

Douluo's Martial Soul Evolution System Chapter 195: Using the Soul Ring to increase the life of the Pill-UU Reading Mobile Version


  After reading the attributes of the rice cake, Bai Chen touched his head.

  Feeling the touch of white dust, Rice cake squinted his eyes comfortably, and then rubbed his hands.

  "Okay, good boy, go back. "

  Hearing Bai Chen's words, Rice cake honestly returned to the Wolf Ring. Now that everything is ready, Bai Chen also intends to leave the Martial Soul Hall and implement his own sect plan.

  After his sect is established, the second martial soul can also be obtained. After all, with the second martial soul, you can have a double god position.

  Although Bai Chen didn't remember whether the original work mentioned whether the dual god position required twin martial souls, Tang San was the dual god position inherited by twin martial souls, and he still had a twin martial soul. It was better to get a twin martial soul.

  Thinking of this, Bai Chen immediately came to the papal Palace.

  Bibi Dong was a little surprised when he saw Bai Chen's appearance: "Bai Chen, what about your hair and eyes? "

  Bai Chen: "Teacher, this is my disguise. Isn't it a legend from the outside world that I am dead? I want to travel to the mainland now, so I just change my image. "

  Hearing Bai Chen's explanation, although Bibi Dong also felt that it made sense, she faintly felt that Bai Chen had become different from before.

  Bibi Dong: "Leaving so soon, can you control your murderous spirit? "

  Bai Chen: "It can't be perfectly controlled yet, but it can still be controlled in general. "

  Bibi Dong: "In that case, I have no reason to keep you. I hope that when you come back, you have already thought about that question. "

  Bai Chen: "Hmm. "

  After the two paused for a while, Bai Chen said, "Teacher, I'm leaving. "

  "Hmm. "

  After speaking, Bai Chen left.

  Half a day later, a handsome young man with white hair and star pupils came to the door of Wushun City.

  Well, after Bai Chen's height reached 1.78 meters, he never grew taller again. He thought he could grow to two meters, but Bai Chen himself was quite satisfied. After all, 1.78 meters is not short, it is already more than the average height of Douluo Continent.

  However, because of this height, he now looks too juvenile. Of course, he is only 17 years old now.

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  After leaving the Martial Soul Hall, Bai Chen hesitated for a while, and walked in the direction of the Tiandou Empire first, although he said he wanted to go to the Xingluo Empire for revenge.

  But Bai Chen thought about it carefully, and it's still not good for him to go to the Xingluo Empire now.

  After all, he is only level 65 now. Although he is confident that his strength is not lower than a 90-level title Douluo, if he goes to the Xingluo Empire, he cannot 100% guarantee that he can find that guy, and he still has some things to deal with in the Tiandou Empire.

  First of all, he wanted to bring his grandfather and Mitra into his sect first. After all, to the extent that Mitra loved him, he was making excessive demands, and Mitra would probably agree to him.

  For the establishment of a sect, Bai Chen didn't think about doing it all by himself. After all, he was not a genius and didn't understand everything.

  If someone who can rest assured helps him, he will be much easier and allow more time to practice. After all, one's own strength is the first element. While thinking about it, Bai Chen headed in the direction of the Kingdom of Barak, a subordinate country of the Tiandou Empire.

  Half a month later, White Dust entered the territory of the Kingdom of Barak. The city he is now in is called Hailar City, and it is still some distance from Notting City. He has been on the road for such a long time, and he has already gotten rid of all the people who secretly followed him to protect him in the Martial Soul Hall. It's time to absorb those pills that increase the life of the soul ring.

  Wearing a mask, Bai Chen came to a hotel. After seeing Bai Chen, the other party immediately walked up: "Guest, do you want to eat or stay in a hotel?" "

  "Stay in the hotel, take a day off, and come to the best room you have here. "

  "Okay, please inside. "

  With that said, Bai Chen followed the other party to the second floor. After paying the money, Bai Chen entered the room, observed the surroundings, and after confirming that there was no danger, he began to absorb the soul ring power-enhancing pills one by one.

  Bai Chen took out a black jelly bean. This is an intermediate soul ring enhancement pill, which can increase the soul ring life of the fourth to sixth soul ring by 500 years.

  There are eleven such pills in White dust.

  Subsequently, Bai Chen swallowed all these eleven pills, and then swallowed 42 primary soul ring life-enhancing pills.

  It took Bai Chen a total of six hours to digest these pills, but after using these pills, Bai Chen's soul ring changed drastically.

  The soul ring of White dust is like this now.

  Attack 4820

  Black Moon Cang Wolf Killed 5131

  Scream of Fear 6756

  Demon Wolf Shadow Killing Array 16260

  Bloodthirsty Demon Wolf becomes 45,800 years old

  Thorn of Ghosts and Spirits 83500 years old

  The color of the soul ring became purple, purple, purple, black, black, and black. All his soul skills have been improved with different powers. Feeling the improvement of his own strength, Bai Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

  Finally, I don't have to worry about the color of my soul ring changing. After being discovered by others, I finally ran out of these things.

