

Douluo's Thunder Dragon God Chapter 74 Thunder Dragon Roar-UU Reading Mobile Version


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According to Yu Yuanzhen's inspection, Yu Tianlin's third soul ring now has a tolerance limit of 6,000 years. It stands to reason that it is not difficult to absorb the soul ring of this 5,800-year-old thunder sound wave dragon.


However, Zhenleiyin Bolong has spiritual attributes, and Yu Tianlin's own spiritual power is very general, so this absorption still caused him a lot of pressure.


Fortunately, even if Zhenleiyin Bolong is a spiritual attribute, it is not at the level of ten thousand years, and there is no such thing as soul shock, so Yu Tianlin is not in any danger, but it is a bit difficult to absorb it.


After about three hours, Yu Tianlin finally transformed the power contained in this 5,800-year-old soul ring into her own. After successfully absorbing it, she couldn't help but open her eyes, and a strong aura shot out of her eyes.


"It seems that you have gained a lot this time.Seeing that Yu Tianlin had completed the absorption, Yu Yuanzhen asked, "How is it, how much has your mental power improved?""


Yu Tianlin turned to look at her grandfather, and said a little uncertainly: "This...this is too much!My mental power seems to have doubled?!"


"I can see it."Looking at Yu Tianlin's still shining eyes, Yu Yuanzhen said, "Because your mental power has increased too much at once, you have now lost control of your mental power.""


"I will teach you some tricks to control your mental power in a superficial way. Try it and see if you can control your mental power to re-introvert."


Soul masters need to meditate to cultivate soul power, and meditation is also a kind of exercise of spiritual power, so even if they are not soul masters in the spiritual category, as the level of soul power increases, the spiritual power will increase accordingly.


Although the Blue Electric Overlord Sect does not have a special way to improve spiritual power, but in the late stage of cultivation, the spiritual power of the high-level sect will naturally increase to a relatively advanced level, then you need to learn to control your own spiritual power, so from generation to generation, the sect still summed up some small techniques for controlling spiritual power.


At this time, Yu Yuanzhen chose some relatively superficial mental power control techniques that were suitable for Yu Tianlin's current realm and taught him.


According to the method taught by his grandfather, Yu Tianlin tried to control his mental power, and soon most of the radiant energy was converged. Although his gaze is still very aggressive now, it is much better than just now. It's harmless, and the rest will be slowly controlled.


"Good understanding, you can control the skyrocketing mental power so quickly."After a shout of praise, Yu Yuanzhen asked, "Where is the soul power?"Has it been upgraded by two levels?"


Yu Tianlin nodded and said with certainty: "That's right, Grandpa, I'm thirty-two now."


"Haha, haha!"


Although he had expected it a long time ago, Yu Yuanzhen couldn't help laughing when he really heard Yu Tianlin say it.


At the age of ten years and eight months, and at the age of thirty-two, this kind of achievement is simply appalling.


Yu Tianlin added: "And Longhua can also reach the level of both arms."


He now feels that his arms have been filled with dragon power, and he can enter the state of dragonization at any time. As for the excess dragon power, he begins to accumulate in his legs. After he absorbs the soul ring at Level 40, his legs can also be dragonized. Level.


"Longhua was completely in Yu Yuanzhen's expectation, but at this time, hearing Yu Tianlin's words, he nodded in satisfaction, and then asked, "What about soul skills?"What is your third soul skill?"


Yu Tianlin smiled and said, "My third soul skill is Thunder Dragon Roar, which feels pretty good."


Yu Yuanzhen couldn't wait to say: "Show it for me to see!"


Yu Tianlin nodded and summoned his martial soul. He saw a burst of electric light flickering all over his body, condensing a lightning pattern at the center of his eyebrows. At the same time, three purple soul rings rose.


The three soul rings of the soul level are all at the millennium level. This configuration is already very terrifying. In the first part, except for the increase in the life of the soul ring after the completion of the god test, it can only be exceeded when the second martial soul is attached to the soul ring.


After the Blue Electric Tyrannosaurus Rex Martial Soul possessed him, Yu Tianlin did not hesitate, directly lit up his third soul ring, and used the soul skill he had just acquired-Thunder Dragon Roar!


With the third soul ring shining,

A blue-purple dragon head phantom instantly condensed behind Yu Tianlin.




A high dragon chant burst out from the phantom of the dragon head, and an invisible wave spread in all directions.


Yu Yuanzhen, who was standing next to Yu Tianlin, bore the brunt and was directly affected. However, Yu Yuanzhen only flashed his eyes, which completely offset the influence of the dragon roar.


"Grandpa, how is the effect of my thunder dragon roar?"


After the display was completed, Yu Tianlin hurriedly asked Grandpa.


Although he probably knows the characteristics of this soul technique, the specific effect must be heard from the grandfather who has experienced it firsthand.


"The sonic attack of Zhenlei Sonic Dragon can cause both mental attacks and some physical damage."After a moment of careful understanding, Yu Yuanzhen said, "But when you get its soul ring, the soul skills you produce have changed a little bit."Obviously, your Thunder Dragon Roar has lost part of the physical damage, but in contrast, the mental attack has been strengthened to a certain extent."


"But it's not so much mental attack as mental control.After you use the thunder dragon roar, powerful mental fluctuations mixed with the sound of the dragon roar spread around. As long as you hear the dragon roar, you will be instantly impacted by the mental fluctuations and enter a state of dizziness."


Yu Tianlin nodded clearly. His Thunder Dragon Roar is strictly a control soul skill, and he can roar people into a daze at once, and his mind is blank.


Yu Yuanzhen continued: "Your thunder dragon roar has a great range. No matter how far away it is, as long as the opponent hears the sound of the dragon roar, it will be affected."


"Of course, if the distance is too far, the effect of Thunder Dragon Roar will be greatly reduced. Although the opponent will also be affected, it is only the degree of shock and upset.I took a look, the best distance is ten meters, and the effect within ten meters is the best."


Hearing Grandpa's explanation, Yu Tianlin asked, "Grandpa, can you be completely immune to my Thunder dragon roar? Then what level of soul master can my skill have the highest impact?"UU reading www.uukanshu.com "


"Except for spiritual soul masters, under normal circumstances, your Thunder Dragon Roar has the best effect on soul masters below Level 50. As long as it is used, the opponent will inevitably enter a state of dizziness. According to the difference between the mental strength of different opponents, it can last from one to five seconds."Yu Yuanzhen smiled faintly and said, "Above level 50, below level 70, if you are careless, your spirit will relax, and you will be affected by your thunder dragon roar for a moment.""


"As for Level 70 or more, even if you are completely defenseless, your Thunder dragon roar will not have any effect."


Yu Tianlin nodded in satisfaction. According to his grandfather, unless the opponent is a spiritual soul master, he will be stunned by the thunder dragon roar for at least one second below Level 50, which is already very good.


Moreover, Thunder Dragon Roar is a spiritual soul skill. With the improvement of one's mental power, the power will also be increased accordingly. At that time, it should also be effective against higher-level opponents.

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