

Martial Soul Spirit Beads Starting from Douluo Chapter 73 Promotion-UU Reading Mobile Version


  Especially after 10,000 years, it is no different from the normal Dantian, and it is even more magical. It can completely isolate the damage of toxins, strengthen the physique, and enhance the consistency with this energy.

  Therefore, he immediately thought of using the scarlet swan kiss method to integrate this fairy grass into the soul bone jade beads, enhancing the poisonous power like that single.

  But even so, the toxins in the soul bone jade beads will become extremely powerful, and for a long period of time, Dugubo may not be able to incorporate the second Dantian into his body.

  He couldn't even touch this toxin himself, because he couldn't carry it himself, and it became thousands of times stronger than the blue phosphorus snake venom.

  But this soul bone jade bead will become a super experience pack, constantly strengthening and transforming Dugubo, even if it is to re-cultivate poison power, it can become stronger at an extremely fast speed than in the past.

  In this way, after the integration, Dugu Expo will gain an ultimate killer, but its strength will be weakened for a period of time, but it is still at the level of the title Douluo.

  Subsequently, it will be rapidly enhanced and will soon surpass the past.

  At this time, in the eyes of ice and fire, the figure of an old man was sitting cross-legged in one place.

  A dark green bead was suspended in front of him, and a faint dark green light enveloped the old man.

  Under the shadow of the dark green beads, the old man's green soul power became more and more intense, and the toxins on it were very powerful, but when this toxin enveloped the old man, it did not cause any effect.

  The old man was Dugubo. After learning about the scarlet swan kiss from him a year ago, he immediately decided to take it.

  He had already realized the power and magic of the soul bone jade bead. If this fairy grass is really as he said at the weekend, Dugubo will completely get rid of the embarrassing situation.

  The venom of the blue phosphorus snake has been enhanced thousands of times. Who would dare to touch it in this world?

  Therefore, after making a quick decision and explaining some things, he entered the retreat practice.

  During this year, Dugubo experienced a state of no poisonous power.

  Compared with other people who are also titled Douluo, their soul power is indeed a little weaker, and their physical quality is not as good as theirs.

  You know, Dugu Bo's martial soul is the beast martial soul, but it is not dominant in physical strength.

  However, this is also related to the special martial soul of Dugubo. The blue phosphorus snake is not a possessed martial soul, but a summoning individuality similar to Luo Sankao, but an energy body.

  Subsequently, with the assistance of this dark green orb, Dugubo experienced an unprecedented pleasure of cultivation.

  The skill has grown rapidly, and the poison power has become stronger and stronger from scratch, and even today it surpasses the past.

  The body is also constantly changing, becoming invulnerable to all poisons, and even the strength of the body has become stronger.

  Dugubo stood up, with one hand behind his back, looking at the dark green beads in front of him, a trace of joy and a trace of shock flashed in his eyes.

  After controlling the beads to float on the collar and fixing them next to the clothes, Dugubo turned his head and looked into the distance.

  "What a good grandson!"Dugubo showed a faint smile on his face, his figure flashed, and disappeared here, leaving only a faint word.

  "No matter what you want to do, Grandpa will support you to the end!"

  On the other side, in the Purple Star College, this area of the teaching building.

  Everyone is undergoing their own training. Although the basic training has been completed, the advanced training has just begun.

  It's just that for those ordinary students, it's not weekends that design advanced training for them, but Liu Dong.

  These people were completing their own advanced training, while Liu Dong was sitting in a bamboo forest, practicing slowly.

  Under the shadow of the soul power enchantment, everyone's cultivation speed has been improved, so everyone's soul power is not low.

  The lowest soul power of these dozen people has also reached level 35, and the highest is naturally Liu Dong and the four of them.

  Not long ago, they had just finished hunting the soul beast and obtained the fourth soul ring, and they were promoted to different levels of forty-one and twenty-two.

  Liu Dong's soul power has been upgraded to level 41 and he has obtained the fourth soul ring for more than 5,000 years. This is the first time Liu Dong has tried to break through the limits of that theory. Although it is painful, it is still within the range of acceptance, and the ability obtained is also very powerful.

  Bamboo cage!

  The single control skill has extremely tough firmness, and even Wang Hao, who has just been upgraded to Level 41, cannot break through it in a very short period of time.

  And more than that, the special ability possessed by this soul technique is the most powerful place.


  The cage will cut off the spread of soul power, preventing the outside world from influencing the inside, and also preventing the inside from influencing the outside world.

  To make a simple analogy, if this cage traps Tang San, then his blue and silver grass can only grow out of the cage, and he cannot control the output of soul power outside the cage.

  That is, beyond the control of the cage, blue and silver grass grows.

  By the same token, the auxiliary effect of the Qibao Glazed Pagoda will also be isolated by the bamboo cage.,

As a result, it lost its effect and could not assist Tang San.

  This skill can be said to be a magical skill. If the opponent's auxiliary personnel are blocked, it will be disastrous for the opponent's team.

  The effect of assistance cannot be released from the cage and passed on to all members. It is impossible to break through the cage by relying on the assistance itself, and others need to rescue it.

  This can hold off at least two people at a time, uuwwwww.uukanshu.com formed a seven-to-five situation.

  It can be said to be a very useful soul skill.

  Liu Dong slowly breathed a sigh of relief, opened his eyes, glanced around vigilantly, and then took out a small jade bottle from his arms.

  I saw a white jade-colored pill inside, and after opening it, the rich fragrance of the medicine came to my face.

  This is a pill refined over the weekend using a weakened version of fairy grass. This kind of renewable resource can just give them a boost in strength.

  And this one is refined from narcissus jade muscle bones.

  Liu Dong swallowed it as soon as he opened his mouth, and then slowly absorbed and refined it.

  A faint light radiated from the body and spread to the surrounding bamboos, and a jade texture gradually appeared on all bamboos.

  The level of soul power has also broken through three levels in a row, reaching the level of 44.

  After all, it is not a real fairy grass, and its efficacy is only about half.

  But in the future, your strength will become stronger, and you may be able to completely simulate the full version of the fairy grass.

  Liu Dong opened his eyes with joy on his face.On the other side, Wang Hao was also extremely excited.

  He also took the golden pill given over the weekend, and he didn't know that his body had become stronger. Since the martial soul had also become stronger, his soul power had been increased to level 44.

  "Level 44, there is still half a year to go. Taking advantage of this medicinal power, I can improve by at least two levels in the past six months."The corners of Wang Hao's mouth gradually rose, and he laughed haha.

  Wang Hao's fourth soul ring is a soul ring for more than 6,000 years, but it has exceeded the limit for more than 1,000 years.

  But Lin Ze became even crazier. Compared to the small breakthrough in the selection of the third Soul Ring, this time Lin Ze once again broke through his own limits significantly.

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