  The next day.

  Early in the morning, Bai Chen left the hotel and planned to buy a carriage. Anyway, now that he has gotten rid of the people sent by the Martial Soul Hall to protect himself, or rather, get rid of those who monitor him, Bai Chen can change his way of driving.

  Coming to a corner, Bai Chen released Bai Yue from the Wolf Ring.

  When he came out, Bai Yue looked around in a daze, and then said, "Master, is this what you call the Tiandou Empire?" "

  Bai Chen: "No, this is the Kingdom of Barak, a subordinate country of the Tiandou Empire. We are here to do something. "

  Bai Yue" "Oh. "

  Bai Chen: "You take this with you. "As he said, Bai Chen took out a hat and handed it to Bai Yue.

  Bai Yue" "Okay. "

  With that said, Bai Yue quickly put on the things that Bai Chen handed over, and then the two came to the market, planning to buy a carriage.

  After arriving at the market, Bai Yue looked around from time to time. Bai Chen smiled when he saw Bai Yue, and then handed Bai Yue a small purse.

  Bai Chen: "Let's go play and meet at the gate of the city in three hours. "

  Bai Yue" "Hmm! Thank you master! "

  After speaking, Bai Chen took the purse and went to play.

  Seeing Bai Yue's cheerful figure, Bai Chen shook his head. This kinship, carefree, is really cheerful.

  After Bai Yue left, Bai Chen found a place to sell carriages by himself.

  After entering, someone greeted him soon.

  "Guest, what do you need? "

  Bai Chen: "I want to buy a carriage and two good horses. "

  Hearing Bai Chen's words, Xiao Er's eyes lit up, and then he quickly looked at Bai Chen's clothes and determined that Bai Chen was a rich man. He said quickly: "Please come with me. "

  With that, he took the white dust to the stable.

  "Guest, this is the best horse in the shop, please take a look. "

  Hearing what the other party said, Bai Chen nodded, and then swept over one by one.

  Wuqing Horse (low-level soul beast)

  Length of service: 13 years

  Shadow Horse (Intermediate Soul Beast)

  Length of service: 16 years


  Bai Chen looked over one by one, and finally put his gaze on the two horses.

  Red Flame Horse (Advanced Soul Beast)

  Years: 103 years

  Ghost Horse (Advanced Soul Beast)

  Years: 102 years

  The price of these two horses is nine hundred gold coins and one thousand gold coins, respectively.

  This level is indeed very expensive for the average family, but for Bai Chen, this little money is not worth mentioning at all, and in addition to the age of the two horses, they also look very handsome, one black and one red. Well, it's pretty cool. Of course, the most important reason is because both horses are very fast, and white dust needs to save time.

  "Just these two horses, take me to see the carriage. "Bai Chen said.

  Seeing the two horses picked by Bai Chen, Xiao Erle bloomed. These are the two best horses in the stables, and they are also the two most expensive horses. Although the horses are good horses, no one has ever bought them because of the price, so they have been kept in the stables. .

  "Wait a minute, Master Ben wants those two horses. "Suddenly, a very arrogant voice came from not far away.

  Hearing this voice, Bai Chen looked over with some doubts, and Xiao Er also looked over nervously. He was familiar with this voice.

  After Bai Chen saw it clearly, he found that the voice actually came from a young man who was dressed magnificently and had a relatively handsome appearance.

  Xiao Er walked over nervously and said, "Well, young city lord, I'm sorry, these two horses have been bought by that guest. "

  Hearing the second grade's words, the boy yelled directly: "What! Dog stuff, in this Hailar City! Is there anyone rushing to grab things with me! Let him go! I want those two horses! "

  Hearing what the other party said, UU read www. uukanshu. "Bai Chen's face turned black in an instant, and Xiao Er was forced by the other party's lewd authority, so he could only come to Bai Chen tremblingly and whispered: "Sorry, this guest, that is the son of the city lord, we dare not provoke him, or, you change two horses, the shop will give you a 20% discount. "

  Hearing what Xiao Er said, Bai Chen also knew that this Xiao Er couldn't be the master, and he didn't want to embarrass the other party, but he couldn't take it as if he hadn't heard the words of the young city lord, and said, "This is not okay. The horse I like will not be given to any bullshit young city lord. "As he said, Bai Chen took out a gold coin card.

  Seeing Bai Chen's movements, the young man walked over, stared at Bai Chen, and said, "What do you mean, Chi Yan and Ghost Shadow are the mounts I have long admired. What are you doing now? Are you going to grab it with me?" "

  Looking at the two numbers 32 on the top of the boy's head, Bai Chen said, "Why, I'm not convinced. "

  "Looking for death! "

  As he said, the opponent's martial soul was possessed, and a golden long sword and three soul rings of two yellows and one purple appeared in his hand.

  Afterwards, he looked at his soul ring triumphantly and said, "Boy, I advise you to take off your mask now, climb over and lick my shoes clean. This young master can also consider forgiving you. "

  Hearing what the other party said, Bai Chen was a little helpless: "Arrogance is terrible. "


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