snow Emperor would say that a long time ago, but the Ice Emperor's gaze fell on Huo Yuhao.

  "Yuhao, are you serious about what you said to the little girl who turned into an adult?""

  Huo Yuhao didn't speak, he just nodded and looked firmly into the eyes of the Ice Emperor. All the guarantees were pale. Since they had seen that memory, they would definitely be able to appreciate Huo Yuhao's firm will at that time.

  After a while, the Ice Emperor moved his gaze away.

  "Then I will help you."

  "Bingbing!I knew it!"Tianmeng suddenly hugged the Ice Emperor, this time she did not avoid it.   

  "Now that it's all decided, then Dad, I'll give you a lot of advice in the future."

  The snow girl clapped her hands and spit her tongue at Huo Yuhao.

  "Thank you."

  Seeing that his former partner once again chose himself, unreservedly, Huo Yuhao's body trembled a little, and unspeakable emotion broke out from his heart.

  "Then let's get started."The Ice Emperor is resolute and resolute, and once he decides, he will implement it immediately.

  "Wait, would it be better for the Snow Emperor to be a martial spirit?""

  Tianmeng Bingxi put forward different suggestions. In his opinion, the higher cultivation of the Snow Emperor is undoubtedly a better choice.

  "No, my power is more pure, and Yu Hao can't bear it. Only after Yu Hao's physique is improved through Bing'er's soul bone can he absorb Bing'er's soul ring. My soul bone has not improved my physique much, so I can't take this risk."

  Snow Emperor was the first to shake her head. She understood her power and pure aggressiveness. Even as a martial soul, such attributes were not as improved as Ice Emperor.

  Tianmeng scratched his head, but he didn't expect this level.

  "Moreover, during the period when Yuhao hasn't grown up, I can be Yuhao's backing."Snow Emperor continued.

  Huo Yuhao and Tianmeng also lit up. Indeed, no one knows what kind of changes will happen later. With a nearly 700,000-year-old Snow Emperor as the backing, they can at least deter the opponent and make the opponent jealous.

  "Everyone, I have an idea."The old voice sounded.

  Huo Yuhao's eyes lit up, and he saw a cloud of gray airflow coming out of his chest, which turned into the appearance of a gray old man after falling to the ground.

  "Old Yi."

  The Snow Emperor and the Ice Emperor nodded, and they maintained a high respect for the old man who had given everything in his previous life.

  "Old man, what do you think, tell me quickly."

  Tianmeng is still the same, after all, he and Electrolux have been together the longest.

  Electrolux did not speak, but looked at Huo Yuhao, "Yuhao, do you remember the third martial soul I gave you in your previous life?""

  Huo Yuhao nodded, of course he remembered that it was the last legacy left by the teacher in the previous life after burning the fragments of divine consciousness, achieving an unprecedented third martial soul.

  "As soon as I came to your spiritual space in this life, I got the memory of your previous life. I can't help but be a little interested in the last martial soul I left in my previous life."

  "That means that I finally analyzed the martial soul system of this world. It's a pity that it was too late when I consciously did this in my previous life."

  "And I, who have been remembered in this life, have deliberately studied your martial soul from the beginning, and when Tianmeng integrated into your body a year ago and brought you the second soulless ice attribute martial soul, my research has made a breakthrough, so I can now give you two choices."

  Electrolux paused and sold a Guanzi.

  "First, get the same third martial soul as in the previous life."

  "Second, I will disperse the third martial soul of my previous life into your two martial souls. The part about undead magic will be integrated into your spirit eye martial soul, making it evolve in the direction of darkness. I don't know what it will look like, but in my vision, you can use the spirit eye martial soul to cast undead magic."

  "And the part that is the carrier of undead magic will be integrated into your ice attribute martial soul, giving it the ability to change, and it can continue to evolve itself with the different soul rings you absorb."

  Silence!Everyone was stunned, stunned by the huge amount of information for a while.

  It took a while for Tianmeng's trembling voice to sound, "Old man, the second plan you said is that it can help Huo Yuhao's two martial souls evolve?"?"

  "You are not stupid. In simple terms, in the old man's vision, the spirit eye can evolve into a spirit eye with dark attributes, with both dark and spiritual attributes, and if the other martial soul absorbs the power of the little scorpion at the beginning, it is the form of the little scorpion. After that, if you absorb the power of the ice sky snow girl, hehe, it will probably become a snow girl martial soul with pliers and a scorpion tail?"

  In the end, Electrolux also made a joke.

  No one knows what to say about "this". If this is realized, it can be said that there is no one before and no one after.

  "Okay, Yuhao, choose."

   Newcomer author, please recommend tickets for follow-up reading, thank you!!

  (End of this chapter)

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