
No Touching Me, Remember?

Katherine's heart pounded rapidly when Nathaniel gave their empty plates to the servants outside. While eating, Nathaniel had distracted her by recounting the events that brought them here, in a safe-house on the countryside. Only when the time neared that they would sleep together - next to each other, Katherine reminded herself - did the previous nervousness return.

"I need to change", Nathaniel said. "I'll be right back."

Though Katherine wanted to stop him, he was already out the door before she could open her mouth. Gloomily, she sank into the covers. Would he use this excuse to get away?

'If he isn't back in fifteen minutes, I'll go after him', Katherine decided, determined. She was sure Nathaniel would comply if she otherwise ran around the house in her half-recovered state. Though she felt fine, he seemed to be worried about her nonetheless. Counting the seconds, she got up to do her own wash-up before bed.

When she passed the wardrobe, her thoughts began to wander. She didn't know what was inside. Most likely it would not be her own clothes, since they were on the run. But something prettier than this simple white nightgown, maybe? And her hair had to be a mess after this long sleep.

When she had brushed her hair and cleaned her teeth, curiosity got the better of her. She opened the wardrobe, only to find that it was largely unused. There were two dresses, stockings, underwear and one pair of shoes. Whoever used the room before, wasn't overly wealthy, as the dresses were neat, but simple. Regretful, Katherine wondered where the person had gone to, now, that she was using her bed and chamber. Hopefully, she didn't mind.

"We can buy you new outfits soon, I just didn't come to it yet", Nathaniel's voice drifted in her ear. She jerked in surprise. Because of the thick carpet, she didn't hear him coming.

When she turned around, she saw that his outfit didn't change as much as she expected. He still wore the same white shirt and socks, but his long trousers had changed to one of softer fabric. Even his gloves were still on his hands. It somehow irritated her.

"Do you seriously want to sleep in all that?", she blurted out. "Isn't it uncomfortable?"

Nathaniel eyed her from head to toe, and suddenly she was very aware that she was wearing nothing more than a nightgown. In the fading light of the sun falling through the high window, it seemed like he was appreciating the view. "You are covered nearly everywhere, though very thinly. Why shouldn't I do the same?"

When he closed the door behind him, it sounded like the beginning of something. Something only between the two people in the room, their eyes interlocked. Noticing the hungry glint in Nathaniel's eyes, Katherine's throat felt dry. She was very well aware that this predator had always been holding back around her, though she didn't know the reason why. Maybe it was for the best to not provoke him until she was sure she could satisfy his hunger.

"Should we go to bed, my dear?", Nathaniel asked gently, and held out his hand. Docile like a little bird with bare feet, she tapped over to lay her hand in his. A smile lingered around Nathaniel's mouth when he saw her avoiding his gaze. Her ears and cheeks beamed red through the darkness of her hair. Softly, he brushed it behind one ear with the tip of his finger. "Where is your courage, little girl? Cat got your tongue?"

She glared up at him, her face adorably blushed. "I'm not a little girl!"

With a chuckle, he led her to the bed. "I see that. I just sometimes wonder if your mind truly is as grown-up as your body suggests. Since it is very well-grown."

His gaze lingered on her chest, then he blinked and looked away. A wry smile curled up his lips. "I really shouldn't say such things when we will only sleep."

"Why not? Why can't you compliment your wife on her bosom? So long as you don't simultaneously insult my intelligence, I don't mind it", Katherine said boldly, but hid in the covers right after. Without waiting for his answer, she crawled over the bed until her head, red with embarrassment, poked out again. Still, she didn't take back her words. Like a child getting ever closer to the flame despite all good advice, her curiosity drove her forward. No, not only curiosity. There was also the longing. The feeling ran so deep that she herself couldn't fathom it, and it made her throw all caution to the wind.

Expectantly, she watched him circle the bed, but he said nothing until he himself sat on it, his back leaned against the wooden headrest. He wondered if he should tell her the truth or if that would only make it more difficult to resist. With a look on her curious face, he sighed. "You already know it, don't you? I shouldn't think of you in this way. I want to touch every centimeter of your skin, but I shouldn't."

He deliberately looked away from her to not imagine it while talking. It didn't help, as his ears picked up the sound of the blanket when she moved.

'Screw it', Katherine thought when she heard him talk again like this. 'It is always cannot, shouldn't and never when I talk to him, like he has no plans for us at all. But I have plans and I was never good at patience! I will find out how to do this when I try.'

Determined she just climbed on his lap so he couldn't run away again. Now he had to shove her if he wanted to be free, but she knew he wouldn't do that when she was still oh-so-weak.

Nathaniel hissed. She was so close that he felt her warm breath on his skin and he leaned backwards, but there was no place to flee to. Her weight was on his hips, an agonizing and arousing feeling.

"Katherine." His voice was breathless, lacking the usual commanding tone. "Don't. Don't touch me. Lay back down."

"I won't", she whispered back. Her eyes half hidden behind long lashes shimmered in the twilight, a wildness in them that still fought with the remaining shyness. "You shouldn't hold back from touching me. I think I would like to be touched. Just... do it gently?"

Under Nathaniel's intense gaze, her courage soon evaporated. Every word she spoke fed the fire of his eyes, till they turned akin to an inferno. He groaned. "You don't know what you are asking of me."

Afraid that she had seriously angered him this time, she wanted to move away, but there were suddenly hands on her thighs, holding her in place.

"Don't move." The authority was back in full swing, halting her like a net that wrapped around all her limbs. Katherine gasped when she felt one hand slip under her nightgown, caressing and kneading the flesh of her thigh. "You wonderful, dangerous woman."

The way he said it, it sounded almost like a curse. However, with all the emotions cursing through her body, she couldn't say why. His hands felt so good. They were erasing her thoughts and overwriting it with extasy. She wanted them all over her body.

A whimper escaped her throat when his other hand brushed past her breast. Then it was in her neck and guided her to look at him.

Through half-closed lids, she saw the heat in his eyes, the hard lines desire had carved into his face. His voice was rough. "There is so much I want to do with you. Most of it I can't realize, but I can touch you if that is what you want. To see you like this... is torture and relive at the same time."

Katherine's heart skipped a beat. She had no words to describe the emotions he invoked in her. Instead, she just stretched out her hands, longing for a kiss.

He caught them before they could reach his face. She saw something flicker past his eyes. Was it fear? It was gone too fast to identify. All she knew was that it made him gain back the control he had nearly lost. However, he didn't shove her away.

Taking a deep breath, he leaned forward, catching her gaze. Their faces were only ten centimeters apart. Katherine could smell his unique scent of coffee and firewood. She swallowed. She wanted those slim, soft lips on hers, to savor in his taste. But would he allow that?

"No touching me, remember?", he said solemnly. "Maybe I can fulfill your wishes if only you don't touch me. I'm also craving for it, but we have to be careful. So, promise me you won't do anything."

Someone fetch me some water, they make my throat go dry XD

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